Revit Family API 找到实体某一方向上的面。
- // ===============================================================
- // helper function: given a solid, find a planar
- //Extrusion实体,给一个实体,给一个方向,找到与此方向一致的面。
- // face with the given normal (version 2)
- // this is a slightly enhaced version of the previous
- // version and checks if the face is on the given reference plane.
- // ===============================================================
- PlanarFace findFace(Application app, Extrusion pBox, XYZ normal, ReferencePlane refPlane)
- {
- // get the geometry object of the given element
- //
- Options op = new Options();
- op.ComputeReferences = true;
- GeometryObjectArray geomObjs = pBox.get_Geometry(op).Objects;
- // loop through the array and find a face with the given normal
- //
- foreach (GeometryObject geomObj in geomObjs)
- {
- if (geomObj is Solid) // solid is what we are interested in.
- {
- Solid pSolid = geomObj as Solid;
- FaceArray faces = pSolid.Faces;
- foreach (Face pFace in faces)
- {
- PlanarFace pPlanarFace = (PlanarFace)pFace;
- // check to see if they have same normal
- //face.Normal是面的向量。IsAlmostEqualTo();
- if ((pPlanarFace != null) && pPlanarFace.Normal.IsAlmostEqualTo(normal))
- {
- // additionally, we want to check if the face is on the reference plane
- //还要判断面是否在参考平面上。
- XYZ p0 = refPlane.BubbleEnd;//终点?
- XYZ p1 = refPlane.FreeEnd;//起点?
- Line pCurve = app.Create.NewLineBound(p0, p1);
- if (pPlanarFace.Intersect(pCurve) == SetComparisonResult.Subset)//子集
- {
- return pPlanarFace; // we found the face
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // will come back later as needed.
- //
- //else if (geomObj is Instance)
- //{
- //}
- //else if (geomObj is Curve)
- //{
- //}
- //else if (geomObj is Mesh)
- //{
- //}
- }
- // if we come here, we did not find any.
- return null;
- }
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