
Week 2


  • p58 ongoing / forward
  • p59 prosperity
  • p60 rear
  • p61 rival + segregation + semester
  • p63 stereotype + thrive
  • p64 toxic + vulnerable
  • p65 accessible
  • p66 adolescent + asset
  • p67 chronic
  • p68 characterize
  • p69 commitment + clause + collaboration + complexity
  • p70 concrete + conserve/preserve
  • p71 consult + crawl + correlate
  • p72 democracy + deprive/derive
  • p73 derive + descendant + desirable
  • p74 dropout + outage + dynamic
  • p75 eligible + elite + engagement + entail
  • p76 exceptional
  • p77 extent/extend + facilitate
  • p78 grant + grasp + forum + genuine
  • p79 illiterate + impose
  • p80 insight + innovation
  • p81 integral
  • p81 integral
  • p82 intimate + internal + inrestigate
  • p83 luxury + magnify + literally
  • p84 migrate + mortgage + nonetheless + nuisance
  • p85 odds + occupy + orinetal + origiNAL
  • p86 penalty + perspective + persuasive + portray
  • p87 prejudice(bias) + profile + profound
  • p88 proportion + propose + prospective
  • p89 rarely = merely = barely + regulate
  • p90 resistance + relieve
  • p91 robust + shatter
  • p92 skeptical + speciality + stimulus
  • p93 subtle
  • p94 undermine + virtue
  • p95 accent
  • p96 aviation + prominent + conform
  • p97 ecosystem + intrinsic + joint
  • p98 approximately + temptaion
  • p99 dimension + disclose
  • p100 spray + compensation + pursuit
  • p101 prey/pray
  • p102 commodity = goods + recipe + rally + suspend/suspect + import
  • p103 deteriorate/daterioratation
  • p104 all
  • p105 all
  • p106 all
  • p107 all


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