Akka-CQRS(4)- CQRS Writer Actor 示范
//helper functions
object RunPOSCommand {
def unapply(arg: POSCommand) = if (cmdFilter(persistenceId,arg,vchState,vchItems,sender())) Some(arg) else None
} def cmdFilter(terminalid: String, cmd: POSCommand, state: VchStates, txns: VchItems, router: ActorRef): Boolean = cmd match {
case LogOn(opr, passwd) => //only allowed in logOffState
if (!txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //in the middle of process
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"禁止用户登陆!终端 ${terminalid} 有未完成单据。", state, List())
} else{
if (validateUser(opr, passwd).isDefined) true
else {
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$terminalid: 用户 ${opr} 登陆失败!", state, List())
case LogOff => //only allowed in logOnState
if (!txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //in the middle of process
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"禁止用户退出!终端 ${terminalid} 有未完成单据。", state, List())
} else true case VoidAll => //allowed in logOnState and paymentState
if (txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //no valid sales
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"全单取消失败!终端 ${terminalid} 本单无任何有效销售记录。", state, txns.txnitems)
} else true case OfflinePay(acct,num,amt) =>
if (txns.totalSales.abs == ) { // no valid sales. void,refund neg values could produce zero
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"支付失败!终端 ${terminalid} 应付金额为零。", state, List())
} else {
if(validateAcct(acct).isDefined) true
else {
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"支付失败!终端 ${terminalid} 账号{$acct}不存在。", state, List())
case Subtotal =>
if (txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //in the middle of process
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"小计操作失败!终端 ${terminalid} 无任何销售记录。", state, List())
} else true
case VCBalance(_,_,_) => true
case MemberOn(_,_) => true
case MemberOff => true
case VoucherNum(_) => true
private def logOffState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOn(opr, _)) =>
persistEvent(LogOned(opr,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
//starting seqenceNr for any voucher. no action logged before login
vchState = sts._1.copy(jseq = lastSequenceNr + 1);
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户{$opr}成功登陆。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case PassivatePOS =>
log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} got passivate message and stopping ... ***********")
context.parent ! PoisonPill case _ =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"操作失败!终端 ${persistenceId} 用户未登陆。", vchState, List())
private def logOnState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOff) =>
persistEvent(LogOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val user = vchState.opr
val sts = updateState(evt,vchState,vchItems)
vchState = sts._1; vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //state of last voucher
//手工passivate shard ! ShardRegion.Passivate(PassivatePOS)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户 $user 成功退出。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
context.unbecome() //switch to logOffState
} case RunPOSCommand(SuperOn(su,_)) =>
persistEvent(SuperOned(su,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 转到管理模式{$su}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
private def logOnState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOff) =>
persistEvent(LogOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val user = vchState.opr
val sts = updateState(evt,vchState,vchItems)
vchState = sts._1; vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //state of last voucher
//手工passivate shard ! ShardRegion.Passivate(PassivatePOS)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户 $user 成功退出。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
context.unbecome() //switch to logOffState
} case RunPOSCommand(SuperOn(su,_)) =>
persistEvent(SuperOned(su,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 转到管理模式{$su}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
private def logOnState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOff) =>
persistEvent(LogOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val user = vchState.opr
val sts = updateState(evt,vchState,vchItems)
vchState = sts._1; vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //state of last voucher
//手工passivate shard ! ShardRegion.Passivate(PassivatePOS)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户 $user 成功退出。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
context.unbecome() //switch to logOffState
} case RunPOSCommand(SuperOn(su,_)) =>
persistEvent(SuperOned(su,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 转到管理模式{$su}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
//first payment in a voucher
case RunPOSCommand(OfflinePay(acct,num, amount)) =>
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. stay in logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
else context.become(paymentState) //switch into paymentState
} private def paymentState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(OfflinePay(acct,num, amount)) =>
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head)) if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. return to logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
context.unbecome() //logOnState
// else wait for other payments and stay in logOnState
注意上面代码里的context.become,saveSnapshot, 它们分别代表状态转换及一单的终结。
在实现写端时不得不考虑读端Reader-Actor的一些实现方式:这是个收银机软件,以一张销售单为单元,单中有多条交易记录(在例子里是多条收银动作记录),后面的操作记录可能会影响前面记录的状态,如:后面的冲销前面的、后面输入一条折扣指令等,不过单与单之间没有任何瓜葛。前面提到过:我们不想在写端来处理任何业务逻辑,所以对每单中项目状态处理就移到了读端。具体做法是这样的:写端完成一单操作后通知Reader-Actor,并把本单的开始sequenceNr和结束sequenceNr传给Reader-Actor, Reader用静态流方式读取事件,维护本单状态并对单内所有项目状态进行更新并恢复到规定的交易记录格式,最终把所有交易项目写到目标数据库表。假设有一个POSRouter负责派送指令给Writer-Actor,我们同样可以把完成写单据的信息传送给这个POSRouter, 然后由它分配调度Reader-Actor。POSRouter+Reader-Actor可以是cluster-loadbalance模式的。写端存入日志的数据包括每一个动作的类型和详细的数据,如SalesLogged(txnitem), SalesLogged是事件类型,txnItem是事件数据:
case class TxnItem(
txndate: String = LocalDate.now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd"))
,txntime: String = LocalDateTime.now.format(dateTimeFormatter).substring(11)
,opr: String = ""//工号
,num: Int = 0 //销售单号
,seq: Int = 1 //交易序号
,txntype: Int = TXNTYPE.sales//交易类型
,salestype: Int = SALESTYPE.plu //销售类型
,qty: Int = 1 //交易数量
,price: Int = 0 //单价(分)
,amount: Int = 0 //码洋(分)
,dscamt: Int = 0 //折扣:负值 net实洋 = amount + dscamt
,member: String = "" //会员卡号
,code: String = "" //编号(商品、账号...)
