Input 事件驱动:  (主要文件 :drivers/input/evdev.c  、  drivers/input/input.h)基于kernel 4.0 

一、 关键函数调用顺序:

1、input_register_handler(&evdev_handler); ///注册 evdev_handler 这个input事件驱evdev.c   


2、input_attach_handler(dev, handler);////input 设备和 input 事件进行匹配   input.h


3、handler->connect(handler, dev, id);///调用evdev_handler 的 connect 函数(.connect = evdev_connect


4、evdev_connect(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev,

const struct input_device_id *id)


5、cdev_init(&evdev->cdev, &evdev_fops);//// 初始化一个 cdev


6、device_add(&evdev->dev);///把初始化好的 evdev 添加到内核


  在系统启动时系统会注册input事件驱动 evdev_handler,通过遍历系统中已经存在input设备,并与之进行匹配,匹配成功即条用connect函数





 static struct input_handler evdev_handler = {
.event = evdev_event,
.events = evdev_events,
.connect = evdev_connect,
.disconnect = evdev_disconnect,
.legacy_minors = true,
.minor = EVDEV_MINOR_BASE,///次设备号从64开始
.name = "evdev",
.id_table = evdev_ids,
}; static int __init evdev_init(void)
return input_register_handler(&evdev_handler); ///注册 evdev_handler 这个input事件驱动
 int input_register_handler(struct input_handler *handler)///把input 事件驱动注册到内核
struct input_dev *dev;
int error; error = mutex_lock_interruptible(&input_mutex);
if (error)
return error; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&handler->h_list);///初始化链表头,把链表的前和后都指向它自己 list_add_tail(&handler->node, &input_handler_list);///把 handler的 node 加到 input_handler_list这个双向链表,之后就可以通过这个链表访问所有的input_handler list_for_each_entry(dev, &input_dev_list, node)
input_attach_handler(dev, handler);////inout 设备和 input 事件进行匹配 input_wakeup_procfs_readers(); mutex_unlock(&input_mutex);
return ;
 static int input_attach_handler(struct input_dev *dev, struct input_handler *handler)
const struct input_device_id *id;
int error; id = input_match_device(handler, dev);///input_dev 和 input_handler 通过id_table进行匹配
if (!id)
return -ENODEV; error = handler->connect(handler, dev, id);///如果返回id不为空就执行handler 的 connect ---> 调用 evdev.c 的 connect 函数
if (error && error != -ENODEV)
pr_err("failed to attach handler %s to device %s, error: %d\n",
handler->name, kobject_name(&dev->dev.kobj), error); return error;
* Create new evdev device. Note that input core serializes calls
* to connect and disconnect.
static int evdev_connect(struct input_handler *handler, struct input_dev *dev,
const struct input_device_id *id)
struct evdev *evdev;
int minor;
int dev_no;
int error; minor = input_get_new_minor(EVDEV_MINOR_BASE, EVDEV_MINORS, true);//动态分配一个新的设备号minor
if (minor < ) {
error = minor;
pr_err("failed to reserve new minor: %d\n", error);
return error;
} evdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct evdev), GFP_KERNEL);///初始化evdev ,为evdev分配空间
if (!evdev) {
error = -ENOMEM;
goto err_free_minor;
} INIT_LIST_HEAD(&evdev->client_list);///初始化队列
evdev->exist = true; dev_no = minor;
/* Normalize device number if it falls into legacy range */
dev_set_name(&evdev->dev, "event%d", dev_no);///给设备设置名字(event0、event1、...) evdev-> = input_get_device(dev);
evdev-> = dev_name(&evdev->dev);
evdev->handle.handler = handler;
evdev->handle.private = evdev; evdev->dev.devt = MKDEV(INPUT_MAJOR, minor);////根据主设备号(主设备号都是13)和次设备号生成一个设备号(次设备号从64开始)
evdev->dev.class = &input_class;
evdev->dev.parent = &dev->dev;
evdev->dev.release = evdev_free;
device_initialize(&evdev->dev);///对设备进行初始化 error = input_register_handle(&evdev->handle);///注册 handle,handle 用来关联 input_dev 和 input_handler
if (error)
goto err_free_evdev; cdev_init(&evdev->cdev, &evdev_fops);//// 初始化一个 cdev
evdev->cdev.kobj.parent = &evdev->dev.kobj;
error = cdev_add(&evdev->cdev, evdev->dev.devt, );
if (error)
goto err_unregister_handle; error = device_add(&evdev->dev);///把初始化好的 evdev 添加到内核
if (error)
goto err_cleanup_evdev; return ; err_cleanup_evdev:
return error;

如下图 ,在linux 系统上 /dev/input这个路径下可以看到已经注册好的input设备节点,input设备的主设备号都是13,其中


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