使用DLLImport进行导入函数的事. C#调用C++的函数其实不止这一种方法, 还有一种方法是用delegate申明函数委托进行调用,这种方法略显麻烦,但是可以进行回调并应用指针.


    public class DLLWrapper
/// API LoadLibrary
public static extern int LoadLibrary(String funcname); ///<summary>
/// API GetProcAddress
public static extern int GetProcAddress(int handle, String funcname); ///<summary>
/// API FreeLibrary
public static extern int FreeLibrary(int handle); ///<summary>
///通过非托管函数名转换为对应的委托, by jingzhongrong
///<param name="dllModule">Get DLL handle by LoadLibrary</param>
///<param name="functionName">Unmanaged function name</param>
///<param name="t">ManageR type对应的委托类型</param>
public static Delegate GetFunctionAddress(int dllModule, string functionName, Type t)
int address = GetProcAddress(dllModule, functionName);
if (address == )
return null;
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(address), t);
} ///<summary>
///将表示函数地址的IntPtr实例转换成对应的委托, by jingzhongrong
public static Delegate GetDelegateFromIntPtr(IntPtr address, Type t)
if (address == IntPtr.Zero)
return null;
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(address, t);
} ///<summary>
///将表示函数地址的int转换成对应的委托,by jingzhongrong
public static Delegate GetDelegateFromIntPtr(int address, Type t)
if (address == )
return null;
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(address), t);

然后, 用delegate声明函数:

    delegate void _amDBRSetThermoModel(int mid, ref int errid);

再然后, 自己写个private的函数封装DLL中的函数, hModule()函数的作用是取得DLL的地址,用在多个输出函数中

    private int hModule()
int _hModule = DLLWrapper.LoadLibrary(DLLPATH);
if (_hModule == )
return ;
return _hModule;
} private void amDBRInitialize()
_amDBRInitialize amf = (_amDBRInitialize)DLLWrapper.GetFunctionAddress(hModule(), "amDBRInitialize", typeof(_amDBRInitialize));
catch (Exception e)
throw e;

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