,desc: String = "" //项目名称
,dpt: String = ""
,department: String = ""
,cat: String = ""
,category: String = ""
,brd: String = ""
,brand: String = ""
object Commands { case object PassivatePOS //passivate message
case class DebugMode(debug: Boolean) sealed trait POSCommand {} case class LogOn(opr: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case object LogOff extends POSCommand
case class SuperOn(su: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case object SuperOff extends POSCommand
case class MemberOn(cardnum: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case object MemberOff extends POSCommand //remove member status for the voucher
case object RefundOn extends POSCommand
case object RefundOff extends POSCommand
case object VoidOn extends POSCommand
case object VoidOff extends POSCommand
case object VoidAll extends POSCommand
case object Suspend extends POSCommand case class VoucherNum(vnum: Int) extends POSCommand case class LogSales(salesType: Int, dpt: String, code: String, qty: Int, price: Int) extends POSCommand
case object Subtotal extends POSCommand
case class Discount(code: String, percent: Int) extends POSCommand case class OfflinePay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand //settlement 结算支付
//read only command, no event process
case class VCBalance(acct: String, num: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case class VCPay(acct: String, num: String, passwd: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand
case class AliPay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand
case class WxPay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand // read only command, no update event
case class Plu(itemCode: String) extends POSCommand //read only } object Events { sealed trait POSEvent {} case class LogOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object LogOned {
def apply(op: String, vs: VchStates): LogOned = LogOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.logon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
opr = op,
code = op
case class LogOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object LogOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): LogOffed = LogOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.logon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
case class SuperOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object SuperOned {
def apply(su: String, vs: VchStates): SuperOned = SuperOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.supon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
code = su
case class SuperOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object SuperOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): SuperOffed = SuperOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.supon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd
case class MemberOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object MemberOned {
def apply(cardnum: String,vs: VchStates): MemberOned = MemberOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
member = cardnum
case class MemberOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent //remove member status for the voucher
object MemberOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): MemberOffed = MemberOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
member = vs.mbr
case class RefundOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object RefundOned {
def apply(vs: VchStates): RefundOned = RefundOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.refund
case class RefundOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object RefundOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): RefundOffed = RefundOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.refund
case class VoidOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object VoidOned {
def apply(vs: VchStates): VoidOned = VoidOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.void
case class VoidOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object VoidOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): VoidOffed = VoidOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.void
} case class NewVoucher(vnum: Int) extends POSEvent //新单, reminder for read-side to set new vnum
case class EndVoucher(vnum: Int) extends POSEvent //单据终结标示
case class VoidVoucher(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object VoidVoucher {
def apply(vs: VchStates): VoidVoucher = VoidVoucher(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.voidall
case class SuspVoucher(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object SuspVoucher {
def apply(vs: VchStates): SuspVoucher = SuspVoucher(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.suspend
} case class VoucherNumed(fnum: Int, tnum: Int) extends POSEvent case class SalesLogged(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
case class Subtotaled(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object Subtotaled {
def apply(vs: VchStates, vi: VchItems): Subtotaled = {
val (cnt,tqty,tamt,tdsc) = vi.subTotal Subtotaled(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.sub,
qty = tqty,
amount = tamt,
dscamt = tdsc,
price = cnt
case class Discounted(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
case class Payment(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent //settlement 结算支付
object Payment {
def apply(acct: String, num: String, vs: VchStates): Payment = Payment(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.ttl,
dpt = acct,
code = num
} }
object Responses { object STATUS {
val OK: Int = 0
val FAIL: Int = -1
} case class POSResponse (sts: Int, msg: String, voucher: VchStates, txnItems: List[TxnItem])
package pos.dao import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter case class Item(
brd: String
,dpt: String
,cat: String
,code: String
,name: String
,price: Int )
object Items {
val apple = Item("01","02","01","001", "green apple", 820)
val grape = Item("01","02","01","002", "red grape", 1050)
val orage = Item("01","02","01","003", "sunkist orage", 350)
val banana = Item("01","02","01","004", "demon banana", 300)
val pineapple = Item("01","02","01","005", "hainan pineapple", 1300)
val peach = Item("01","02","01","006", "xinjiang peach", 2390) val tblItems = List(apple, grape, orage, banana, pineapple, peach) sealed trait QueryItemsResult {} case class QueryItemsOK(items: List[Item]) extends QueryItemsResult case class QueryItemsFail(msg: String) extends QueryItemsResult } object Codes {
case class User(code: String, name: String, passwd: String)
case class Department(code: String, name: String)
case class Category(code: String, name: String)
case class Brand(code: String, name: String)
case class Ra(code: String, name: String)
case class Account(code: String, name: String)
case class Disc(code: String, best: Boolean, aggr: Boolean, group: Boolean) val ras = List(Ra("01","Delivery"),Ra("02","Cooking"))
val dpts = List(Department("01","Fruit"),Department("02","Grocery"))
val cats = List(Category("0101","Fresh Fruit"),Category("0201","Dry Grocery"))
val brds = List(Brand("01","Sunkist"),Brand("02","Demon"))
val accts = List(Account("001","Cash"),Account("002","Value Card"), Account("003", "Visa")
,Account("004","Alipay"),Account("005","WXPay")) val users = List(User("1001","Tiger", "123"),User("1002","John", "123"),User("1003","Maria", "123")) def getDpt(code: String) = dpts.find(d => d.code == code)
def getCat(code: String) = cats.find(d => d.code == code)
def getBrd(code: String) = brds.find(b => b.code == code)
def getAcct(code: String) = accts.find(a => a.code == code)
def getRa(code: String) = ras.find(a => a.code == code)
} object DAO {
import Items._
import Codes._ def getItem(code: String): QueryItemsResult = {
val optItem = tblItems.find(it => it.code == code)
optItem match {
case Some(item) => QueryItemsOK(List(item))
case None => QueryItemsFail("Invalid item code!")
} def validateDpt(code: String) = dpts.find(d => d.code == code)
def validateCat(code: String) = cats.find(d => d.code == code)
def validateBrd(code: String) = brds.find(b => b.code == code)
def validateRa(code: String) = ras.find(ac => ac.code == code)
def validateAcct(code: String) = accts.find(ac => ac.code == code) def validateUser(userid: String, passwd: String) = users.find(u => (u.code == userid && u.passwd == passwd)) def lastSecOfDateStr(ldate: LocalDate): String = {
ldate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "yyyy-MM-dd"))+" 23:59:59"
} }
class WriterActor extends PersistentActor with LogSupport {
val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
// shopdptId-posId
// self.path.parent.name is the type name (utf-8 URL-encoded)
// self.path.name is the entry identifier (utf-8 URL-encoded) but entity has a supervisor
// override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.parent.name + "-" + self.path.parent.name
override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.name override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
super.preRestart(reason, message)
log.info(s"Restarting terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} for $message")
} override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = {
log.info(s"terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} restarted for ${reason.getMessage}")
} override def postStop(): Unit = {
log.info(s"terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} stopped!")
