
  题目给了我们一组 xy 上的点坐标,让我们找出 能组成矩形里最小面积的那个。

  首先遍历所有的点,把x 坐标当作key 存入map, 把重复的y坐标 组成set,当作value 存入map。

  然后遍历所有的点,找出 对角的两个点, 再去map里确认是否存在剩下的两个对角点,计算面积,一直保留最小的那个面积。

Java Solution:

Runtime: 214 ms, faster than 78.80%

Memory Usage: 61.5 MB, less than 5.97%



class Solution {
public int minAreaRect(int[][] points) {
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();
int minArea = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // save each point into map by key as x, value as multiple y
for(int[] point : points)
map.put(point[0], new HashSet<>()); map.get(point[0]).add(point[1]);
} // find 2 diagonal points and then find the other 2 diagonal points to calculate the area
for(int[] point1 : points)
for(int[] point2: points)
if(point1[0] == point2[0] || point1[1] == point2[1]) // if point1 and point2 are not diagonal
continue; if(map.get(point1[0]).contains(point2[1]) && map.get(point2[0]).contains(point1[1])) // if find the other 2 diagonal points
minArea = Math.min(minArea, Math.abs(point2[0] - point1[0]) * Math.abs(point2[1] - point1[1]));
} return minArea == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : minArea;


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