1 show databases;
2 desc t_partition001;
3 desc extended t_partition002;
4 desc formatted t_partition002;
5 !clear;
6 !ls;
7 dfs -ls /;

2 DML操作


load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/t_partitioned' into table t_partition001 partition(country="Japan");

load data inpath '/t_partitioned' into table t_partition001 partition(country="Japan");


load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/stu_partition2' overwrite into table stu_partition partition(city="China");


create table t_1 like stu_partition;


insert overwrite table t_1 partition(city='Japan') select id,name,age from stu_partition;

-- 导出数据insert overwrite local directory '/root/hivedata/data' select * from student;
insert overwrite directory '/root/hivedata/data' select * from student;

3 multi insert 多重插入

4 Dynamic partition inserts  动态分区插入

5 自动分区模式

set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;


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