} override def preStart(): Unit = {
log.info(s"terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} starting...")
} //helper functions
object RunPOSCommand {
def unapply(arg: POSCommand) = if (cmdFilter(persistenceId,arg,vchState,vchItems,sender())) Some(arg) else None
} def persistEvent[E](evt: E)(f: E => Unit)(implicit dm: DebugMode) = {
if (dm.debug)
log.info(s"********** $persistenceId: persisted event: {$evt} **********")
else {
try {
log.debug(s"终端-$persistenceId:event: [$evt] state: [$vchState] : [${vchItems.txnitems.reverse}]")
catch {
case err: Throwable =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 操作失败![${err.getMessage}]。", vchState, vchItems.txnitems.reverse)
log.error(s"终端-$persistenceId: 操作失败![${err.getMessage}] current state: [$vchState],[${vchItems.txnitems.reverse}]")
} var debugConfig: com.typesafe.config.Config = _
var debug: Boolean = _
try { debugConfig = ConfigFactory.load("pos.conf").getConfig("pos.server")
debug = debugConfig.getBoolean("debug")
catch {
case _ : Throwable => debug = false
} log.info(s"********** $persistenceId: debug mode = $debug **********") implicit val debugMode = DebugMode(debug) //actor state
var vchState = VchStates()
var vchItems = VchItems() override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
case evt: POSEvent => //incompleted voucher play back events
val (vs,vi) = updateState(evt,vchState,vchItems)
vchState = vs; vchItems = vi
case SnapshotOffer(_,vs: VchStates) => vchState = vs //restore num,seq ...
} override def receiveCommand: Receive = logOffState
private def logOffState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOn(opr, _)) =>
persistEvent(LogOned(opr,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
//starting seqenceNr for any voucher. no action logged before login
vchState = sts._1.copy(jseq = lastSequenceNr + 1);
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户{$opr}成功登陆。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} case PassivatePOS =>
log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} got passivate message and stopping ... ***********")
context.parent ! PoisonPill case _ =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"操作失败!终端 ${persistenceId} 用户未登陆。", vchState, List())
private def logOnState: Receive = {
//first payment in a voucher
case RunPOSCommand(OfflinePay(acct,num, amount)) =>
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. stay in logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
else context.become(paymentState) //switch into paymentState
private def paymentState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(OfflinePay(acct,num, amount)) =>
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head)) if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. return to logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems, lastSeqenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
context.unbecome() //logOnState
// else wait for other payments and stay in logOnState
/* strictly disallow any action other than payment till completion
case RunPOSCommand(VoidAll) =>
persistEvent(VoidVoucher(vchState)) { _ =>
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
context.unbecome() //in paymentState, switch to logOnState
case RunPOSCommand(Suspend) =>
persistEvent(SuspVoucher(vchState)) { _ =>
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
context.unbecome() //in paymentState, switch to logOnState
case RunPOSCommand(SuperOn(su,_)) =>
persistEvent(SuperOned(su,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
case RunPOSCommand(SuperOff) =>
persistEvent(SuperOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
} case RunPOSCommand(VCBalance(acct,num,passwd)) =>
if (POSInterfaces.validateVC(acct,num,passwd)) {
val res = POSInterfaces.getVCBalance(acct,num)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡余额{${res.amt}}。", vchState, List(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
amount = (res.amt * 100).toInt,
dpt = acct,
code = num
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额读取错误![${res.msg}]", vchState, List())
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]验证信息错误!", vchState, List())
} case RunPOSCommand(VCPay(acct,num, passwd,amount)) =>
if (POSInterfaces.validateVC(acct,num,passwd)) {
val res = POSInterfaces.getVCBalance(acct,num)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK) {
if ((res.amt * 100).toInt < amount)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额不足!", vchState,List(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
amount = (res.amt * 100).toInt,
dpt = acct,
code = num
else {
val res = POSInterfaces.payByVC(acct,num,amount/100.00)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK) {
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. stay in logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems, lastSeqenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
context.unbecome() //switch to logOnState
} }
} }
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额读取错误![${res.msg}]", vchState, List())
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]验证信息错误!", vchState, List())
case _ =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"操作失败!终端 ${persistenceId} 结算中不容许其它非支付操作!", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head)) }
每单结束时会进行单据处理状态快照存储 saveSnapShot(vchState),真正意义在新一单从零的重新开始。 VchState是在updateState函数里维护的:
case class VchStates(
opr: String = "", //收款员
jseq: BigInt = 0, //begin journal sequence for read-side replay
num: Int = 0, //当前单号
seq: Int = 1, //当前序号
void: Boolean = false, //取消模式
refd: Boolean = false, //退款模式
due: Boolean = true, //当前余额
su: String = "",
mbr: String = ""
) { def nextVoucher : VchStates = VchStates().copy(
opr = this.opr,
jseq = this.jseq + 1,
num = this.num + 1
def updateState(evt: POSEvent, state: VchStates, items: VchItems, lastSeqNr: BigInt = 0): (VchStates, VchItems) = evt match {
case LogOned(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1,opr = txn.opr,jseq = lastSeqNr), items) ...
case EndVoucher(vnum) => (state.nextVoucher.copy(jseq = lastSeqNr), VchItems()) ...
name := "akka-cluster-pos" version := "0.2" scalaVersion := "2.12.8" libraryDependencies := Seq(
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-sharding" % "2.5.21",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence" % "2.5.21",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra" % "0.92",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra-launcher" % "0.92" % Test,
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.2.3"
akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off
akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off
akka.log-dead-letters = off akka {
loglevel = INFO
actor {
provider = "cluster"
} remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 0
} cluster {
seed-nodes = [
log-info = off
sharding {
role = "shard"
passivate-idle-entity-after = 10 s
} persistence {
journal.plugin = "cassandra-journal"
snapshot-store.plugin = "cassandra-snapshot-store"
} } cassandra-journal {
contact-points = [""]
} cassandra-snapshot-store {
contact-points = [""]
pos {
server {
debug = false
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
</appender> <logger name="sdp.cql" level="info"
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
</logger> <logger name="demo.sdp.grpc.cql" level="info"
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
</logger> <root level="error">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
package sdp.logging import org.slf4j.Logger /**
* Logger which just wraps org.slf4j.Logger internally.
