openSource clouds
学习当前较主流的开源云基础设施管理软件by Ruiy summarize publish;
open source cloud computing(openStack,cloudStack,openNebula,Eucalyptus)及paas/saas/iass于2014/05/24
running mechanism;
熟悉了当前打多少主流的云 管理软件知几乎所有的 Management front-end server相关的存储数据一般都是存储在mysql中,也些原因是在3~4年前mysql是真的很不错;
均从架构角度分析,思考之 public/private/hybrid LD HA cloud computing env;
1,cloudStack(先带这说说优化高可用部署措施,分离存储,多mgmt 做好Mysql DB(database replication))
community maintained package repositories
configuration of the data-center and the setup of the network, storage and hypervisors
small-scale test and trial,production deployments
diagram illustrates network architecture(topology) small-scale CloudStack deployment
firewall provides a connection to the Internet. The firewall is configured in NAT mode. The firewall forwards
HTTP requests and API calls from the Internet to the Management Server.
layer-2 switch connects all physical servers and storage
pod Large-Scale Redundant for production;
使用虚拟路由冗余协议virtual router redundancy protocol(VRRP)
firewalls provide the following functions:
front-end LD(load balancers) + HA(high avaiable)
Storage protocols such as iSCSI are sensitive
to network delays 存储协议对网络延迟很敏感;
MySQL DB(database replication) will be deployed to enable disaster recovery
failover and load balance between separate storage networks
supports many popular hypervisors
bare metal 电脑裸机,无系统,无应用软件;
N/A not applicaable;
snapshorts local disk locate;
Manual live migration of VMs from host to host
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