1146. Maximum Sum

Time limit: 0.5 second
Memory limit: 64 MB
Given a 2-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, find the sub-rectangle with the largest sum. The sum of a rectangle is the sum of all the elements in that rectangle. In this problem the sub-rectangle with the largest sum is referred to as the maximal sub-rectangle. A sub-rectangle is any contiguous sub-array of size 1 × 1 or greater located within the whole array.
As an example, the maximal sub-rectangle of the array:
0 −2 −7 0
9 2 −6 2
−4 1 −4 1
−1 8 0 −2
is in the lower-left-hand corner and has the sum of 15.


The input consists of an N × N array of integers. The input begins with a single positive integerN on a line by itself indicating the size of the square two dimensional array. This is followed byN 2 integers separated by white-space (newlines and spaces). These N 2 integers make up the array in row-major order (i.e., all numbers on the first row, left-to-right, then all numbers on the second row, left-to-right, etc.). N may be as large as 100. The numbers in the array will be in the range [−127, 127].


The output is the sum of the maximal sub-rectangle.


input output
0 -2 -7 0
9 2 -6 2
-4 1 -4 1
-1 8 0 -2


压缩 然后最大连续子序列  dp[i]=dp[i-1]<0?a[i]:dp[i-1]+a[i]

一开始压缩的时候没用前缀和,n^4 貌似过不了,后来用前缀和优化到n^3

下面代码中dp 的空间也可以优化,这里没有优化.

/* ***********************************************
Author :guanjun
Created Time :2016/10/7 13:50:13
File Name :timus1146.cpp
************************************************ */
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ull unsigned long long
#define ll long long
#define mod 90001
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define maxn 10010
#define cle(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
const ull inf = 1LL << ;
const double eps=1e-;
using namespace std;
priority_queue<int,vector<int>,greater<int> >pq;
struct Node{
int x,y;
struct cmp{
bool operator()(Node a,Node b){
if(a.x==b.x) return a.y> b.y;
return a.x>b.x;
}; bool cmp(int a,int b){
return a>b;
int a[][],n;
int sum[][];
int dp[];
int main()
for(int i=;i<=n;i++){
for(int j=;j<=n;j++){
int Max=-INF;
//dp 求最大连续子序列 dp[i]代表以i为结尾的最大连续子序列的长度
for(int i=;i<=n;i++){
for(int j=;j<=i;j++){
for(int k=;k<=n;k++){
int tmp=sum[k][i]-sum[k][j-];
else dp[k]=tmp+dp[k-];
return ;

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