In the past 100 years, lighting has gone a long way. LED decorative lighting is now designed to meet any visual need.

Consumers find it difficult to choose between traditional and modern styles. These options are easily overwhelmed when choosing lights for home décor. Although the trend is in and out of such things, the technology is only expanding.

In order to narrow the scope, LED decorative light suppliers recommend that you use LED neon design. These lights have significant advantages over traditional glass neon lights.

Don't just follow the trend, go ahead and know why you make a choice.

LED neon advantages
diodes (LEDs) have been around for nearly 40 years. You will see them pop up in
more places every year. The latest developments in LED technology introduce
their use as standard luminaire bulbs. These work by using dozens of smaller
lights to create the desired brightness.

specifically designed LED neon lights to replace traditional glass neon lights.
They used energy-efficient LEDs and stringed them together to amplify the light
in the pipeline. This creates a cheaper, more reliable alternative to glass
neon. Ultimately, LED replacement continues to increase in many lighting
applications due to the better LED performance. Let's review the advantages of
LEDs over glass neon.

most obvious advantage of the LED neon lighting system comes from the flexible
tube that holds it. Glass neon lights require tools and equipment to be formed
and must be built by craftsmen or professionals.

designs with LED ropes requires only imagination and can be done. The material
is lightweight and does not generate heat. It takes a lot of effort to break the
LED cord and is usually a cutting tool.

is also helpful when decorating the floor with neon lights. No need to worry
about stepping on flexible plastic - it won't break.

can be bent or twisted into the desired shape, so they become excellent runners
on stairs or steep corners. They can also add an additional protective buffer
layer to prevent wear on the edge of the step or the sill of the

Easy to install
installation process also does not require a special team. No need for dedicated
wall space, no team to protect sometimes cumbersome, always fragile glass neon.
No longer worried that broken glass will leak mercury or fluorite gas into the

you can purchase some pre-installed kits that include one or two neon cords and
some brackets, it's easy to use basic tools.

zippers and nails make it possible to make light of almost any shape, and they
are easy to disassemble and reuse.

tapes or other adhesives can be used to hold the rope in place, depending on the
surface. Some rope strips have a ready-to-use adhesive layer.

sometimes worry about double the effect. These can happen when the rope lights
are wrapped around themselves to form letters or cover a large area. Since the
plastic casing has also doubled, doubling the neon light has
little effect on producing greater brightness.

lumens produced by LED lights are nearly doubled per foot. Some users appreciate
that neon lights provide a more continuous light appearance, while LEDs have
bright and dark spots. However, from a distance, as the housing is updated, the
light diffusion of the LEDs excels throughout the board.

close range, the glass neon also has dark spots and bright spots because the
excitation of the internal gas is not uniform. Typically, this is due to changes
in temperature and curvature in the glass, allowing more or less gas to be
generated within the chamber.

of LED neon lights often look for a softer glow for comfort or ambient lighting.
But other applications of LEDs, especially flashlights, show the superiority of
LED bulbs.

Longer life
solid state semiconductors, LEDs use less power to produce the same lumens. This
makes the LEDs last longer because each light wears
less. Lights can also share the workload on a larger surface area, so they do
less work.

these two features make the LED's illumination time three times longer than
traditional glass neon.

neon lives longevity. A fragile property from glass. Moreover, helium gas acts
through the excitation gas in the tube.

on the shape, the distance between the electrode of the excitation gas and the
intermediate gas may be long. To reach the middle of the shape, you may need to
push more power to get the same effective brightness. Many of the power is lost
due to the waste heat at the end of the tube, which makes them more

Energy efficiency
same technology and features can extend the life of the LEDs, helping to
increase energy efficiency. For the same brightness, less overall power demand
can save costs. The need to replace the light also
saves material, which saves manufacturing costs.

traditional glass neon lights, LED neon lights do not suffer from heat loss.
Glass neon also requires several thousand volts of power to supply power, which
requires the same dedicated circuitry as a cooking oven or dryer.

lighting ideas
you need more ideas and tips on LED decorative light applications, please find
the complete category or message on the    LED Decorative Light Supplier   
, we will promptly Reply to you.

can find innovative ways to use LEDs. Some tips on how to best install the
lights. We even have more technical discussions about how the lights work and
how they work for you.

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