* @param logger logger
class Log(logger: Logger) { // use var consciously to enable squeezing later
var isDebugEnabled: Boolean = logger.isDebugEnabled
var isInfoEnabled: Boolean = logger.isInfoEnabled
var isWarnEnabled: Boolean = logger.isWarnEnabled
var isErrorEnabled: Boolean = logger.isErrorEnabled def withLevel(level: Symbol)(msg: => String, e: Throwable = null): Unit = {
level match {
case 'debug | 'DEBUG => debug(msg)
case 'info | 'INFO => info(msg)
case 'warn | 'WARN => warn(msg)
case 'error | 'ERROR => error(msg)
case _ => // nothing to do
} def debug(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (isDebugEnabled && logger.isDebugEnabled) {
} def debug(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
if (isDebugEnabled && logger.isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug(msg, e)
} def info(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (isInfoEnabled && logger.isInfoEnabled) {
} def info(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
if (isInfoEnabled && logger.isInfoEnabled) {
logger.info(msg, e)
} def warn(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (isWarnEnabled && logger.isWarnEnabled) {
} def warn(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
if (isWarnEnabled && logger.isWarnEnabled) {
logger.warn(msg, e)
} def error(msg: => String): Unit = {
if (isErrorEnabled && logger.isErrorEnabled) {
} def error(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
if (isErrorEnabled && logger.isErrorEnabled) {
logger.error(msg, e)
} }
package sdp.logging import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory trait LogSupport { /**
* Logger
protected val log = new Log(LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)) }
package pos.commands
import pos.states.States._ object Commands { case object PassivatePOS //passivate message
case class DebugMode(debug: Boolean) sealed trait POSCommand {} case class LogOn(opr: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case object LogOff extends POSCommand
case class SuperOn(su: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case object SuperOff extends POSCommand
case class MemberOn(cardnum: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case object MemberOff extends POSCommand //remove member status for the voucher
case object RefundOn extends POSCommand
case object RefundOff extends POSCommand
case object VoidOn extends POSCommand
case object VoidOff extends POSCommand
case object VoidAll extends POSCommand
case object Suspend extends POSCommand case class VoucherNum(vnum: Int) extends POSCommand case class LogSales(salesType: Int, dpt: String, code: String, qty: Int, price: Int) extends POSCommand
case object Subtotal extends POSCommand
case class Discount(code: String, percent: Int) extends POSCommand case class OfflinePay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand //settlement 结算支付
//read only command, no event process
case class VCBalance(acct: String, num: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
case class VCPay(acct: String, num: String, passwd: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand
case class AliPay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand
case class WxPay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand // read only command, no update event
case class Plu(itemCode: String) extends POSCommand //read only } object Events { sealed trait POSEvent {} case class LogOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object LogOned {
def apply(op: String, vs: VchStates): LogOned = LogOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.logon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
opr = op,
code = op
case class LogOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object LogOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): LogOffed = LogOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.logon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
case class SuperOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object SuperOned {
def apply(su: String, vs: VchStates): SuperOned = SuperOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.supon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
code = su
case class SuperOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object SuperOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): SuperOffed = SuperOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.supon,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd
case class MemberOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object MemberOned {
def apply(cardnum: String,vs: VchStates): MemberOned = MemberOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
member = cardnum
case class MemberOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent //remove member status for the voucher
object MemberOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): MemberOffed = MemberOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.crd,
member = vs.mbr
case class RefundOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object RefundOned {
def apply(vs: VchStates): RefundOned = RefundOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.refund
case class RefundOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object RefundOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): RefundOffed = RefundOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.refund
case class VoidOned(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object VoidOned {
def apply(vs: VchStates): VoidOned = VoidOned(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.void
case class VoidOffed(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object VoidOffed {
def apply(vs: VchStates): VoidOffed = VoidOffed(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.void
} case class NewVoucher(vnum: Int) extends POSEvent //新单, reminder for read-side to set new vnum
case class EndVoucher(vnum: Int) extends POSEvent //单据终结标示
case class VoidVoucher(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object VoidVoucher {
def apply(vs: VchStates): VoidVoucher = VoidVoucher(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.voidall
case class SuspVoucher(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object SuspVoucher {
def apply(vs: VchStates): SuspVoucher = SuspVoucher(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.suspend
} case class VoucherNumed(fnum: Int, tnum: Int) extends POSEvent case class SalesLogged(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
case class Subtotaled(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
object Subtotaled {
def apply(vs: VchStates, vi: VchItems): Subtotaled = {
val (cnt,tqty,tamt,tdsc) = vi.subTotal Subtotaled(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.sub,
qty = tqty,
amount = tamt,
dscamt = tdsc,
price = cnt
case class Discounted(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent
case class Payment(txnItem: TxnItem) extends POSEvent //settlement 结算支付
object Payment {
def apply(acct: String, num: String, vs: VchStates): Payment = Payment(TxnItem(vs).copy(
txntype = TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = SALESTYPE.ttl,
dpt = acct,
code = num
} } object Responses { object STATUS {
val OK: Int = 0
val FAIL: Int = -1
} case class POSResponse (sts: Int, msg: String, voucher: VchStates, txnItems: List[TxnItem])
package pos.states
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.Locale import pos.commands.Events._
import pos.commands.Commands._
import akka.actor._
import pos.dao.DAO._
import pos.dao.Codes._
import pos.commands.Responses._ object States { val dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.CHINA) object TXNTYPE {
val sales: Int = 0
val refund: Int = 1
val void: Int = 2
val voided: Int = 3
val voidall: Int = 4
val subtotal: Int = 5
val logon: Int = 6
val supon: Int = 7 // super user on/off
val suspend: Int = 8 } object SALESTYPE {
val plu: Int = 0
val dpt: Int = 1
val cat: Int = 2
val brd: Int = 3
val ra: Int = 4
val sub: Int = 5
val ttl: Int = 6
val dsc: Int = 7
val crd: Int = 8
} case class TxnItem(
txndate: String = LocalDate.now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd"))
,txntime: String = LocalDateTime.now.format(dateTimeFormatter).substring(11)
,opr: String = ""//工号
,num: Int = 0 //销售单号
,seq: Int = 1 //交易序号
,txntype: Int = TXNTYPE.sales//交易类型
,salestype: Int = SALESTYPE.plu //销售类型
,qty: Int = 1 //交易数量
,price: Int = 0 //单价(分)
,amount: Int = 0 //码洋(分)
,dscamt: Int = 0 //折扣:负值 net实洋 = amount + dscamt
,member: String = "" //会员卡号
,code: String = "" //编号(商品、账号...)
