I want to move the website to another server. The new server has reinstall Sharepoint2013 servers. I have created a web application and a site collection in the new farm. I deleted the content database which it created itself. I copied the content database from

the old farm to the new farm. And I went to the center administrator, clicked “Manage Content Database “to add the content

database. But when I attach the database I copied from the old machine. It got an error:

“This content database has a schema version which is not supported in this farm.”

     I searched form the internet, and found the reason. It says:

“You need to update the SharePoint server in the old farm to the same patch level as the one in the new server. “

     I remembered my old farm has been updated with March 2013 CU and Apr 2013 CU, but the new farm didn’t updated. So I

updated the new farm with March 2013 CU and Apr 2013 CU, It worked welled. I added the content database successfully.


different schema version

This content database has a schema version which is not supported in this farm.的更多相关文章

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