- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- import subprocess
- from threading import Timer
- import time
- import os
- import sys
- if == 'posix':
- def become_daemon(our_home_dir='.', out_log='/dev/null',
- err_log='/dev/null', umask=0o022):
- "Robustly turn into a UNIX daemon, running in our_home_dir."
- # First fork
- try:
- if os.fork() > 0:
- sys.exit(0) # kill off parent
- except OSError as e:
- sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
- sys.exit(1)
- os.setsid()
- os.chdir(our_home_dir)
- os.umask(umask)
- # Second fork
- try:
- if os.fork() > 0:
- os._exit(0)
- except OSError as e:
- sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
- os._exit(1)
- si = open('/dev/null', 'r')
- so = open(out_log, 'a+', 0)
- se = open(err_log, 'a+', 0)
- os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
- os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
- os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
- # Set custom file descriptors so that they get proper buffering.
- sys.stdout, sys.stderr = so, se
- else:
- def become_daemon(our_home_dir='.', out_log=None, err_log=None, umask=0o022):
- """
- If we're not running under a POSIX system, just simulate the daemon
- mode by doing redirections and directory changing.
- """
- os.chdir(our_home_dir)
- os.umask(umask)
- sys.stdin.close()
- sys.stdout.close()
- sys.stderr.close()
- if err_log:
- sys.stderr = open(err_log, 'a', 0)
- else:
- sys.stderr = NullDevice()
- if out_log:
- sys.stdout = open(out_log, 'a', 0)
- else:
- sys.stdout = NullDevice()
- class NullDevice:
- "A writeable object that writes to nowhere -- like /dev/null."
- def write(self, s):
- pass
- def outputLog(sLog):
- print sLog
- def toLog(sLog):
- sInfo = time.strftime("%y%m%d %H:%M:%S")
- sInfo += sLog
- outputLog(sInfo)
- def Log_Info(sLog):
- toLog('Info\t' + sLog)
- def Log_Error(sLog):
- toLog('error\t' + sLog)
- def Log_Debug(sLog):
- toLog('debug\t' + sLog)
- class TimerRunner:
- '''
- '''
- nTimeScds = 2 #时间间隔
- sCmd = 'calc'
- oTm = None
- @classmethod
- def becomeDaemonize(cls):
- become_daemon()
- @classmethod
- def RunCmd(cls):
- oSubPcs = subprocess.Popen(cls.sCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
- while True:
- nReturnCode = oSubPcs.poll()
- if 0 == nReturnCode:
- Log_Info(
- break
- elif 0 > nReturnCode:
- Log_Error(
- break
- @classmethod
- def timerFun(cls):
- Log_Info("go to timer fun")
- cls.initTimer()
- cls.oTm.start() #再次启动计时,放在runcmd函数前,保证时间的准确性
- cls.RunCmd()
- Log_Info("exit timer fun")
- @classmethod
- def initTimer(cls):
- cls.oTm = Timer(cls.nTimeScds, cls.timerFun)
- @classmethod
- def run(cls):
- cls.initTimer()
- cls.timerFun()
- cls.becomeDaemonize()
- def main():
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