


class Solution(object):
def findMaximumXOR(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: int
MAX_LEN = 31
root = {}
for i in nums:
node = root
i = ''*(MAX_LEN-len(bin(i)[2:])) + bin(i)[2:]
for b in i:
if b not in node:
node[b] = {}
node = node[b]
#print root['0']['0']['0']['1']['1']
res = 0
for i in nums:
path = ''
i = '' * (MAX_LEN - len(bin(i)[2:])) + bin(i)[2:]
node = root
for b in i:
if len(node) == 0:
ib = '' if b == '' else ''
if ib in node:
node = node[ib]
path += ib
node = node[b]
path += b
#print i,path,int(i,2),int(path,2)
res = max(res,int(i,2)^int(path,2))
return res

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