
Everybody loves big numbers (if you do not, you might want to stop reading at this point). There are many ways of constructing really big numbers known to humankind, for instance:

  • Exponentiation: 422016=42⋅42⋅...⋅422016 times422016=42⋅42⋅...⋅42⏟2016 times.
  • Factorials: 2016!=2016 ⋅ 2015 ⋅ ... ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1.

In this problem we look at their lesser-known love-child the exponial, which is an operation defined for all positive integers n​ as 
exponial(n)=n(n − 1)(n − 2)⋯21
For example, exponial(1)=1 and exponial(5)=54321 ≈ 6.206 ⋅ 10183230 which is already pretty big. Note that exponentiation is right-associative: abc = a(bc).

Since the exponials are really big, they can be a bit unwieldy to work with. Therefore we would like you to write a program which computesexponial(n) mod m (the remainder of exponial(n) when dividing by m).


There will be several test cases. For the each case, the input consists of two integers n (1 ≤ n ≤ 109) and m (1 ≤ m ≤ 109).


Output a single integer, the value of exponial(n) mod m.

Sample Input

2 42
5 123456789
94 265

Sample Output




NCPC 2016

这题题意很容易懂  但是数学不好,只能看看。


AB mod C=AB mod φ(C)+φ(C) mod C(B>φ(C))




using namespace std;
const int maxn =1e5+;
typedef long long ll;
ll n,m,ans;
ll euler(ll n)
ll res=n,a=n;
for (ll i= ;i*i <=a ;i++ ){
if (a%i==) {
while(a%i==) a/=i;
if (a>) res=res/a*(a-);
return res;
ll modexp(ll a,ll b,ll c)
ll res=;
if (b&) res=res*a%c;
return res;
ll getans(ll n,ll m )
if (m==) return ;
if (n==) return ;
else if (n==) return %m;
else if (n==) return %m;
else if (n==) return modexp(,,m);
else {
ll phi=euler(m);
ll z=getans(n-,phi);
return ans;
int main() {
return ;


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