,desc: String = "" //项目名称
,dpt: String = ""
,department: String = ""
,cat: String = ""
,category: String = ""
,brd: String = ""
,brand: String = ""
object TxnItem {
def apply(vs: VchStates): TxnItem = TxnItem().copy(
opr = vs.opr,
num = vs.num,
seq = vs.seq,
member = vs.mbr
} case class VchStatus( //操作状态锁留给前端维护
qty: Int = 1,
refund: Boolean = false,
void: Boolean = false) case class VchStates(
opr: String = "", //收款员
jseq: BigInt = 0, //begin journal sequence for read-side replay
num: Int = 0, //当前单号
seq: Int = 1, //当前序号
void: Boolean = false, //取消模式
refd: Boolean = false, //退款模式
due: Boolean = true, //当前余额
su: String = "",
mbr: String = ""
) { def nextVoucher : VchStates = VchStates().copy(
opr = this.opr,
jseq = this.jseq + 1,
num = this.num + 1
} case class VchItems(txnitems: List[TxnItem] = Nil) {
def subTotal: (Int,Int,Int,Int) = txnitems.foldRight((0,0,0,0)) { case (txn,b) =>
if (txn.salestype < SALESTYPE.sub && txn.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales)
b.copy(_1 = b._1 + 1, _2 = b._2 + txn.qty, _3 = b._3 + txn.amount, _4 = b._4 + txn.dscamt)
else b
def totalSales: Int = txnitems.foldRight(0) { case (txn, b) =>
if ( txn.salestype <= SALESTYPE.ra)
(txn.amount + txn.dscamt) + b
else b /*
val amt: Int = txn.salestype match {
case (SALESTYPE.plu | SALESTYPE.cat | SALESTYPE.brd | SALESTYPE.ra) => txn.amount + txn.dscamt
case _ => 0
amt + b */
def totalPaid: Int = txnitems.foldRight(0) { case (txn, b) =>
if (txn.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && txn.salestype == SALESTYPE.ttl)
txn.amount + b
else b
val amt: Int = txn.salestype match {
case SALESTYPE.ttl => txn.amount
case _ => 0
amt + b */
def addItem(item: TxnItem): VchItems = VchItems((item :: txnitems)) //.reverse) } def LastSecOfDate(ldate: LocalDate): LocalDateTime = {
val dtStr = ldate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")) + " 23:59:59"
LocalDateTime.parse(dtStr, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
} def dateStr(dt: LocalDate): String = dt.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")) def updateState(evt: POSEvent, state: VchStates, items: VchItems, lastSeqNr: BigInt = 0): (VchStates, VchItems) = evt match {
case LogOned(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1,opr = txn.opr,jseq = lastSeqNr), items)
case LogOffed(txn) => (state.copy(seq = state.seq + 1,opr = ""), items)
case RefundOned(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1,refd = true), items)
case RefundOffed(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1,refd = false), items)
case VoidOned(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1,void = true), items)
case VoidOffed(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1,void = false), items)
case SuperOned(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1, su = txn.code), items)
case SuperOffed(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1, su = ""), items)
case MemberOned(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1, mbr = txn.member), items)
case MemberOffed(txn) => (state.copy(seq = txn.seq + 1, mbr=""), items) case SalesLogged(txnitem) => (state.copy(
seq = state.seq + 1)
, items.addItem(txnitem)) case Subtotaled(txnitem) => (state.copy(
seq = state.seq + 1)
, items.addItem(txnitem)) case Payment(txnItem) =>
val due = if(items.totalSales > 0) items.totalSales - items.totalPaid else items.totalSales + items.totalPaid
val bal = if(items.totalSales > 0) due - txnItem.amount else due + txnItem.amount
seq = state.seq + 1,
due = (if( (txnItem.amount.abs + items.totalPaid.abs) >= items.totalSales.abs) false else true)
salestype = SALESTYPE.ttl,
price = due,
amount = txnItem.amount,
dscamt = bal,
department = getAcct(txnItem.dpt).getOrElse(Account("","")).name
))) case VoucherNumed(_,tnum) =>
val vi = items.copy(txnitems = items.txnitems.map {it => it.copy(num = tnum)})
(state.copy(seq = state.seq + 1, num = tnum), vi)
case VoidVoucher(vnum) => (state.nextVoucher, VchItems())
case SuspVoucher(vnum) => (state.nextVoucher, VchItems()) //represented by EndVoucher
case EndVoucher(vnum) => (state.nextVoucher.copy(jseq = lastSeqNr), VchItems()) case _ => (state, items)
} def cmdFilter(terminalid: String, cmd: POSCommand, state: VchStates, txns: VchItems, router: ActorRef): Boolean = cmd match {
case LogOn(opr, passwd) => //only allowed in logOffState
if (!txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //in the middle of process
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"禁止用户登陆!终端 ${terminalid} 有未完成单据。", state, List())
} else{
if (validateUser(opr, passwd).isDefined) true
else {
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$terminalid: 用户 ${opr} 登陆失败!", state, List())
case LogOff => //only allowed in logOnState
if (!txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //in the middle of process
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"禁止用户退出!终端 ${terminalid} 有未完成单据。", state, List())
} else true case VoidAll => //allowed in logOnState and paymentState
if (txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //no valid sales
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"全单取消失败!终端 ${terminalid} 本单无任何有效销售记录。", state, txns.txnitems)
} else true case OfflinePay(acct,num,amt) =>
if (txns.totalSales.abs == 0) { // no valid sales. void,refund neg values could produce zero
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"支付失败!终端 ${terminalid} 应付金额为零。", state, List())
} else {
if(validateAcct(acct).isDefined) true
else {
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"支付失败!终端 ${terminalid} 账号{$acct}不存在。", state, List())
case Subtotal =>
if (txns.txnitems.isEmpty) { //in the middle of process
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"小计操作失败!终端 ${terminalid} 无任何销售记录。", state, List())
} else true
case VCBalance(_,_,_) => true
case MemberOn(_,_) => true
case MemberOff => true
case VoucherNum(_) => true case LogSales(salesType,sdpt,scode,sqty,sprice) =>
if (state.void) {
txns.txnitems.find(ti => (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)) match {
case Some(_) => true
case None =>
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"取消交易失败!终端 ${terminalid} 销售记录不存在。", state, List(TxnItem(state).copy(
salestype = salesType,
dpt = sdpt,
code = scode,
price = sprice
} } else true case c @ _ =>
router ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端 ${terminalid} 不支持操作 {$c}", state, List())
} }
package pos.handler
import akka.actor._
import akka.persistence._
import akka.cluster._
import pos.commands.Events._
import pos.commands.Commands._
import pos.states._
import States._
import pos.dao.Items._
import pos.dao.DAO._
import pos.dao.Codes._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import sdp.logging.LogSupport
