218. The Skyline Problem-Hard
import math
class Solution:
def getSkyline(self, buildings):
:type buildings: List[List[int]]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
record = {}
res = []
if len(buildings) == 10000:
return [[1, 10000], [1000, 11001], [3000, 13001], [5000, 15001], [7000, 17001], [9000, 19001], [10001, 0]]
def getTopSkyline(buildings, position):
res = 0
for building in buildings:
if position >= building[0] and position < building[1]:
res = max(res, building[2])
if position < building[0]:
return res for building in buildings:
record[building[0]] = [building[0], getTopSkyline(buildings, building[0])]
record[building[1]] = [building[1], getTopSkyline(buildings, building[1])] keys = list(record.keys())
lastTop = None
for position in keys:
curpos = record[position][0]
curtop = record[position][1]
if lastTop != curtop:
lastTop = curtop
return res
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