
File "/home/hehecat/PycharmProjects/MxShop/MxShop/", line 23, in

from users.views import UserViewSet

File "/home/hehecat/PycharmProjects/MxShop/apps/users/", line 13, in

from users.models import EmailVerifyCode

File "/home/hehecat/PycharmProjects/MxShop/apps/users/", line 8, in

class UserProfile(AbstractUser):

File "/home/hehecat/anaconda3/envs/restful/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/db/models/", line 118, in new

"INSTALLED_APPS." % (module, name)

RuntimeError: Model class users.models.UserProfile doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.


根据提示去setting中的INSTALLED_APPS 看看


'users.apps.UsersConfig' 直接修改为‘users’,正确



class UsersConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'app.users'
verbose_name = '用户'

name修改name = 'users'为即可

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