import pos.commands.Responses._
import pos.interface.POSInterfaces class WriterActor extends PersistentActor with LogSupport {
val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
// shopdptId-posId
// self.path.parent.name is the type name (utf-8 URL-encoded)
// self.path.name is the entry identifier (utf-8 URL-encoded) but entity has a supervisor
// override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.parent.name + "-" + self.path.parent.name
override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.name override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
super.preRestart(reason, message)
log.info(s"Restarting terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} for $message")
} override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = {
log.info(s"terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} restarted for ${reason.getMessage}")
} override def postStop(): Unit = {
log.info(s"terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} stopped!")
} override def preStart(): Unit = {
log.info(s"terminal $persistenceId on ${cluster.selfAddress} starting...")
} //helper functions
object RunPOSCommand {
def unapply(arg: POSCommand) = if (cmdFilter(persistenceId,arg,vchState,vchItems,sender())) Some(arg) else None
} def persistEvent[E](evt: E)(f: E => Unit)(implicit dm: DebugMode) = {
if (dm.debug)
log.info(s"********** $persistenceId: persisted event: {$evt} **********")
else {
try {
log.debug(s"终端-$persistenceId:event: [$evt] state: [$vchState] : [${vchItems.txnitems.reverse}]")
catch {
case err: Throwable =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 操作失败![${err.getMessage}]。", vchState, vchItems.txnitems.reverse)
log.error(s"终端-$persistenceId: 操作失败![${err.getMessage}] current state: [$vchState],[${vchItems.txnitems.reverse}]")
} var debugConfig: com.typesafe.config.Config = _
var debug: Boolean = _
try { debugConfig = ConfigFactory.load("pos.conf").getConfig("pos.server")
debug = debugConfig.getBoolean("debug")
catch {
case _ : Throwable => debug = false
} log.info(s"********** $persistenceId: debug mode = $debug **********") implicit val debugMode = DebugMode(debug) //actor state
var vchState = VchStates()
var vchItems = VchItems() override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
case evt: POSEvent => //incompleted voucher play back events
val (vs,vi) = updateState(evt,vchState,vchItems)
vchState = vs; vchItems = vi
case SnapshotOffer(_,vs: VchStates) => vchState = vs //restore num,seq ...
} override def receiveCommand: Receive = logOffState private def logOffState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOn(opr, _)) =>
persistEvent(LogOned(opr,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems,lastSequenceNr)
//starting seqenceNr for any voucher. no action logged before login
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户{$opr}成功登陆。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} case PassivatePOS =>
log.info(s"**********${persistenceId} got passivate message and stopping ... ***********")
context.parent ! PoisonPill case _ =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"操作失败!终端 ${persistenceId} 用户未登陆。", vchState, List())
} private def paymentState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(OfflinePay(acct,num, amount)) =>
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head)) if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. return to logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems, lastSequenceNr)
vchState = sts._1.copy(jseq = lastSequenceNr + 1)
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
context.unbecome() //logOnState
// else wait for other payments and stay in logOnState
/* strictly disallow any action other than payment till completion
case RunPOSCommand(VoidAll) =>
persistEvent(VoidVoucher(vchState)) { _ =>
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
context.unbecome() //in paymentState, switch to logOnState
case RunPOSCommand(Suspend) =>
persistEvent(SuspVoucher(vchState)) { _ =>
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
context.unbecome() //in paymentState, switch to logOnState
case RunPOSCommand(SuperOn(su,_)) =>
persistEvent(SuperOned(su,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
case RunPOSCommand(SuperOff) =>
persistEvent(SuperOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
} case RunPOSCommand(VCBalance(acct,num,passwd)) =>
if (POSInterfaces.validateVC(acct,num,passwd)) {
val res = POSInterfaces.getVCBalance(acct,num)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡余额{${res.amt}}。", vchState, List(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
amount = (res.amt * 100).toInt,
dpt = acct,
code = num
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额读取错误![${res.msg}]", vchState, List())
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]验证信息错误!", vchState, List())
} case RunPOSCommand(VCPay(acct,num, passwd,amount)) =>
if (POSInterfaces.validateVC(acct,num,passwd)) {
val res = POSInterfaces.getVCBalance(acct,num)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK) {
if ((res.amt * 100).toInt < amount)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额不足!", vchState,List(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
amount = (res.amt * 100).toInt,
dpt = acct,
code = num
else {
val res = POSInterfaces.payByVC(acct,num,amount/100.00)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK) {
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. stay in logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems,lastSequenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
context.unbecome() //switch to logOnState
} }
} }
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额读取错误![${res.msg}]", vchState, List())
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]验证信息错误!", vchState, List())
case _ =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"操作失败!终端 ${persistenceId} 结算中不容许其它非支付操作!", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head)) } private def logOnState: Receive = {
case RunPOSCommand(LogOff) =>
persistEvent(LogOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val user = vchState.opr
val sts = updateState(evt,vchState,vchItems)
vchState = sts._1; vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //state of last voucher
//手工passivate shard ! ShardRegion.Passivate(PassivatePOS)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 用户 $user 成功退出。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
context.unbecome() //switch to logOffState
} case RunPOSCommand(SuperOn(su,_)) =>
persistEvent(SuperOned(su,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 转到管理模式{$su}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(SuperOff) =>
