Create a new project from a reference BSP file.
petalinux-create -t project -s <FULLPATH-TO-BSP>
Create a new project based on the MicroBlaze template.
$ petalinux-create -t project -n <PRJ_NAME> --template microblaze
Initialize a PetaLinux project within the project directory with an external HDF.
petalinux-config --get-hw-description=<PATH-TO-HDF-DIRECTORY>
Initialize a PetaLinux project from within the directory containing an HDF.
petalinux-config --get-hw-description -p <%PATH-TO-PETALINUX-PROJECT%>
Initialize a PetaLinux project from a neutral location
petalinux-config --get-hw-description <%PATH-TO-HDF%> -p <%PATH-TO-PETALINUX-PROJECT%>
Start the menuconfig for the system-level configuration:
开始 系统级别的 menuconfig:
$ petalinux-config
Parse the configuration onto Kconfig without opening the GUI(--oldconfig
), for the root filesystem(-c rootfs
# 以根文件系统为例
petalinux-config -c rootfs --oldconfig
Load the Linux kernel configuration with a specific default configuration:
否则会报错:ERROR: linux-xlnx-4.14-xilinx-v2018.3+gitAUTOINC+eeab73d120-r0 do_kernel_metadata: A KBUILD_DEFCONFIG 'xxx' was specified, but not present in the source tree
# 以内核为例
petalinux-config -c kernel --defconfig xilinx_zynq_base_trd_defconfig
# 以 uboot 为例
petalinux-config -c u-boot --defconfig xilinx_zynqmp_zcu102_defconfig
Generate the source code for fsbl/fs-boot:
petalinux-config -c bootloader
Build the entire PetaLinux project
Build the kernel forcefully
petalinux-build -c kernel -f
Compile a kernel forcefully
petalinux-build -c kernel -x compile -f
Clean all build collaterals from the U-Boot component of the PetaLinux project.
$ petalinux-build -c u-boot -x cleansstate
Create an updated FIT image from the current contents of the deploy area.
petalinux-build -x package
Clean all build collaterals. It removes build/, ${TMPDIR} and images. This will bring the
project to its initial state
## 慎用
petalinux-build -x mrproper
Clear the build area of the PetaLinux project for archiving as a BSP or for revision
control. This example retains the images directory of the project
petalinux-build -x distclean
Download and boot a pre-built bitstream (and FSBL for Zynq-7000 or Zynq UltraScale+
MPSoC) via JTAG to a physical board.
petalinux-boot --jtag --prebuilt 1
Download and boot a pre-built U-Boot elf via JTAG to a physical board.
$ petalinux-boot --jtag --prebuilt 2
For Zynq-7000, it downloads:
- bitstream pre-built/linux/implementation/download.bit
- fsbl pre-built/linux/images/zynq_fsbl.elf
- u-boot pre-built/linux/images/u-boot.elf
For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, it downloads:
- bitstream pre-built/linux/implementation/download.bit
- fsbl pre-built/linux/images/zynqmp_fsbl.elf
- ATF pre-built/linux/images/bl31.elf
- u-boot pre-built/linux/images/u-boot.elf
- pmufw pre-built/linux/images/pmufw.elf
Download and boot a pre-built kernel image via JTAG to a physical board
petalinux-boot --jtag --prebuilt 3
For Zynq-7000, it downloads:
- bitstream pre-built/linux/implementation/download.bit
- fsbl pre-built/linux/images/zynq_fsbl.elf
- DTB pre-built/linux/images/system.dtb
- kernel pre-built/linux/images/zImage
For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, it downloads:
- bitstream pre-built/linux/implementation/download.bit
- fsbl pre-built/linux/images/zynqmp_fsbl.elf
- kernel pre-built/linux/images/Image
- DTB pre-built/linux/images/system.dtb
- ATF pre-built/linux/images/bl31.elf
- pmufw pre-built/linux/images/pmufw.elf)
Download and boot a built U-Boot image via JTAG to a physical board
petalinux-boot --jtag --u-boot
For Zynq-7000, it downloads:
- fsbl images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf
- U-Boot images/linux/u-boot.elf.
For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, it downloads:
- fsbl images/linux/zynqmp_fsbl.elf
- U-Boot images/linux/u-boot.elf
- ATF images/linux/bl31.elf
- pmufw images/linux/pmufw.elf
Download and boot a built kernel image via JTAG to a physical board.
petalinux-boot --jtag --kernel
(For Zynq-7000, it boots:
- fsbl images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf
- DTB images/linux/system.dtb
- kernel images/linux/zImage
For Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, it boots:
- fsbl images/linux/zynqmp_fsbl.elf
- kernel images/linux/Image
- DTB images/linux/system.dtb
- ATF images/linux/bl31.elf
- pmufw images/linux/pmufw.elf
Load and boot a pre-built U-Boot elf via QEMU.
$ petalinux-boot --qemu --prebuilt 2
Load and boot a pre-built U-Boot elf via QEMU in root mode.
$ petalinux-boot --qemu --root --prebuilt 2
Create a BOOT.BIN file for a Zynq family device (including Zynq-7000 and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC).
petalinux-package --boot --format BIN --fsbl <%PATH-TO-FSBL%> --u-boot -o <%PATH-TO-OUTPUT-WITH-FILE-NAME%>
Create a BOOT.BIN file for a Zynq family device that includes a PL bitstream and FIT image.
petalinux-package --boot --format BIN --fsbl <%PATH-TO-FSBL%> --u-boot --fpga <%PATH-TO-BITSTREAM%> --kernel -o <%PATH-TO-OUTPUT%>
Create a BOOT.BIN file for a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC device that includes a PMU firmware.
petalinux-package --boot --u-boot --kernel --pmufw <%PATH_TO_PMUFW%>
Clean the project and then generate the BSP installation image (.BSP file)
petalinux-package --bsp --clean -o <%PATH-TO-BSP%> -p <%PATH-TO-PROJECT%>
Generate the BSP installation image that includes a reference hardware definition
petalinux-package --bsp --hwsource <%PATH-TO-HW-EXPORT%> -o <%PATH-TO-BSP%> -p <%PATH-TO-PROJECT%>
Generate the BSP installation image from a neutral location
$ petalinux-package --bsp -p <%PATH-TO-PROJECT%> -o <%PATH-TO-BSP%>
Generate uImage
petalinux-package --image -c kernel --format uImage
(The uImage is in <%plnx-proj-root%>/images/linux directory)
Include a specific bitstream in the pre-built area.
petalinux-package --prebuilt --fpga <%BITSTREAM%>
Include a specific data file in the pre-built area.
petalinux-package --prebuilt -a <%APP%>:images/<%APP%>
Launch the GNU GDB debugger
petalinux-util --gdb
Launch a specific Linux kernel image.
petalinux-util --jtag-logbuf -i <%PATH-TO-IMAGE%>
Launch the JTAG logger from a neutral location. This workflow is for Zynq-7000 devices only
petalinux-util --jtag-logbuf -i <%PATH-TO-IMAGE%> -p <%PATH-TO-PROJECT%>
To find the default bitstream of a project:
petalinux-util --find-hdf-bitstream
To find the bitstream of a hdf:
petalinux-util --find-hdf-bitstream --hdf-file <%path to hdf file%>
Toggle the WebTalk feature off.
petalinux-util --webtalk off
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