
● I/O enters block layer – it can be:
– Remapped onto another device (MD, DM)
– Split into 2 separate I/Os (alignment, size, ...)
– Added to the request queue
– Merged with a previous entry on the queue All I/Os end up on a request queue at some point
● At some later time, the I/O is issued to a device driver, and submitted to a device
● Later, the I/O is completed by the device, and its driver
|-Q time-|-Insert time-|
|--------- merge time ------------|-merge with other IO|
|----------------scheduler time time-------------------|---driver,adapter,storagetime--|

|----------------------- await time in iostat output ----------------------------------|
Q2Q — time between requests sent to the block layer
Q2G — time
from a block I/O is queued to the time it gets a request allocated for it
G2I — time f
rom a request is allocated to the time it is Inserted into the device's queue
Q2M — time
from a block I/O is queued to the time it gets merged with an existing request
I2D — time
from a request is inserted into the device's queue to the time it is actually issued to the device
M2D — time from
a block I/O is merged with an exiting request until the request is issued to the device
D2C — service time of the request by the device
Q2C — total time spent in the block layer
for a request
1,使用blktrace 抓取设备上的IO信息:
    blktrace -w 120 -d /dev/nvme0n1
      blkparse -i nvme0n1 -d blkparse.out
3.1 使用btt查看IO的整体情况:
     btt -i blkparse.out


Q2I – time it takes to process an I/O prior to it being inserted or merged onto a request queue – Includes split, and remap time

I2D – time the I/O is “idle” on the request queue

D2C – time the I/O is “active” in the driver and on the device

Q2I + I2D + D2C = Q2C

Q2C: Total processing time of the I/O

3.3 使用btt查看每个请求的latency的详细情况:
btt -i blkparse.out  -q
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     876 Jun 13 18:14 sys_mbps_fp.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     451 Jun 13 18:14 sys_iops_fp.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  429815 Jun 13 18:14 q2c.lat_259,6_q2c.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     876 Jun 13 18:14 259,6_mbps_fp.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     451 Jun 13 18:14 259,6_iops_fp.dat

3.4 使用btt查看IO pattern
btt -i blkparse.out -B offset
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  819132 Jun 13 18:21 offset_259,6_w.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     108 Jun 13 18:21 offset_259,6_r.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  819240 Jun 13 18:21 offset_259,6_c.dat
                  All read block numbers are output, first column is time (seconds), second is the block number, and the third column is the ending block number.
                  All write block numbers are output, first column is time (seconds), second is the block number, and the third column is the ending block number.
                  All block numbers (read and write) are output, first column is time (seconds), second is the block number, and the third column is the ending block number.

blkparse的 -f 选项能从trace数据中抓取特定的信息输出。

blkparse -i nvme0n1.blktrace.* -f "%5T.%9t, %p, %C, %a, %d, %N\n" -a complete -o output.txt

其他格式化参数请man blkparse。

更多用法请参考man blktrace和man blkparse.

值得一提的是,blktrace对应用程序的性能影响极小,作者是这么说的:Seeing less than 2% hits to application performance in relatively stressful I/O situations。

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