- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cmath>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- const int maxn=+,INF=-1u>>;
- int v[maxn],maxv[maxn],minv[maxn],sumv[maxn],ch[maxn][],pre[maxn],top[maxn],flip[maxn],n,Q;
- inline int read(){
- int x=,sig=;char ch=getchar();
- while(!isdigit(ch)){if(ch=='-') sig=-;ch=getchar();}
- while(isdigit(ch)) x=*x+ch-'',ch=getchar();
- return x*=sig;
- }
- inline void write(int x){
- if(x==){putchar('');return;}if(x<) putchar('-'),x=-x;
- int len=,buf[];while(x) buf[len++]=x%,x/=;
- for(int i=len-;i>=;i--) putchar(buf[i]+'');return;
- }
- void maintain(int o){
- int lc=ch[o][],rc=ch[o][];
- maxv[o]=max(maxv[lc],maxv[rc]);
- minv[o]=min(minv[lc],minv[rc]);
- sumv[o]=sumv[lc]+sumv[rc];
- if(v[o]){
- sumv[o]+=v[o];
- maxv[o]=max(maxv[o],v[o]);
- minv[o]=min(minv[o],v[o]);
- } return;
- }
- void pushdown(int o){
- if(flip[o]){
- flip[ch[o][]]^=;
- flip[ch[o][]]^=;
- swap(ch[o][],ch[o][]);
- flip[o]=;
- } return;
- }
- void rotate(int x,int d){
- pushdown(x);
- int y=pre[x],z=pre[y];
- ch[y][d^]=ch[x][d];pre[ch[x][d]]=y;
- ch[z][ch[z][]==y]=x;pre[x]=z;
- ch[x][d]=y;pre[y]=x;
- maintain(y);return;
- }
- void splay(int x){
- int rt=x;
- while(pre[rt]) rt=pre[rt];
- if(x!=rt){
- top[x]=top[rt];top[rt]=;
- while(pre[x]){
- pushdown(pre[x]);
- rotate(x,ch[pre[x]][]==x);
- } maintain(x);
- } else pushdown(x);
- return;
- }
- void access(int x){
- int y=;
- while(x){
- splay(x);
- top[ch[x][]]=x;pre[ch[x][]]=;
- ch[x][]=y;
- top[y]=;pre[y]=x;
- maintain(x);
- y=x;x=top[x];
- } return;
- }
- void makeroot(int x){
- access(x);splay(x);flip[x]^=;return;
- }
- void link(int u,int v){
- makeroot(u);top[u]=v;return;
- }
- void query(int x,int y){
- if(x==y){
- puts("error");return;
- }
- makeroot(x);access(y);splay(y);
- write(maxv[y]);putchar(' ');write(minv[y]);putchar(' ');write(sumv[y]);putchar('\n');
- return;
- }
- void update(int pos,int cv){
- splay(pos);v[pos]=cv;
- maintain(pos);return;
- }
- void init(){
- maxv[]=-INF;minv[]=INF;sumv[]=;
- n=read();
- for(int i=;i<n;i++){
- int a=read(),b=read(),c=read();
- v[i+n]=c;
- link(a,i+n);link(i+n,b);
- }
- Q=read();
- while(Q--)
- {
- int tp=read(),a=read(),b=read();
- if(tp) query(a,b);
- else update(a+n,b);
- }
- return ;
- }
- int main(){init();return ;}
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