#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <pcap.h> #pragma comment(lib, "packet.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "wpcap.lib") int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_t *fp;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
u_char packet[];
int i; /* Check the validity of the command line */
if (argc != )
printf("usage: %s interface", argv[]);
return ;
} /* Open the adapter */
if ((fp = pcap_open_live(argv[], // name of the device
, // portion of the packet to capture. It doesn't matter in this case
, // promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous)
, // read timeout
errbuf // error buffer
)) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n", argv[]);
return ;
} /* Supposing to be on ethernet, set mac destination to 1:1:1:1:1:1 */
packet[]= 0xbd;
packet[]= 0xbd;
packet[]= 0xbd;
packet[]= 0xbd;
packet[]= 0xbd;
packet[]= 0xbd; /* set mac source to 2:2:2:2:2:2 */
packet[]= 0x00;
packet[]= 0x0e;
packet[]= 0xc6;
packet[]= 0xd6;
packet[]= 0x80;
packet[]= 0x6c; // Eth type
packet[] = 0x86;
packet[] = 0xdd; //IPv6 header
packet[] = 0x60;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x24;
packet[] = 0x3a; //next header
packet[] = 0x08; packet[] = 0xfe; // source addr
packet[] = 0x80;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x8c;
packet[] = 0x79;
packet[] = 0xe4;
packet[] = 0xf9; packet[] = 0xf5;
packet[] = 0xa3;
packet[] = 0xe5;
packet[] = 0xeb; packet[] = 0xff; // dest addr
packet[] = 0x02;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x01; packet[] = 0x86; // icmp v6 header type
packet[] = 0x00; // code
packet[] = 0xe6; // check sum
packet[] = 0x43; packet[] = 0x08;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x01; // router lifetime
packet[] = 0x10; packet[] = 0x00; // reachable time
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x00; // retrans timer
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00;
packet[] = 0x00; packet[] = 0x03; // Option-type
packet[] = 0x04; // Option-length
packet[] = 0x40; // Option-prefix length
packet[] = 0xc0; // Option-L A packet[] = 0xff; // Option-valid lifetime
packet[] = 0xff; // Option-valid lifetime
packet[] = 0xff; // Option-valid lifetime
packet[] = 0xff; // Option-valid lifetime packet[] = 0xff; // Option-prefered lifetime
packet[] = 0xff; // Option-prefered lifetime
packet[] = 0xff; // Option-prefered lifetime
packet[] = 0xff; // Option-prefered lifetime packet[] = 0x00; // Option-reserved
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-reserved
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-reserved
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-reserved packet[] = 0xfc; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0xf8; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x02; // Option-prefix packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix
packet[] = 0x00; // Option-prefix packet[] = 0x2c; // crc
packet[] = 0x6a; // crc
packet[] = 0x46; // crc
packet[] = 0xb5; // crc ///* Fill the rest of the packet */
// packet[i]= (u_char)i;
//} /* Send down the packet */
if (pcap_sendpacket(fp, // Adapter
packet, // buffer with the packet
// size
) != )
fprintf(stderr,"\nError sending the packet: %s\n", pcap_geterr(fp));
return ;
} pcap_close(fp);
return ;


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