--]] --获取共享内存
local limit_req_store = ngx.shared.limit_req_store --过载保护策略总开关,若开关关闭,则全部策略失效
local overload_protection_switch = limit_req_store:get("overload_protection_switch")
if (overload_protection_switch ~= nil and overload_protection_switch == "N") then
ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "nginx limit strategy has been shutdown.")
end --获取返回状态码
local status = ngx.status --获取请求uri
local uri = ngx.var.uri ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "current request uri:", uri, ", http status code:", status) local count --记录当前请求的异常次数
local uri_last_decay_time_key="cur_time:"..uri --记录当前请求上一次衰减时间节点的 key
local black_list_key = "black_list:"..uri --记录异常次数达到上限时被加入黑名单的 URI 的 key
local os_cur_time = os.time() --获取当前系统时间,单位是秒
local cur_uri = "cur:"..uri --记录请求异常次数的 key,不能直接用 uri 做 key,会和resty-limit-multiple-strategy.lua文件中的key 冲突 --衰减时间内最大异常次数
local max_fail_time= limit_req_store:get("period_max_fail_time")
if (max_fail_time == nil or max_fail_time == ) then
max_fail_time =
end ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG,"nginx config period_max_fail_time:",max_fail_time) --衰减时间,所有与过期时间相关的设置单位都是秒
local decay_time= limit_req_store:get("period_time")
if (decay_time == nil or decay_time == ) then
decay_time =
end --异常请求加入blacklist的有效时间,单位是秒
local black_list_time = limit_req_store:get("black_list_survival_time")
if (black_list_time == nil or black_list_time == ) then
black_list_time =
end --err_code 默认为执行限流策略时的返回码,不需要后续逻辑处理
if status == err_code then
end --只统计400以上的返回异常
if status >= then
count= limit_req_store:get(cur_uri)
if count == nil then
count =
count = limit_req_store:incr(cur_uri,)
if count >= tonumber(max_fail_time) then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "nginx current request uri:", uri," fail time is up to the max_fail_time,and will be added to black_list.")
local time = limit_req_store:get(uri_last_decay_time_key)
time = os_cur_time-time
if time >= tonumber(decay_time) then
count = math.ceil(count/)
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "nginx current request uri:", uri," fail time was be decayed,current count:", count)


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