webservice gsoap 小记
参考 http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html
1. web service client application
> wsdl2h -s -o MyHead.h http://www.genivia.com/calc.wsdl
-s 不用 STL
> soapcpp2 -i -C MyHead.h
Option -i (and alternatively option -j) indicates that we want C++ proxy and server objects that include the client (and server) code, -C indicates client-side only
soapcpp2 generates both client and server stubs and skeletons by default
这两步过程中可能会出错,要把必要的文件加上: soap12.h stdsoap2.h stdsoap2.cpp
然后,We use the generated soapcalcProxy class and calc.nsmap XML namespace mapping table to access the Web service. The soapcalcProxy class is a proxy to invoke the service:
#include "soapWebService1SoapProxy.h" // 自动生成的头文件 注:不用MyHead.h
#include "WebService1Soap.nsmap" int main()
WebService1SoapProxy service;
_tempuri__GetSum a;
_tempuri__GetSumResponse result;
//a.soap = soap_new();
a.a = ;
a.b = ;
//result.soap = soap_new(); if (service.GetSum(&a, &result) == SOAP_OK)
std::cout << "the num of 1 and 5 is " << result.GetSumResult << std::endl;
service.destroy(); getchar();
return ;
如果遇到 stdsoap2.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号_namespaces
参考 http://blog.163.com/lyz_sea/blog/static/115586707201182432412677
在 stdsoap2.h,添加
2. Develop a Web Service (Stand-Alone Server)
// File: currentTime.h
//gsoap ns service name: currentTime
//gsoap ns service namespace: urn:currentTime
//gsoap ns service location: http://www.yourdomain.com/currentTime.cgi
int ns__currentTime(time_t& response);
> soapcpp2 -i -S currentTime.h
// File: currentTime.cpp
#include "soapcurrentTimeService.h" // include the proxy declarations
#include "currentTime.nsmap" // include the XML namespace mappings
int main()
// create server and serve on CGI-based request:
currentTimeService server;
*/ while (server.run() != SOAP_TCP_ERROR)
} return ;
} int currentTimeService::currentTime(time_t& response)
response = time();
return SOAP_OK;
Compile with currentTime.cpp soapC.cpp soapcurrentTimeService.cpp stdsoap2.cpp
然后可以由 wsdl 文件生成客户端头文件,and ...
3. C# 调用 gsoap 的 service
参考 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e7d38260100ade4.html
用 VS 自带的 wsdl.exe (在 C 盘的某个角落)
> wsdl.exe currentTime.wsdl
生成 currentTime.cs
将 currentTime.cs 放到 C# 的工程中,研究下代码结构,找到 currentTime 的初始化函数:
public picture() {
this.Url = "http://localhost:65432/picture.cgi"; // 改成你的地址
4. 如果要发送 二进制数据,可先将其进行编码(暂时采用 base64 编码,实际场景中应采用更合适的编码算法),以 string 形式发送。接收端再进行相应解码。
C++ gsoap service 端,读取图片:
int pictureService::picture(struct picdata &picture)
char *pic = NULL;
unsigned int length = ; std::ifstream is("chicken.jpg", std::ios::binary);
if (is)
is.seekg(, is.beg);
is.seekg(, is.end);
length = is.tellg();
is.seekg(, is.beg); pic = new char[length]; if (pic == NULL)
return SOAP_ERR; is.read(pic, length);
} picture.data = base64_encode((unsigned char*)pic, length); if (pic != NULL)
delete pic;
pic = NULL;
} return SOAP_OK;
C# 端,调用 webservice,获取一张图片,并保存:
picture pic = new picture();
picture1 pic1 = new picture1();
pictureResponse res = pic.Callpicture(pic1); string strData = res.picture.data;
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(strData); FileStream fs = new FileStream("D:\\picture.jpg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
fs.Write(bytes, , bytes.Length);
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