- 返回值类型 operator 运算符名称 (形参表列){
- //TODO:
- }
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class complex{
- public:
- complex();
- complex(double real, double imag);
- public:
- //声明运算符重载
- complex operator+(const complex &A) const;
- void display() const;
- private:
- double m_real; //实部
- double m_imag; //虚部
- };
- complex::complex(): m_real(0.0), m_imag(0.0){ }
- complex::complex(double real, double imag): m_real(real), m_imag(imag){ }
- //实现运算符重载
- complex complex::operator+(const complex &A) const{
- complex B;
- B.m_real = this->m_real + A.m_real;
- B.m_imag = this->m_imag + A.m_imag;
- return B;
- }
- void complex::display() const{
- cout<<m_real<<" + "<<m_imag<<"i"<<endl;
- }
- int main(){
- complex c1(4.3, 5.8);
- complex c2(2.4, 3.7);
- complex c3;
- c3 = c1 + c2;
- c3.display();
- return ;
- }
6.7 + 9.5i
是关键字,专门用于定义重载运算符的函数。我们可以将operator 运算符名称
3.上面的例子中,我们在 complex 类中重载了运算符+
,该重载只对 complex 对象有效。
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class complex{
- public:
- complex();
- complex(double real, double imag);
- public:
- void display() const;
- //声明为友元函数
- friend complex operator+(const complex &A, const complex &B);
- private:
- double m_real;
- double m_imag;
- };
- complex operator+(const complex &A, const complex &B);
- complex::complex(): m_real(0.0), m_imag(0.0){ }
- complex::complex(double real, double imag): m_real(real), m_imag(imag){ }
- void complex::display() const{
- cout<<m_real<<" + "<<m_imag<<"i"<<endl;
- }
- //在全局范围内重载+
- complex operator+(const complex &A, const complex &B){
- complex C;
- C.m_real = A.m_real + B.m_real;
- C.m_imag = A.m_imag + B.m_imag;
- return C;
- }
- int main(){
- complex c1(4.3, 5.8);
- complex c2(2.4, 3.7);
- complex c3;
- c3 = c1 + c2;
- c3.display();
- return ;
- }
运算符重载函数不是 complex 类的成员函数,但是却用到了 complex 类的 private 成员变量,所以必须在 complex 类中将该函数声明为友元函数。
当执行c3 = c1 + c2;
号两边都是 complex 对象,就会转换为类似下面的函数调用:
- c3 = operator+(c1, c2);
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cmath>
- using namespace std;
- //复数类
- class Complex{
- public: //构造函数
- Complex(double real = 0.0, double imag = 0.0): m_real(real), m_imag(imag){ }
- public: //运算符重载
- //以全局函数的形式重载
- friend Complex operator+(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- friend Complex operator-(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- friend Complex operator*(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- friend Complex operator/(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- friend bool operator==(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- friend bool operator!=(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2);
- //以成员函数的形式重载
- Complex & operator+=(const Complex &c);
- Complex & operator-=(const Complex &c);
- Complex & operator*=(const Complex &c);
- Complex & operator/=(const Complex &c);
- public: //成员函数
- double real() const{ return m_real; }
- double imag() const{ return m_imag; }
- private:
- double m_real; //实部
- double m_imag; //虚部
- };
- //重载+运算符
- Complex operator+(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){
- Complex c;
- c.m_real = c1.m_real + c2.m_real;
- c.m_imag = c1.m_imag + c2.m_imag;
- return c;
- }
- //重载-运算符
- Complex operator-(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){
- Complex c;
- c.m_real = c1.m_real - c2.m_real;
- c.m_imag = c1.m_imag - c2.m_imag;
- return c;
- }
- //重载*运算符 (a+bi) * (c+di) = (ac-bd) + (bc+ad)i
- Complex operator*(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){
- Complex c;
- c.m_real = c1.m_real * c2.m_real - c1.m_imag * c2.m_imag;
- c.m_imag = c1.m_imag * c2.m_real + c1.m_real * c2.m_imag;
- return c;
- }
- //重载/运算符 (a+bi) / (c+di) = [(ac+bd) / (c²+d²)] + [(bc-ad) / (c²+d²)]i