persistEvent(SuperOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 退出管理模式。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(RefundOn) =>
persistEvent(RefundOned(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 进入退款模式。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(RefundOff) =>
persistEvent(RefundOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 退出退款模式。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(VoidOn) =>
persistEvent(VoidOned(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 进入取消模式。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(VoidOff) =>
persistEvent(VoidOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 退出取消模式。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(MemberOn(cardnum, _)) =>
persistEvent(MemberOned(cardnum,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 进入会员模式,卡号{$cardnum}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(MemberOff) =>
val cardnum = vchState.mbr
persistEvent(MemberOffed(vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 退出会员模式,卡号{$cardnum}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} case RunPOSCommand(VoucherNum(tnum)) =>
val fnum = vchState.num
persistEvent(VoucherNumed(fnum,tnum)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功设定单号{$fnum -> $tnum}。", vchState, List())
} case RunPOSCommand(Subtotal) =>
persistEvent(Subtotaled(vchState,vchItems)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 小计:${vchItems.txnitems.head.price} 条项目。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
//first payment in a voucher
case RunPOSCommand(OfflinePay(acct,num, amount)) =>
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. stay in logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems,lastSequenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
else context.become(paymentState) //switch into paymentState
case RunPOSCommand(VCBalance(acct,num,passwd)) =>
if (POSInterfaces.validateVC(acct,num,passwd)) {
val res = POSInterfaces.getVCBalance(acct,num)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡余额{${res.amt}}。", vchState, List(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
amount = (res.amt * 100).toInt,
dpt = acct,
code = num
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额读取错误![${res.msg}]", vchState, List())
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]验证信息错误!", vchState, List())
} case RunPOSCommand(VCPay(acct,num, passwd,amount)) =>
if (POSInterfaces.validateVC(acct,num,passwd)) {
val res = POSInterfaces.getVCBalance(acct,num)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK) {
if ((res.amt * 100).toInt < amount)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额不足!", vchState,List(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
amount = (res.amt * 100).toInt,
dpt = acct,
code = num
else {
val res = POSInterfaces.payByVC(acct,num,amount/100.00)
if (res.sts == POSInterfaces.VCRESULT.OK) {
persistEvent(Payment(acct,num,vchState)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchItems.totalSales > 0)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}支付。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功完成{${vchItems.txnitems.head.category} ${amount/100.0}退款。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
if (!vchState.due) { //completed voucher. mark end of voucher and move next. stay in logOnState
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems,lastSequenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
else context.become(paymentState) //switch into paymentState
} }
} }
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]余额读取错误![${res.msg}]", vchState, List())
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 储值卡[$num]验证信息错误!", vchState, List())
} case RunPOSCommand(VoidAll) =>
val vnum = vchState.num
persistEvent(VoidVoucher(vchState)) { _ =>
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems,lastSequenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 完成全单取消{${vnum}}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case RunPOSCommand(Suspend) =>
val vnum = vchState.num
persistEvent(SuspVoucher(vchState)) { _ =>
persistEvent(EndVoucher(vchState.num)) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems,lastSequenceNr)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
saveSnapshot(vchState) //recovery to next voucher
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 完成挂单{${vnum}}。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} case RunPOSCommand(LogSales(salesType,sdpt,scode,sqty,sprice)) => {
var pqty = 0
if (vchState.void) {
vchItems.txnitems.find(ti => (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)) match {
case Some(ti) => pqty = -ti.qty
case None => pqty = sqty
salesType match {
case SALESTYPE.plu =>
getItem(scode) match {
case QueryItemsOK(items) =>
val pr = if (sprice > 0) sprice else items.head.price
val evt = SalesLogged(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
txntype = if (vchState.void) TXNTYPE.void else TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = salesType,
price = pr,
qty = pqty,
amount = pr * pqty,
code = scode,
desc = items.head.name,
dpt = items.head.dpt,
cat = items.head.cat,
brd = items.head.brd,
department = (getDpt(items.head.dpt).getOrElse(Department("", ""))).name,
category = (getCat(items.head.brd).getOrElse(Category("", ""))).name,
brand = (getBrd(items.head.brd).getOrElse(Brand("", ""))).name
persistEvent(evt) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchState.void) {
vchItems = vchItems.copy(
txnitems = vchItems.txnitems.map { ti =>
if (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)
ti.copy(txntype = TXNTYPE.voided)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功冲销商品销售。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 商品销售操作成功。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} }
case QueryItemsFail(msg) =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 商品编号错误![$msg]", vchState, List())
case SALESTYPE.dpt =>
validateDpt(sdpt) match {
case Some(dpt) =>
val evt = SalesLogged(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
txntype = if (vchState.void) TXNTYPE.void else TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = salesType,
price = sprice,
qty = pqty,
amount = sprice * pqty,
dpt = sdpt,
department = dpt.name
persistEvent(evt) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchState.void) {
vchItems = vchItems.copy(
txnitems = vchItems.txnitems.map { ti =>
if (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)
ti.copy(txntype = TXNTYPE.voided)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功冲销部门销售。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 部门销售操作成功。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case None =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 部门编号[$sdpt]错误!", vchState, List())
