
The main goal here is to design a proper and efficient controller for a ship autopilot based on the sliding mode control method. A hydrodynamic numerical model of CyberShip II including wave effects is applied to simulate the ship autopilot system by using time domain analysis.

本文的主要目标是设计一种合适而有效的船舶自动驾驶仪控制器,利用含波效应的水动力数值模型模拟了CyberShip II船舶自动驾驶系统。


A conventional autopilot system used for controlling the ship motion is a PD controller with constant parameters values. These controllers can work properly in precisely defined operating conditions, but the quality of their work is worse when these conditions change. Ship dynamic characteristics can change as a consequence of changes of the ship speed, load, and external disturbances such as waves, wind, and/or sea currents. In many cases manual tuning of control parameters is necessary.


Therefore a lot of research activities have been oriented to improving the quality of operation of these controllers using adaptive mechanisms which automatically change ship model parameters, depending on operating conditions.


The controller which, due to its simplicity, is most frequently used in autopilot systems is the PD controller. It controls the rudder blade deflection depending on the values of the heading error and the yaw rate. The PD controller is described by the following formula:


where KP and KD are controller settings, ψd and ψ are the desired and current ship headings, respectively, r = dψ/dt is the yaw rate of the ship, and δz is the commanded rudder blade deflection.



The cost function took into account the ship course error and rudder blade deflection, and was used for evaluating the quality of the steering action of the controllers.



For the nonlinear part of the sliding mode controller (43), the following values were assumed: ηh = 10, φh = 0.3


while for the PD controller (20), the assumed gains were KP = 2 and KD = 50

而对于PD控制器(20),假设的增益为 KP=2KD=50

The parameters in the reference model (44) were ωn = 0.1, ζ = 0.85.



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