// PG精简版
(function() {
var PG = {
iosBridge: null,
callbackId: 0,
callbacks: [],
commandQueue: [],
commandQueueFlushing: false
ua = navigator.userAgent,
isIOS = (ua.indexOf("iPhone") > -1 || ua.indexOf("iPad") > -1 || ua.indexOf("iPod") > -1) ? true : false;
PG.getAndClearQueuedCommands = function () {
var commandQueue_json = JSON.stringify(PG.commandQueue);
PG.commandQueue = [];
return commandQueue_json;
}; PG.exec = function(method, callback, args) {
var callbackId = '';
if (typeof(callback) == "undefined") {
callback = null;
if (typeof(args) == "undefined") {
args = {};
} if (callback && typeof(callback) == 'function') {
callbackId = method + PG.callbackId++;
PG.callbacks[callbackId] = callback;
} var obj = {
Method: method,
CallbackId: callbackId,
Args: args
}; if (isIOS) {
if (PG.iosBridge == null) {
PG.iosBridge = document.createElement("iframe");
PG.iosBridge.setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
PG.iosBridge.setAttribute("height", "0px");
PG.iosBridge.setAttribute("width", "0px");
PG.iosBridge.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
} PG.commandQueue.push(JSON.stringify(obj));
if (!PG.commandQueueFlushing) {
PG.iosBridge.src = 'pg://ready';
} } else if (window.comjs) {
// android
window.comjs.notify('pg://' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(obj)));
} else {
} }; PG.callback = function(callbackId, args) {
if (PG.callbacks[callbackId]) {
try {
var temp = decodeURIComponent(args),
obj = JSON.parse(temp); PG.callbacks[callbackId](obj); } catch (e) {
console.log("Error in success callback: " + callbackId + " = " + e);
} delete PG.callbacks[callbackId]; }
}; if (typeof(window) === "object" && typeof(window.document) === "object") {
window.PG = PG;
} })();


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    前提 记一次多页面开发. 开发需求时会对页面刷新(reload),返回到上一页(用户返回 / history.go()) 页面间的通信 sessionStorage保存本次会话的信息,同步到新页面或上 ...

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