Good Teacher(模拟)
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:0KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu
I want to be a good teacher, so at least I need to remember all the student names. However, there are
too many students, so I failed. It is a shame, so I don’t want my students to know this. Whenever I
need to call someone, I call his CLOSEST student instead. For example, there are 10 students:
A ? ? D ? ? ? H ? ?
Then, to call each student, I use this table:
Pos Reference
1 A
2 right of A
3 left of D
4 D
5 right of D
6 middle of D and H
7 left of H
8 H
9 right of H
10 right of right of H
There is only one test case. The first line contains n, the number of students (1 ≤ n ≤ 100). The next
line contains n space-separated names. Each name is either ‘?’ or a string of no more than 3 English
letters. There will be at least one name not equal to ‘?’. The next line contains q, the number of
queries (1 ≤ q ≤ 100). Then each of the next q lines contains the position p (1 ≤ p ≤ n) of a student
(counting from left).
Print q lines, each for a student. Note that ‘middle of X and Y ’ is only used when X and Y are
both closest of the student, and X is always to his left.
Sample Input
A ? ? D ? ? ? H ? ?
Sample Output
left of D
middle of D and H
right of right of H
题解:老师点名,由于一些同学不认识名字,所以要找离他最近的同学代替,题中的I call his CLOSEST student instead;
using namespace std;
string name[];
map<int, string> ans;
int p[];
bool js(int i){
if(ans.count(i) == )
return true;
return false;
int main(){
int n, q;
while(~scanf("%d", &n)){
int tp = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
cin >> name[i];
if(name[i] != "?"){
ans[i] = name[i];
p[tp++] = i;
for(int i = ; i < tp - ; i++){
if((p[i + ] + p[i]) % == && js((p[i + ] + p[i])/))
ans[(p[i + ] + p[i])/] = "middle of " + name[p[i]] + " and " + name[p[i + ]]; }
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
if(ans.count(i) == ){
int x = lower_bound(p, p + tp, i) - p;
int cnt, cnt1;
if(x == ){
cnt = p[] - i;
ans[i] = "left of " + ans[i];
ans[i] += name[p[]];
cnt = i - p[x - ];
if(x < tp)cnt1 = p[x] - i;
if(x == tp || cnt < cnt1){
ans[i] = "right of " + ans[i];
ans[i] += name[p[x - ]];
ans[i] = "left of " + ans[i];
ans[i] += name[p[x]];
int q, x;
scanf("%d", &q);
scanf("%d", &x);
cout << ans[x] << endl;
return ;
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