package come;

public class Library {
// Add the missing implementation to this class
String realLocation;
String[][] bookCollection = new String[2][10];
int index = 0; public Library(String Location) {
realLocation = Location;
} static void printOpeningHours() {
System.out.println("Libraries are open daily from 9am to 5pm.");
} void printAddress() {
} void addBook(Book collection) {
bookCollection[0][index] = collection.title;
bookCollection[1][index] = "1";
} void borrowBook(String S) {
int index1 = 0;
while (!S.equals(bookCollection[0][index1])) {//越界的数字不能放在数组里面
if(bookCollection[0].length == index1)
if (index1 == bookCollection[0].length) {
System.out.println("Sorry, this book is not in our catalog.");
} else if (bookCollection[1][index1] == "1") {
System.out.println("You successfully borrowed The Lord of the Rings");
bookCollection[1][index1] = "0";
} else if (bookCollection[1][index1] == "0") {
System.out.println("Sorry, this book is already borrowed.");
} void printAvailableBooks() {
int index2 = 0;
int flag = 0;
while (true) {
if (index2 == bookCollection[0].length){
if (bookCollection[1][index2] == "1"){
flag = 1;
System.out.println(bookCollection[0][index2]);} index2++; }
if(flag == 0){
System.out.println("no book in catalog");
} } void returnBook(String bookName) {
for (int i = 0; i < bookCollection[0].length; i++) {
if (bookName.equals(bookCollection[0][i])) {
bookCollection[1][i] = "1";
System.out.println("You successfully returned The Lord of the Rings");
} public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create two libraries
Library firstLibrary = new Library("10 Main St.");
Library secondLibrary = new Library("228 Liberty St.");
// set the array 0
for (int i = 0; i < firstLibrary.bookCollection[0].length; i++) {
firstLibrary.bookCollection[1][i] = "0";
secondLibrary.bookCollection[1][i] = "0";
// Add four books to the first library
firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("The Da Vinci Code"));
firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("Le Petit Prince"));
firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("A Tale of Two Cities"));
firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("The Lord of the Rings"));
// Print opening hours and the addresses
System.out.println("Library hours:");
System.out.println("Library addresses:");
// Try to borrow The Lords of the Rings from both libraries
System.out.println("Borrowing The Lord of the Rings:");
firstLibrary.borrowBook("The Lord of the Rings");
firstLibrary.borrowBook("The Lord of the Rings");
secondLibrary.borrowBook("The Lord of the Rings");
// Print the titles of all available books from both libraries
System.out.println("Books available in the first library:");
System.out.println("Books available in the second library:");
// Return The Lords of the Rings to the first library
System.out.println("Returning The Lord of the Rings:");
firstLibrary.returnBook("The Lord of the Rings");
// Print the titles of available from the first library
System.out.println("Books available in the first library:");


String ar[2][3]即表示两行,每行有3个串

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