- Complex operator/(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){
- Complex c;
- c.m_real = (c1.m_real*c2.m_real + c1.m_imag*c2.m_imag) / (pow(c2.m_real, ) + pow(c2.m_imag, ));
- c.m_imag = (c1.m_imag*c2.m_real - c1.m_real*c2.m_imag) / (pow(c2.m_real, ) + pow(c2.m_imag, ));
- return c;
- }
- //重载==运算符
- bool operator==(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){
- if( c1.m_real == c2.m_real && c1.m_imag == c2.m_imag ){
- return true;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- //重载!=运算符
- bool operator!=(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2){
- if( c1.m_real != c2.m_real || c1.m_imag != c2.m_imag ){
- return true;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- //重载+=运算符
- Complex & Complex::operator+=(const Complex &c){
- this->m_real += c.m_real;
- this->m_imag += c.m_imag;
- return *this;
- }
- //重载-=运算符
- Complex & Complex::operator-=(const Complex &c){
- this->m_real -= c.m_real;
- this->m_imag -= c.m_imag;
- return *this;
- }
- //重载*=运算符
- Complex & Complex::operator*=(const Complex &c){
- this->m_real = this->m_real * c.m_real - this->m_imag * c.m_imag;
- this->m_imag = this->m_imag * c.m_real + this->m_real * c.m_imag;
- return *this;
- }
- //重载/=运算符
- Complex & Complex::operator/=(const Complex &c){
- this->m_real = (this->m_real*c.m_real + this->m_imag*c.m_imag) / (pow(c.m_real, ) + pow(c.m_imag, ));
- this->m_imag = (this->m_imag*c.m_real - this->m_real*c.m_imag) / (pow(c.m_real, ) + pow(c.m_imag, ));
- return *this;
- }
- int main(){
- Complex c1(, );
- Complex c2(, );
- Complex c3(, );
- Complex c4(, );
- Complex c5(, );
- Complex c6(, );
- Complex c7 = c1 + c2;
- Complex c8 = c1 - c2;
- Complex c9 = c1 * c2;
- Complex c10 = c1 / c2;
- cout<<"c7 = "<<c7.real()<<" + "<<c7.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- cout<<"c8 = "<<c8.real()<<" + "<<c8.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- cout<<"c9 = "<<c9.real()<<" + "<<c9.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- cout<<"c10 = "<<c10.real()<<" + "<<c10.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- c3 += c1;
- c4 -= c2;
- c5 *= c2;
- c6 /= c2;
- cout<<"c3 = "<<c3.real()<<" + "<<c3.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- cout<<"c4 = "<<c4.real()<<" + "<<c4.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- cout<<"c5 = "<<c5.real()<<" + "<<c5.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- cout<<"c6 = "<<c6.real()<<" + "<<c6.imag()<<"i"<<endl;
- if(c1 == c2){
- cout<<"c1 == c2"<<endl;
- }
- if(c1 != c2){
- cout<<"c1 != c2"<<endl;
- }
- return ;
- }
c7 = 35 + 55i
c8 = 15 + 15i
c9 = -450 + 850i
c10 = 1.9 + -0.3i
c3 = 26 + 37i
c4 = -6 + -11i
c5 = 220 + 4460i
c6 = 5.2 + 1.592i
c1 != c2
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Array{
- public:
- Array(int length = );
- ~Array();
- public:
- int & operator[](int i);
- const int & operator[](int i) const;
- public:
- int length() const { return m_length; }
- void display() const;
- private:
- int m_length; //数组长度
- int *m_p; //指向数组内存的指针
- };
- Array::Array(int length): m_length(length){
- if(length == ){
- m_p = NULL;
- }else{
- m_p = new int[length];
- }
- }
- Array::~Array(){
- delete[] m_p;
- }
- int& Array::operator[](int i){
- return m_p[i];
- }
- const int & Array::operator[](int i) const{
- return m_p[i];
- }
- void Array::display() const{
- for(int i = ; i < m_length; i++){
- if(i == m_length - ){
- cout<<m_p[i]<<endl;
- }else{
- cout<<m_p[i]<<", ";
- }
- }
- }
- int main(){
- int n;
- cin>>n;
- Array A(n);
- for(int i = , len = A.length(); i < len; i++){
- A[i] = i * ;
- }
- A.display();
- const Array B(n);
- cout<<B[n-]<<endl; //访问最后一个元素
- return ;
- }
0, 5, 10, 15, 20
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