jQuery file upload cropper的 click .preview事件没有绑定成功
- var node = $('<p id="chuck" class="preview"/>')
$(".preview").on("click", function(){
$(".preview").off("click"); https://stackoverflow.com/questions/209029/best-way-to-remove-an-event-handler-in-jquery
uploadImageEditorPreviewSelector: 'click .preview',
// The container for the list of files. If undefined, it is set to
// an element with class "files" inside of the widget element:
filesContainer: undefined,
_initEventHandlers: function () {
var handlers = {};
handlers[this.options.uploadImageEditorPreviewSelector] = this._previewHandler.bind(this);
this._on(this.options.filesContainer, handlers);
jquery.fileupload.js中_onAdd: function (e, data) {
that._addConvenienceMethods(e, newData);
result = that._trigger(
$.Event('add', {delegatedEvent: e}),
return result;
_initResponseObject: function (obj) {
var prop;
if (obj._response) {
for (prop in obj._response) {
if (obj._response.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
delete obj._response[prop];
} else {
obj._response = {};
_initProgressObject: function (obj) {
var progress = {
loaded: 0,
total: 0,
bitrate: 0
if (obj._progress) {
$.extend(obj._progress, progress);
} else {
obj._progress = progress;
- // Adds convenience methods to the data callback argument:
- _addConvenienceMethods: function (e, data) {
- var that = this,
- getPromise = function (args) {
- return $.Deferred().resolveWith(that, args).promise();
- };
- data.process = function (resolveFunc, rejectFunc) {
- if (resolveFunc || rejectFunc) {
- data._processQueue = this._processQueue =
- (this._processQueue || getPromise([this])).then(
- function () {
- if (data.errorThrown) {
- return $.Deferred()
- .rejectWith(that, [data]).promise();
- }
- return getPromise(arguments);
- }
- ).then(resolveFunc, rejectFunc);
- }
- return this._processQueue || getPromise([this]);
- };
- data.submit = function () {
- if (this.state() !== 'pending') {
- data.jqXHR = this.jqXHR =
- (that._trigger(
- 'submit',
- $.Event('submit', {delegatedEvent: e}),
- this
- ) !== false) && that._onSend(e, this);
- }
- return this.jqXHR || that._getXHRPromise();
- };
- data.abort = function () {
- if (this.jqXHR) {
- return this.jqXHR.abort();
- }
- this.errorThrown = 'abort';
- that._trigger('fail', null, this);
- return that._getXHRPromise(false);
- };
- data.state = function () {
- if (this.jqXHR) {
- return that._getDeferredState(this.jqXHR);
- }
- if (this._processQueue) {
- return that._getDeferredState(this._processQueue);
- }
- };
- data.processing = function () {
- return !this.jqXHR && this._processQueue && that
- ._getDeferredState(this._processQueue) === 'pending';
- };
- data.progress = function () {
- return this._progress;
- };
- data.response = function () {
- return this._response;
- };
- },
this.element.trigger( event, data );
jQuery.Event {originalEvent: j…y.Event, type: "fileuploadadd", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 1561917127348, jQuery111304105261403454039: true, …}currentTarget: input#fileuploaddata: undefineddelegateTarget: input#fileuploaddelegatedEvent: jQuery.Event {originalEvent: Event, type: "change", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 33359.854999987874, jQuery111304105261403454039: true, …}handleObj: {type: "fileuploadadd", origType: "fileuploadadd", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 20, …}isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnFalse()isTrigger: 3jQuery111304105261403454039: truenamespace: ""namespace_re: nulloriginalEvent: jQuery.Event {type: "add", delegatedEvent: j…y.Event, timeStamp: 1561917127348, jQuery111304105261403454039: true}result: undefinedtarget: input#fileuploadtimeStamp: 1561917127348type: "fileuploadadd"__proto__: Object
return !( $.isFunction( callback ) &&
callback.apply( this.element[0], [ event ].concat( data ) ) === false ||
event.isDefaultPrevented() );
- // The add callback is invoked as soon as files are added to the fileupload
- // widget (via file input selection, drag & drop or add API call).
