In fact, the processing technology of plastic bottles is actually quite strict. In fact, regular manufacturers have their own strict processing methods. There are many problems in the processing of plastic bottles that need attention. The    Plastic Bottle Manufacturer    states:

First, when designing plastics, if the material is high density polyethylene or polypropylene, the cross section of the plastic bottle should be rectangular or elliptical. For low density polyethylene or other flexible material materials, the cross section of the bottle is circular because it facilitates extrusion of the contents from the plastic bottle. Plastic bottle mouths are mainly used for caps and seals. The design of the mouth should be considered to make the plastic bottle mouth of the lid and seal better. The bottom of the plastic bottle is the weak link in the mechanical properties of the plastic bottle. Therefore, the bottom of the plastic bottle is usually designed to be concave. The corners and grooves of the plastic bottle create a greater arc overshoot. In order to facilitate the stacking of plastic bottles, the plastic bottles increase the stacking stability, and the grooves on the bottom of the plastic bottles should be in the design.

Secondly, when marking the surface of the plastic bottle, try to make the surface of the mark as smooth as possible. A “frame” can be designed in the plastic bottle to mark the surface for accurate positioning without moving. In the blow molding process, the place where the blank is first blown and the blank which is first contacted always tend to harden. As a result, the thickness of the wall is greater. The position of the corner is the last contact area where the parison expands, and the wall thickness of this portion is small. Therefore, the corners of the plastic bottle should be designed to be rounded. Variations in the surface shape of the plastic bottle, such as the relatively thin middle of the plastic bottle, increase the circumferential grooves or ribs on the surface of the plastic bottle, which can improve the rigidity and bending resistance of the plastic bottle. Longitudinal grooves or ribs eliminate the migration, sagging or deformation of plastic bottles under long-term loads.

Third, the printed surface of plastic bottles is the most concentrated part of consumers. The printed surface should be smooth and continuous. If the plastic bottle contains handles, grooves, ribs and other structures, attention should be paid to the inconvenience of the printing operation. Elliptical plastic bottles have higher rigidity and higher manufacturing costs. Therefore, in order to ensure the rigidity of the plastic bottle, in addition to selecting a material having high rigidity, a plastic bottle should be designed to enhance the rigidity and load resistance of the plastic bottle.

Fourth, since most plastics have the sensitivity of notches, plastic bottles are prone to cracks and cracks in sharp corners, roots and necks. So these parts should be designed to be rounded. For the transfer of rectangular plastic bottles, it is necessary to support most of the load of the plastic bottles. Therefore, the wall thickness of the plastic bottle is locally increased, and the rigidity and load resistance of the plastic bottle are improved.

We must pay attention to the above problems in the processing and packaging of plastic bottles.

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