sublime text2突然crash,无法简单粗暴的关闭,就开始认真解决这个问题。



Package Control only dumps the trust settings about once a week since it can take a few seconds to do so. This is most likely why you only see it occasionally.

I've been working on a bunch of other, mostly unrelated crypto code that deals with dumping these trust settings also, albeit without launching a subprocess, but instead using the OS X APIs. It may make more sense to switch over to that code since it is more well tested and would not suffer from the perils of scraping command line tool output.

I should also note, it appears that this output is likely caused because "custom" trust settings exist for one or more certs in your system keychain.

大意是: 包控制抛开信任设置大概一周一次,因为它可以花几秒钟做这样的设置。这也就是用户发现这样的时间很偶然的原因。

作者正在做这样的事,虽然与现状的问题无关,但是可以取代使用OS X apis。

发生这样的输出可能因为在system keychain中存在信任设置的证书。


问题下面评论的大概与我的情况相同,都是Mac OS X 10.11出错,更新了sublime Text2 到 Text3,后续关注是否会出现这样的情况。

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