- // See the basic file upload widget for more information:
- add: function (e, data) {
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
- return false;
- }
- var $this = $(this),
- that = $this.data('blueimp-fileupload') ||
- $this.data('fileupload'),
- options = that.options;
- data.context = that._renderUpload(data.files)
- .data('data', data)
- .addClass('processing');
- options.filesContainer[
- options.prependFiles ? 'prepend' : 'append'
- ](data.context);
- that._forceReflow(data.context);
- that._transition(data.context);
- data.process(function () { //这里的process是在_addConvenienceMethods里面定义的
- return $this.fileupload('process', data);
- }).always(function () {
- data.context.each(function (index) {
- $(this).find('.size').text(
- that._formatFileSize(data.files[index].size)
- );
- }).removeClass('processing');
- that._renderPreviews(data);
- }).done(function () {
- data.context.find('.start').prop('disabled', false);
- if ((that._trigger('added', e, data) !== false) &&
- (options.autoUpload || data.autoUpload) &&
- data.autoUpload !== false) {
- data.submit();
- }
- }).fail(function () {
- if (data.files.error) {
- data.context.each(function (index) {
- var error = data.files[index].error;
- if (error) {
- $(this).find('.error').text(error);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- },
- _renderUpload: function (files) {
- return this._renderTemplate(
- this.options.uploadTemplate, //自己做测试的,这边是null
- files
- );
- },
- _renderTemplate: function (func, files) {
- if (!func) {
- return $(); //自己做测试,这边就返回了
- }
- var result = func({
- files: files,
- formatFileSize: this._formatFileSize,
- options: this.options
- });
- if (result instanceof $) {
- return result;
- }
- return $(this.options.templatesContainer).html(result).children();
- },
- _forceReflow: function (node) {
- return $.support.transition && node.length &&
- node[0].offsetWidth;
- },
- _transition: function (node) {
- var dfd = $.Deferred();
- if ($.support.transition && node.hasClass('fade') && node.is(':visible')) {
- node.bind(
- $.support.transition.end,
- function (e) {
- // Make sure we don't respond to other transitions events
- // in the container element, e.g. from button elements:
- if (e.target === node[0]) {
- node.unbind($.support.transition.end);
- dfd.resolveWith(node);
- }
- }
- ).toggleClass('in');
- } else {
- node.toggleClass('in');
- dfd.resolveWith(node);
- }
- return dfd;
- },
- data.process = function (resolveFunc, rejectFunc) {
- if (resolveFunc || rejectFunc) {
- data._processQueue = this._processQueue =
- (this._processQueue || getPromise([this])).then(
- function () {
- if (data.errorThrown) {
- return $.Deferred()
- .rejectWith(that, [data]).promise();
- }
- return getPromise(arguments);
- }
- ).then(resolveFunc, rejectFunc);
- }
- return this._processQueue || getPromise([this]);
- };
- // Processes the files given as files property of the data parameter,
- // returns a Promise object that allows to bind callbacks:
- process: function (data) {
- var that = this,
- options = $.extend({}, this.options, data);
- if (options.processQueue && options.processQueue.length) {
- this._transformProcessQueue(options);
- if (this._processing === 0) {
- this._trigger('processstart');
- }
- $.each(data.files, function (index) {
- var opts = index ? $.extend({}, options) : options,
- func = function () {
- if (data.errorThrown) {
- return $.Deferred()
- .rejectWith(that, [data]).promise();
- }
- return that._processFile(opts, data);
- };
- opts.index = index;
- that._processing += 1;
- that._processingQueue = that._processingQueue.then(func, func)
- .always(function () {
- that._processing -= 1;
- if (that._processing === 0) {
- that._trigger('processstop');
- }
- });
- });
- }
- return this._processingQueue;
- },
- // Replaces the settings of each processQueue item that
- // are strings starting with an "@", using the remaining
- // substring as key for the option map,
- // e.g. "@autoUpload" is replaced with options.autoUpload:
- _transformProcessQueue: function (options) {
- var processQueue = [];
- $.each(options.processQueue, function () {
- var settings = {},
