
首先安装为python3安装模块下载工具pip3,然后安装spyder的依赖包PyQt5和sphinx。刚开始的时候直接安装了PyQt4,然后会报错,无法找到QT binding。



sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo easy_install3 pip





sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt*

sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python-sphinx
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt*

sudo pip3 install spyder



error: command 'i686-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 



sudo apt-get install python-dev



pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (six 1.5. (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('six>=1.9.0'), {'prompt-toolkit'})


sudo pip3 install -U six



**QtPy** is a shim over the various Python Qt bindings. It is used to write
Qt binding indenpendent libraries or applications. The shim will automatically select the first available API (PyQt5, PyQt4 and
finally PySide). You can force the use of one specific bindings (e.g. if your application is
using one specific bindings and you need to use library that use QtPy) by
setting up the ``QT_API`` environment variable. PyQt5
===== For PyQt5, you don't have to set anything as it will be used automatically:: >>> from qtpy import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore
>>> print(QtWidgets.QWidget) PyQt4
===== Set the ``QT_API`` environment variable to 'pyqt' before importing any python
package:: >>> import os
>>> os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyqt'
>>> from qtpy import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore
>>> print(QtWidgets.QWidget) PySide
====== Set the QT_API environment variable to 'pyside' before importing other
packages:: >>> import os
>>> os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyside'
>>> from qtpy import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore
>>> print(QtWidgets.QWidget) """

QtPy主要是选择一个合适的QT binding,包括PyQt5,PyQt4和PySide,默认的是PyQt5,但是安装的版本是PyQt4,所以启动spyder会出错,上面的提示可以设置QT_API这个环境变量来选择版本,但是试验过之后仍然无法启动spyder,最后安装了PyQt5才解决该问题。




a,sudo apt-get install + 模块名

b,sudo pip3 install + 模块名


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