man chomd


xgqfrms-mbp:~ xgqfrms-mbp$ man chmod and entries will be removed regardless of their inherited state. If the user or group name contains spaces you can use ':' as the
delimiter Example
# chmod +a "User 1:allow:read" file =a# Individual entries are rewritten using the =a# mode. Examples
# ls -le
-rw-r--r--+ 1 juser wheel 0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
owner: juser
1: admin allow delete
# chmod =a# 1 "admin allow write,chown"
# ls -le
-rw-r--r--+ 1 juser wheel 0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
owner: juser
1: admin allow write,chown This mode may not be used to add new entries. -E Reads the ACL information from stdin, as a sequential list of
ACEs, separated by newlines. If the information parses cor-
rectly, the existing information is replaced. -C Returns false if any of the named files have ACLs in non-canoni-
cal order. -i Removes the 'inherited' bit from all entries in the named file(s)
ACLs. -I Removes all inherited entries from the named file(s) ACL(s). -N Removes the ACL from the named file(s). COMPATIBILITY
The -v option is non-standard and its use in scripts is not recommended. SEE ALSO
chflags(1), fsaclctl(1), install(1), chmod(2), stat(2), umask(2), fts(3),
setmode(3), symlink(7), chown(8), mount(8), sticky(8) STANDARDS
The chmod utility is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (``POSIX.2'') compat-
ible with the exception of the perm symbol ``t'' which is not included in
that standard. HISTORY
A chmod command appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX. BSD July 08, 2004 BSD

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