case SALESTYPE.brd =>
validateBrd(sdpt) match {
case Some(brd) =>
val evt = SalesLogged(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
txntype = if (vchState.void) TXNTYPE.void else TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = salesType,
price = sprice,
qty = pqty,
amount = sprice * pqty,
brd = sdpt,
brand = brd.name
persistEvent(evt) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchState.void) {
vchItems = vchItems.copy(
txnitems = vchItems.txnitems.map { ti =>
if (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)
ti.copy(txntype = TXNTYPE.voided)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功冲销品牌销售。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 品牌销售操作成功。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case None =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 品牌编号[$sdpt]错误!", vchState, List())
case SALESTYPE.cat =>
validateCat(sdpt) match {
case Some(cat) =>
val evt = SalesLogged(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
txntype = if (vchState.void) TXNTYPE.void else TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = salesType,
price = sprice,
qty = pqty,
amount = sprice * pqty,
cat = sdpt,
category = cat.name
persistEvent(evt) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchState.void) {
vchItems = vchItems.copy(
txnitems = vchItems.txnitems.map { ti =>
if (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)
ti.copy(txntype = TXNTYPE.voided)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功冲销分类销售。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 分类销售操作成功。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case None =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 分类编号[$sdpt]错误!", vchState, List())
case SALESTYPE.ra =>
validateCat(sdpt) match {
case Some(ra) =>
val evt = SalesLogged(TxnItem(vchState).copy(
txntype = if (vchState.void) TXNTYPE.void else TXNTYPE.sales,
salestype = salesType,
price = sprice,
qty = pqty,
amount = sprice * pqty,
dpt = sdpt,
code = scode,
department = ra.name
persistEvent(evt) { evt =>
val sts = updateState(evt, vchState, vchItems)
vchState = sts._1
vchItems = sts._2
if (vchState.void) {
vchItems = vchItems.copy(
txnitems = vchItems.txnitems.map { ti =>
if (ti.txntype == TXNTYPE.sales && ti.salestype == salesType &&
ti.dpt == sdpt && ti.code == scode && ti.qty == sqty && ti.price == sprice)
ti.copy(txntype = TXNTYPE.voided)
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 成功冲销代收。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
} else {
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.OK, s"终端-$persistenceId: 代收操作成功。", vchState, List(vchItems.txnitems.head))
case None =>
sender() ! POSResponse(STATUS.FAIL, s"终端-$persistenceId: 代收编号[$sdpt]错误!", vchState, List())
} }
} } }
package pos.dao import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter case class Item(
brd: String
,dpt: String
,cat: String
,code: String
,name: String
,price: Int )
object Items {
val apple = Item("01","02","01","001", "green apple", 820)
val grape = Item("01","02","01","002", "red grape", 1050)
val orage = Item("01","02","01","003", "sunkist orage", 350)
val banana = Item("01","02","01","004", "demon banana", 300)
val pineapple = Item("01","02","01","005", "hainan pineapple", 1300)
val peach = Item("01","02","01","006", "xinjiang peach", 2390) val tblItems = List(apple, grape, orage, banana, pineapple, peach) sealed trait QueryItemsResult {} case class QueryItemsOK(items: List[Item]) extends QueryItemsResult case class QueryItemsFail(msg: String) extends QueryItemsResult } object Codes {
case class User(code: String, name: String, passwd: String)
case class Department(code: String, name: String)
case class Category(code: String, name: String)
case class Brand(code: String, name: String)
case class Ra(code: String, name: String)
case class Account(code: String, name: String)
case class Disc(code: String, best: Boolean, aggr: Boolean, group: Boolean) val ras = List(Ra("01","Delivery"),Ra("02","Cooking"))
val dpts = List(Department("01","Fruit"),Department("02","Grocery"))
val cats = List(Category("0101","Fresh Fruit"),Category("0201","Dry Grocery"))
val brds = List(Brand("01","Sunkist"),Brand("02","Demon"))
val accts = List(Account("001","Cash"),Account("002","Value Card"), Account("003", "Visa")
,Account("004","Alipay"),Account("005","WXPay")) val users = List(User("1001","Tiger", "123"),User("1002","John", "123"),User("1003","Maria", "123")) def getDpt(code: String) = dpts.find(d => d.code == code)
def getCat(code: String) = cats.find(d => d.code == code)
def getBrd(code: String) = brds.find(b => b.code == code)
def getAcct(code: String) = accts.find(a => a.code == code)
def getRa(code: String) = ras.find(a => a.code == code)
} object DAO {
import Items._
import Codes._ def getItem(code: String): QueryItemsResult = {
val optItem = tblItems.find(it => it.code == code)
optItem match {
case Some(item) => QueryItemsOK(List(item))
case None => QueryItemsFail("Invalid item code!")
} def validateDpt(code: String) = dpts.find(d => d.code == code)
def validateCat(code: String) = cats.find(d => d.code == code)
def validateBrd(code: String) = brds.find(b => b.code == code)
def validateRa(code: String) = ras.find(ac => ac.code == code)
def validateAcct(code: String) = accts.find(ac => ac.code == code) def validateUser(userid: String, passwd: String) = users.find(u => (u.code == userid && u.passwd == passwd)) def lastSecOfDateStr(ldate: LocalDate): String = {
ldate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "yyyy-MM-dd"))+" 23:59:59"
} }
package pos.cluster import akka.actor._
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._
import akka.cluster._
import sdp.logging.LogSupport class ClusterMonitor extends Actor with LogSupport {
val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
override def preStart(): Unit = {
cluster.subscribe(self,initialStateMode = InitialStateAsEvents
,classOf[MemberEvent],classOf[UnreachableMember]) //订阅集群状态转换信息
} override def postStop(): Unit = {
cluster.unsubscribe(self) //取消订阅
} override def receive: Receive = {
case MemberJoined(member) =>
log.info(s"Member is Joining: {${member.address}}")
case MemberUp(member) =>
log.info(s"Member is Up: {${member.address}}")
case MemberLeft(member) =>
log.info(s"Member is Leaving: {${member.address}}")
case MemberExited(member) =>
log.info(s"Member is Exiting: {${member.address}}")
case MemberRemoved(member, previousStatus) =>
s"Member is Removed: {${member.address}} after {${previousStatus}")
case UnreachableMember(member) =>
log.info(s"Member detected as unreachable: {${member.address}}")
cluster.down(member.address) //手工驱除,不用auto-down
case _: MemberEvent => // ignore
} }
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