Energy and persistence can conquer all things.


I have the persistence, but it seems I am lack of the energy and some abilities to conquer the things.

And the consequence may be that whatever I do, I can't gain the satisfying outcomes, which let me feel very tired and frustrated.

Though I believe that I can have my own days in the near future, sometimes I feel maybe the time never comes to me.

Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.


Sometimes it is ourselves that set limits for us, based on the past experience or conventions, we become more and more accustomed to these sterotypes, and our abilities of innovation and creation may be weaken gradually, and we may lose the courage to make some changes.

However, it may be difficult to make progress or innovation if we don't have a deep insight into the conventions and the norm, because if we can't have a deeper understanding on them, we even can't find out where the problem lies in and where can we improve.

Actually, it may be a better way to initiate any changes after we have familiarized ourselfves with the customary procedures and the conventions, and then the changes we make may be far more validity, and so they can be called progress.

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