Nonsense Alphabet
Nonsense Alphabet
A was an ant Who seldom stood still, And who made a nice house In the side of a hill. Nice little ant!
B was a bat, Who slept all the day, And fluttered about When the sun went away. Brown little bat!
C was a camel: You rode on his hump; And if you fell off, You came down such a bump! What a high camel!
D was a duck With spots on his back, Who lived in the water, And always said 'Quack!' Dear little duck!
E was an elephant, Stately and wise: He had tusks and a trunk, And two queer little eyes. Oh, what
funny small eyes!
F was a fish Who was caught in a net; But he got out again, And is quite alive yet. Lively young fish!
G was a goat Who was spotted with brown: When he did not lie still He walked up and down. Good little goat!
H was a hat Which was all on one side; Its crown was too high, And its brim was too wide. Oh, what a hat!
I was some ice So white and so nice, But which nobody tasted; And so it was wasted. All that good ice!
J was a jug, So pretty and white, With fresh water in it At morning and night. Nice little jug!
K was a kite Which flew out of sight, Above houses so high, Quite into the sky. Fly away, kite!
L was a lily, So white and so sweet! To see it and smell it Was quite a nice treat. Beautiful lily!
M was a man, Who walked round and round; And he wore a long coat That came down to the ground. Funny old man!
N was a net Which was thrown In the sea To catch fish for dinner For you and for me. Nice little net!
O was an orange So yellow and round: When it fell off the tree, It fell down to the ground. Down to the ground!
P was a polly. All red, blue, and green,-- The most beautiful polly That ever was seen. Poor little polly!
Q was a quail With a very short tail; And he fed upon corn In the evening and morn. Quaint little quail!
R was a rabbit, Who had a bad habit Of eating the flowers In gardens and bowers. Naughty fat rabbit!
S was the sugar-tongs, Nippity-nee, To take up the sugar To put in our tea. Nippity-nee!
T was a tortoise, All yellow and black: He walked slowly away, And he never came back. Torty never came back!
U was an urn All polished and bright, And full of hot water At noon and at night. Useful old urn!
V was a veil With a border upon it, And a ribbon to tie it All round a pink bonnet. Pretty green veil!
W was a watch, Where, in letters of gold, The hour of the day You might always behold. Beautiful watch!
Y was a yew, Which flourished and grew By a quiet abode Near the side of a road. Dark little yew!
Z was a zebra, All striped white and black; And if he were tame, You might ride on his back. Pretty striped zebra!
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