- action = this.action,
- prefix = this.prefix === true ? action : this.prefix;
- $.each(this, function (key, value) {
- if ($.type(value) === 'string' &&
- value.charAt(0) === '@') {
- settings[key] = options[
- value.slice(1) || (prefix ? prefix +
- key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1) : key)
- ];
- } else {
- settings[key] = value;
- }
- });
- processQueue.push(settings);
- });
- options.processQueue = processQueue;
- },
- processstart: function (e) {
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
- return false;
- }
- $(this).addClass('fileupload-processing');
- },
- _processFile: function (data, originalData) {
- var that = this,
- dfd = $.Deferred().resolveWith(that, [data]),
- chain = dfd.promise();
- this._trigger('process', null, data);
- $.each(data.processQueue, function (i, settings) {
- var func = function (data) {
- if (originalData.errorThrown) {
- return $.Deferred()
- .rejectWith(that, [originalData]).promise();
- }
- return that.processActions[settings.action].call(
- that,
- data,
- settings
- );
- };
- chain = chain.then(func, settings.always && func);
- });
- chain
- .done(function () {
- that._trigger('processdone', null, data);
- that._trigger('processalways', null, data);
- })
- .fail(function () {
- that._trigger('processfail', null, data);
- that._trigger('processalways', null, data);
- });
- return chain;
- },
- // Processes the files given as files property of the data parameter,
- // returns a Promise object that allows to bind callbacks:
- process: function (data) {
- var that = this,
- options = $.extend({}, this.options, data);
- if (options.processQueue && options.processQueue.length) {
- this._transformProcessQueue(options);
- if (this._processing === 0) {
- this._trigger('processstart');
- }
- $.each(data.files, function (index) {
- var opts = index ? $.extend({}, options) : options,
- func = function () {
- if (data.errorThrown) {
- return $.Deferred()
- .rejectWith(that, [data]).promise();
- }
- return that._processFile(opts, data);
- };
- opts.index = index;
- that._processing += 1;
- that._processingQueue = that._processingQueue.then(func, func)
- .always(function () {
- that._processing -= 1;
- if (that._processing === 0) {
- that._trigger('processstop');
- }
- });
- });
- }
- return this._processingQueue;
- },
- _initEventHandlers: function () {
- this._super();
- var handlers = {};
- handlers[this.options.uploadImageEditorPreviewSelector] = this._previewHandler.bind(this);
- console.log(`filesContainer = ${this.options.filesContainer}`);
- this._on(this.options.filesContainer, handlers);
- },
- // The container for the list of files. If undefined, it is set to
- // an element with class "files" inside of the widget element:
- filesContainer: undefined,
- _initFilesContainer: function () {
- var options = this.options;
- if (options.filesContainer === undefined) {
- options.filesContainer = this.element.find('.files');
- } else if (!(options.filesContainer instanceof $)) {
- options.filesContainer = $(options.filesContainer);
- }
- },
- console.log(`filesContainer = ${this.options.filesContainer}`);
- _initFilesContainer: function () {
- var options = this.options;
- if (options.filesContainer === undefined) {
- options.filesContainer = this.element.find('.files');
- } else if (!(options.filesContainer instanceof $)) {
- options.filesContainer = $(options.filesContainer);
- }
- },
- _initEventHandlers: function () {
- this._super();
- this._initFilesContainer();
- var handlers = {};
- handlers[this.options.uploadImageEditorPreviewSelector] = this._previewHandler.bind(this);
- this._on(this.options.filesContainer, handlers);
- },
$('#fileupload').fileupload('option', 'filesContainer')
- options: {
// By default, files added to the widget are uploaded as soon
// as the user clicks on the start buttons. To enable automatic
// uploads, set the following option to true:
autoUpload: false,
// The ID of the upload template:
uploadTemplateId: 'template-upload',
// The ID of the download template:
downloadTemplateId: 'template-download',
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