The Smallest Difference
Given two array of integers(the first array is array A
, the second array is arrayB
), now we are going to find a element in array A which is A[i], and another element in array B which is B[j], so that the difference between A[i] and B[j] (|A[i] - B[j]|) is as small as possible, return their smallest difference.
For example, given array A = [3,6,7,4]
, B = [2,8,9,3]
, return 0。
首先sort, 然后用两个指针分别指向两个array的头部,谁小移动谁。
public class Solution {
* @param A, B: Two integer arrays.
* @return: Their smallest difference.
public int smallestDifference(int[] A, int[] B) {
Arrays.sort(B); int pa = ;
int pb = ; int diff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while (pa < A.length && pb < B.length) {
if (A[pa] < B[pb]) {
diff = Math.min(diff, Math.abs(A[pa] - B[pb]));
} else if (A[pa] == B[pb]) {
return ;
} else {
diff = Math.min(diff, Math.abs(A[pa] - B[pb]));
return diff;
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