[leetcode]multiply-strings java代码
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
之前未考虑数字可以无限大的情况,采用的方法是 将字符串转化为数字,然后相乘,将乘积再次转化为字符串 输出,
public class Solution {
public String multiply(String num1, String num2){
if(num1.equals("0")|| num2.equals("0"))
return "0";
if(num1.charAt(0) == '-' || num2.charAt(0) == '-')
return "false";
int len_num1,len_num2;
len_num1 = num1.length();
len_num2 = num2.length();
String [] sing_mul = new String[len_num2];
int maxLen_sing = 0;
for(int z=0; z<len_num2; z++) //初始化
sing_mul[z] = ""; int times = 0;
//被乘数*乘数 --> 返回是字符串数组sing_mul,每一个元素是某个乘数位*被乘数的结果。
for(int i=len_num2-1; i>=0; i--){
int num2Cur = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(num2.charAt(i))); //乘数的某一位
int add = 0;
String temp = "";
//某个乘数位*被乘数 ---> 返回是一个字符串
for(int j=len_num1-1; j>=0; j--){ //遍历被乘数的每一位
int num1Cur = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(num1.charAt(j)));
int mulCur = num1Cur * num2Cur + add;
temp += String.valueOf(mulCur%10);
add = mulCur/10;
if(add != 0){
temp += String.valueOf(add);
StringBuffer sb_temp = new StringBuffer(temp);
StringBuffer temp_rev = sb_temp.reverse();
String str_temp ;
str_temp = temp_rev.toString();
for (int z=0; z<times; z++)
str_temp += "0";
sing_mul[i] = str_temp;
times ++; //maxLen_sing --> 字符串数组sing_mul中元素的最大长度
maxLen_sing = sing_mul[i].length();
} //将字符串数组中的所有元素相加。
String result = sing_mul[0];
for(int z=1; z<len_num2; z++){
int len_res = result.length();
if(sing_mul[z].length()<len_res){ //字符串前部进行填充
StringBuffer sb_z = new StringBuffer(sing_mul[z]);
String sb_z_str = sb_z.reverse().toString();
for(int w=0; w<(len_res-sing_mul[z].length());w++)
sb_z_str += "0";
StringBuffer sb_temp = new StringBuffer(sb_z_str);
sing_mul[z] = sb_temp.reverse().toString();
int add_ = 0;
String temp_str = "";
for(int i=len_res-1; i>=0; i--){
int n1 = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(result.charAt(i)));
int n2 = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(sing_mul[z].charAt(i)));
int tep = n1+n2+add_;
add_ = tep/10;
temp_str += tep%10;
if(add_ != 0){
temp_str += String.valueOf(add_);
StringBuffer sb_temp_str = new StringBuffer(temp_str);
result = sb_temp_str.reverse().toString();
return result;
public static void main(String [] args){
Solution mulStr = new Solution();
String result = mulStr.multiply("9133","0");
1. num1为被乘数,num2为乘数,用乘数的每一位去乘被乘数,得到一个字符串---》最终会得到字符串数组sig_mul,其中包含乘数位数个字符串
2. sig_mul[0]中的字符串是最长的,因此result = sig_mul[0]
3. 每次使用result和sig_mul中的元素相加(1<=i<sig_mul.length)
4. 在这个过程中会频繁的用到字符串reverse。
文中转化的方式是 String 转化 StringBuffer --》利用StringBuffer.reverse() --》StringBuffer 转化String
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