Rectangle Intersection Test (with C#) by Sebastian Krysmanski

/// <summary>
/// Does axis separation test for a convex quadrilateral.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x1">Defines together with x2 the edge of quad1 to be checked whether its a separating axis.</param>
/// <param name="x2">Defines together with x1 the edge of quad1 to be checked whether its a separating axis.</param>
/// <param name="x3">One of the remaining two points of quad1.</param>
/// <param name="otherQuadPoints">The four points of the other quad.</param>
/// <returns>Returns <c>true</c>, if the specified edge is a separating axis (and the quadrilaterals therefor don't
/// intersect). Returns <c>false</c>, if it's not a separating axis.</returns>
bool DoAxisSeparationTest(Point x1, Point x2, Point x3, Point[] otherQuadPoints) {
  Vector vec = x2 - x1;
  Vector rotated = new Vector(-vec.Y, vec.X);
  bool refSide = (rotated.X * (x3.X - x1.X)
         + rotated.Y * (x3.Y - x1.Y)) >= ;
  foreach (Point pt in otherQuadPoints) {
    bool side = (rotated.X * (pt.X - x1.X)
          + rotated.Y * (pt.Y - x1.Y)) >= ;
    if (side == refSide) {
      // At least one point of the other quad is one the same side as x3. Therefor the specified edge can't be a
      // separating axis anymore.
      return false;
  // All points of the other quad are on the other side of the edge. Therefor the edge is a separating axis and
  // the quads don't intersect.
  return true;

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