C# 多线程网络通信
博客园 :梦工厂2012
本月由于事情太多,没能有太多的时间去写博客.不过还好在月底抽时间写了这个多线程网络通信的程序 .程序说明:控制端 创建一个写线程threadWrite和一个读线程threadRead ,写线程用于向控制端发送操控指令.读线程用于读取被控制端姿态数据.这里C# 编写了一个模拟被控端ServerConsole .源代码如下,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;
using System.Timers;
using System.Threading; namespace ServerConsole
class Program
private static Thread threadWrite;
static int send_num = ;
static NetworkStream streamToClient, streamFromClient; static void Main(string[] args)
ushort[] data=new ushort[];
const int BufferSize = ;
int received_num = ;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
int bytesRead;
Console.WriteLine("Server is runing"); IPAddress ip = new IPAddress(new byte[]{,,,});
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(ip, ); listener.Start();
Console.WriteLine("Start listening");
TcpClient remoteClient = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); //Receive the request of connection
// 打印连接到的客户端信息
Console.WriteLine("Client Connected!{0} <-- {1}", remoteClient.Client.LocalEndPoint, remoteClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint);
streamToClient = remoteClient.GetStream();
streamFromClient = remoteClient.GetStream(); /*--------------------------------Creat the write thread----------------------------------------*/
threadWrite = new Thread(new ThreadStart(write));
Console.WriteLine("实例化线程"); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Handshaking(); //Hand shake ,与上位机进行握手 while(true)
{ try
bytesRead = streamFromClient.Read(buffer, , BufferSize);
if (bytesRead == ) throw new Exception("读取到0字节"); Console.WriteLine("Reading data,{0}bytes...", bytesRead); ushort temp = checksum(buffer, );
if (temp == ((ushort)buffer[] + (ushort)(buffer[] << )))
data[] = (ushort)(buffer[] + (buffer[] << ));
data[] = (ushort)(buffer[] + (buffer[] << ));
data[] = (ushort)(buffer[] + (buffer[] << ));
data[] = (ushort)(buffer[] + (buffer[] << ));
Console.WriteLine("The result is {0},{1},{2},{3},接收{4},发送{5}.", data[], data[], data[], data[],received_num,send_num);
Console.WriteLine("校验不正确!"); }
catch (Exception ex)
} //while Console.WriteLine("\n输入Q键退出,其他键继续!");
ConsoleKey key; key = Console.ReadKey(true).Key;
if (key == ConsoleKey.Q)
received_num = ;
send_num = ;
} //whlie
} //main private static void write()
byte[] send_byte = new byte[];
while (true)
for (int i = ; i < ;i++ )
send_byte[i] = (byte);
ushort temp = checksum(send_byte, );
send_byte[] = (byte)(temp & 0x00ff); //low
send_byte[] = (byte)((temp & 0xff00) >> ); //high
streamToClient.Write(send_byte, , send_byte.Length); // 发往客户端
catch (Exception x)
} /// <summary>
/// 与 上位机进行握手
/// </summary>
private static void Handshaking()
byte[] buffer = new byte[];
lock (streamFromClient)
int bytesRead = streamFromClient.Read(buffer, , );
Console.WriteLine("Reading data,{0}bytes...", bytesRead);
if (buffer[] == 0x41)
Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, , buffer.Length));
buffer[] = 0x42;
lock (streamToClient)
streamToClient.Write(buffer, , buffer.Length);
Console.WriteLine("sent;{0}", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, , buffer.Length)); if(!threadWrite.IsAlive)
Console.WriteLine("start the write thread ");
} }
} /// <summary>
/// CRC16校验函数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array"></param>
/// <param name="Len"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static ushort CRC16(char[] array, int Len)
int CRC;
UInt16 IX, IY;
CRC = 0xffff; //set all 1
for (IX = ; IX < Len; IX++)
{ CRC = CRC ^ (UInt16)(array[IX]);
for (IY = ; IY <= ; IY++)
if ((CRC & ) != )
CRC = (CRC >> ) ^ 0xA001;
CRC = CRC >> ;
} }
return (ushort)CRC;
} //checksum校验
private static ushort checksum(byte[] array, int Len)
ushort check_sum = , i;
//char temp[8];
for (i = ; i < Len; i += )
check_sum += (ushort)((array[i + ] << ) + array[i]);
return check_sum;
} }
代码简介:代码写的用点乱,大家将就看吧. 主程序用于接收 控制数据 ,如外我创建一个写线程用于向控制端数据.这里收到的数据我全部写为 (byte)1,发送的数据全部写为(byte)2 ,校验采用累加和校验 .被控端与操控端采用0x41 0x42 进行简单的握手,其实感觉是有点多于了.操控端与被控端没有太大的区别,数据通信部分是相同的,创建连接的代码有点不同.
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(url_conrtol, Convert.ToInt32(portNumber)); // 与服务器连接
streamToServer = client.GetStream();
读写过程 与上面帖的代码相同.
在程序编写过程中,我使用多线程和networkstream 的read,write对流的读写,因为是单机点对点通信并没有发现有什么问题(read 阻塞 ,write 不阻塞 ),read 阻塞不影响发送 . 网上有资料说: Write 和 Read 方法用于简单的单线程同步阻止 I/O。若要使用不同的线程来处理 I/O,则请考虑使用BeginWrite 和 EndWrite 方法,或 BeginRead 和 EndRead 方法进行通信。程序中用用于lock关键字,具体是否起到作用,本人仍在查找资料.
每个程序都是本人花费一定的时间经过多次修改所得,直到程序最优,有些看似简单的问题其实一点也不简单!!博文为本人所写转载请表明出处C# 多线程网络通信
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