1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  3. clear all;clc;
  4. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  5. % haemodynamic response function: BOLD signal has stereotyped shape every
  6. % time a stimulus hits it. We usually use the spm_hrf.m in SPM toolbox to
  7. % produce HRF. Here, we use the 29 vector to represent HRF from 0 s to
  8. % 28 s. In this simulation, we suppose TR=1 s.
  10. HRF = [0 0.004 0.043 0.121 0.188 0.211 0.193 0.153 0.108 0.069 0.038 0.016 0.001 -0.009 -0.015 -0.018 -0.019 -0.018 -0.015 -0.013 -0.010 -0.008 -0.006 -0.004 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001];
  11. % We will plot its shape with figure 1:
  12. figure(1)
  13. % here is the x-coordinates
  14. t = [0:28];
  15. plot(t,HRF,'d-');
  16. grid on;
  17. xlabel('Time (s)');
  18. ylabel('fMRI respond');
  19. title('haemodynamic response function (HRF)');



  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. % Suppose that our scan for 120 s, we will have 120 point (because TR = 1
  3. % s). If a stimulus onset at t=20 s, we can use a vector to represent this
  4. % stimulation.
  5. onset_1 = [zeros(1,19) 1 zeros(1,100)];
  6. % i.e. the whole vector is maked with 19 zeros, a single 1, and then 100
  7. % zeros. As we have the stimulus onset vector and HRF we can convolve them.
  8. % In Matlab, the command to convolve two vectors is "conv":
  9. conv_1 = conv(HRF,onset_1);
  10. % Let's plot the result in figure 2
  11. figure(2);
  12. % This figure will have 2 rows of subplots.
  13. subplot(2,1,1);
  14. % "Stem" is a good function for showing discrete events:
  15. stem(onset_1);
  16. grid on;
  17. xlabel('Time (s)');
  18. ylabel('Stimulus onset');
  19. subplot(2,1,2);
  20. plot(conv_1,'rx-');
  21. grid on;
  22. xlabel('Time (s)');
  23. ylabel('fMRI signal');



  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. % Usually, we have repeat a task many times in a run. If three stimulus
  3. % onsets at t=20, 50, 80 s, we also can use a vector to represent this
  4. % stimulation.
  5. onset_2 = [zeros(1,19) 1 zeros(1,29) 1 zeros(1,29) 1 zeros(1,20)];
  6. % Here we use the conv again:
  7. conv_2 = conv(HRF,onset_2);
  8. % Let's plot the result in figure 3
  9. figure(3);
  10. % This figure will have 2 rows of subplots.
  11. subplot(2,1,1);
  12. % "Stem" is a good function for showing discrete events:
  13. stem(onset_2);
  14. grid on;
  15. xlabel('Time (s)');
  16. ylabel('Stimulus onset');
  17. subplot(2,1,2);
  18. plot(conv_2,'rx-');
  19. grid on;
  20. xlabel('Time (s)');
  21. ylabel('fMRI signal');



  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. % Now let's think about the fast event design. In this condition, we will
  3. % have many task during a short time. If three stimulus onsets at t=20, 25,
  4. % 30 s:
  5. onset_3 = [zeros(1,19) 1 zeros(1,4) 1 zeros(1,4) 1 zeros(1,70)];
  6. conv_3 = conv(HRF,onset_3);
  7. figure(4);
  8. subplot(2,1,1);
  9. stem(onset_3);
  10. grid on;
  11. xlabel('Time (s)');
  12. ylabel('Stimulus onset');
  13. subplot(2,1,2);
  14. plot(conv_3,'rx-');
  15. grid on;
  16. xlabel('Time (s)');
  17. ylabel('fMRI signal');


  1. % The three events are so closed, the result signal is like a blocked
  2. % design. Such as:
  3. onset_4 = [zeros(1,19) ones(1,11) zeros(1,70)]*(3/11);
  4. conv_4 = conv(HRF,onset_4);
  5. figure(5);
  6. subplot(2,1,1);
  7. stem(onset_4);
  8. grid on;
  9. xlabel('Time (s)');
  10. ylabel('Stimulus onset');
  11. subplot(2,1,2);
  12. plot(conv_4,'rx-');
  13. % We will compare the result
  14. hold on; % plot more than one time on a figure
  15. plot(conv_3,'bx-');
  16. grid on;
  17. xlabel('Time (s)');
  18. ylabel('fMRI signal');



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