Intel Developer Forum
Intel Developer Forum

The Fall 2007 Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco.
Intel Developer Forum (IDF), is a gathering of technologists to discuss Intel products and products based around Intel products. The first IDF was in 1997. There is usually a Spring IDF and a Fall IDF.
To emphasize the importance of China, the Spring 2007 IDF was held in Beijing instead of San Francisco, and that San Francisco and Taipei will share the Fall IDF event in September and October, respectively. Three IDF shows were scheduled in 2008; with the date of IDF San Francisco notably moving to August rather than September. In previous years, events were held in major cities across the world such as San Francisco, Mumbai, Bangalore, Moscow, Cairo, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, Munich andTokyo.
2007 events[edit]
- April 17–18, 2007 - Beijing, PRC
- September 18–20, 2007 - San Francisco, USA
- October 15–16, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan
2008 events[edit]
- April 2–3, 2008 - Shanghai, PRC
- August 19–21, 2008 - San Francisco, USA
- October 20–21, 2008 - Taipei, Taiwan
2009 events[edit]
- April 8–9, 2009 - Beijing, PRC
- September 22–24, 2009 - San Francisco, USA
- November 16–17, 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan
2010 events[edit]
- April 13–14, 2010 - Beijing, PRC
- September 13–15, 2010 - San Francisco, USA
2011 events[edit]
- April 12–13, 2011 - Beijing, PRC
- September 13–15, 2011 - San Francisco, USA
2012 events[edit]
- April 11–12, 2012 - Beijing, China
- May 15, 2012 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
- September 11–13, 2012 - San Francisco, USA
2013 events[edit]
- April 10–11, 2013 - Beijing, China
- September 10–12, 2013 - San Francisco, USA
External links[edit]
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