文章部分图片来自参考资料,本文介绍的是 Spring 的两个重要概念,是学习总结。


问题 :

  • 如何理解Ioc,它解决了什么难题(或者说是使用它的好处)
  • Ioc Container 是什么



  • IoC (Invention Of Control ) 控制反转
  • DI(Dependency Injection) 依赖注入
  • IoC Container 控制反转容器


上图我们可以得出 :




用通俗的语言来解释控制反转可以参考下面几篇文章 :

通过前面四篇文章的阅读可以了解到控制反转的概念和可以解决到的问题, 我们下面再来总结一下几个知识点 。

IoC 和 IoC Container

    IoC 主要的作用就是解耦各个组件,让高层模块不依赖底层模块,而是让两者依赖接口和抽象来实现。


    1.  资源集中管理,实现资源的可配置和易管理。

    2.  降低了使用资源双方的依赖程度,也就是我们说的耦合度

而IoC Container (控制反转容器)是通过维护一个configuration 文件初始化Bean对象的容器,它的好处 :

  • 这个容器可以自动对你的代码进行初始化,你只需要维护一个Configuration(可以是xml可以是一段代码)
  • 不要在乎初始化对象的细节,降低了开发的难度

依赖注入的主要作用是配置和管理我们的应用对象,依赖注入的方式有 :

  • 构造方法注入
  • 接口注入
  • setter 方法注入

bean 在容器中的管理

bean 在Ioc Container 中,那么容器中如何注入和管理的又是谁?我们又是如何从容器中获取出来bean的呢?容器的管理者正是 BeanFactory ,而获取管理的bean自然需要一个上下文对象 : ApplicationContext

下面将会介绍BeanFactory和ApplicationContext这两者的知识点,并介绍了 FactoryBean

BeanFactory 和 ApplicationContext

BeanFactory 和 ApplicationContext 两者都是接口,前者提供了一个高级的机制去管理任何类型的对象(bean);后者是 BeanFactory的子接口,它增加多了以下功能 :

    •   更轻松地与Spring的AOP功能集成

    •   消息资源处理(用于国际化)
    •   事件发布

    •   特定于应用程序层次的上下文,例如WebApplicationContext,用于Web应用程序

    下面这一段这是关于 BeanFactory的介绍。

    The BeanFactory API provides the underlying basis for Spring’s IoC functionality. Its specific contracts are mostly used in integration with other parts of Spring and related third-party frameworks, and its DefaultListableBeanFactory implementation is a key delegate within the higher-level GenericApplicationContext container.

          BeanFactory and related interfaces (such as BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean) are important integration points for other framework components. By not requiring any annotations or even reflection, they allow for very efficient interaction between the container and its components.

总而言之,BeanFactory 提供了配置框架和基础的功能,而 ApplicationContext 添加了更多与企业级别相关的功能,ApplicationContext 是BeanFactory 的全子集,提供了很多 BeanFactory 所不及的功能。下图列举了这两种接口可以完成的功能对比 :

应用上下文( ApplicationContext)

Spring自带了多种类型的应用上下文。 下面罗列的几个是你最有可能遇到的。

  • AnnotationConfigApplicationContext: 从一个或多个基于Java的配置类中加载Spring应用上下文。
  • AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext: 从一个或多个基于Java的配置类中加载Spring Web应用上下文。
  • ClassPathXmlApplicationContext: 从类路径下的一个或多个XML配置文件中加载上下文定义, 把应用上下文的定义文件作为类资源。
  • FileSystemXmlapplicationcontext: 从文件系统下的一个或多个XML配置文件中加载上下文定义。
  • XmlWebApplicationContext: 从Web应用下的一个或多个XML配置文件中加载上下文定义。

这些都是 ApplicationContext 的子类,这些子类在不同场景发挥着作用。(从名字我们就可以判断在哪些场景了)


FactoryBean 是个接口,它的作用是返回一些真实需要的bean,即是说某些bean并不能一步到位可以注入到Container ,需要经过特殊的构造,它的常见的子类实现是 : ProxyFactoryBeanJndiRmiProxyFactoryBean 。 从它的子类,我们就可以知道FactoryBean 对于一些有特定要求的Bean 解决这一痛点发挥着作用。

public interface FactoryBean<T> {

T getObject() throws Exception; @Nullable
Class<?> getObjectType(); default boolean isSingleton() {
return true;
} }

从上面的解释中好难理解 FactoryBean 真实的作用是什么(开始看到这个东西的时候)。推荐阅读这两篇资料  : fb_docwhat's the fb ,资料讲到的 FactoryBean 的作用 :

A FactoryBean is a pattern to encapsulate interesting object construction logic in a class. It might be used, for example, to encode the construction of a complex object graph in a reusable way. Often this is used to construct complex objects that have many dependencies. It might also be used when the construction logic itself is highly volatile and depends on the configuration. A FactoryBean is also useful to help Spring construct objects that it couldn’t easily construct itself. For example, in order to inject a reference to a bean that was obtained from JNDI, the reference must first be obtained. You can use the JndiFactoryBean to obtain this reference in a consistent way. You may inject the result of a FactoryBean’s getObject()method into any other property.

第二篇文章用到一个示例代码,如下 :

public class Person {
private Car car ;
private void setCar(Car car){ this.car = car; }
} public class MyCarFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<Car>{
private String make;
private int year ; public void setMake(String m){ this.make =m ; } public void setYear(int y){ this.year = y; } public Car getObject(){
// wouldn't be a very useful FactoryBean
// if we could simply instantiate the object!
CarBuilder cb = CarBuilder.car(); if(year!=0) cb.setYear(this.year);
if(StringUtils.hasText(this.make)) cb.setMake( this.make );
return cb.factory();
} public Class<Car> getObjectType() { return Car.class ; } public boolean isSingleton() { return false; }
} <bean class = "a.b.c.MyCarFactoryBean" id = "car">
<property name = "make" value ="Honda"/>
<property name = "year" value ="1984"/>
<bean class = "a.b.c.Person" id = "josh">
<property name = "car" ref = "car"/>
</bean> //或是 javaConfig 的形式 // identical configuration in Java to the XML above
public class CarConfiguration { @Bean
public MyCarFactoryBean carFactoryBean(){
MyCarFactoryBean cfb = new MyCarFactoryBean();
return cfb;
} @Bean
public Person aPerson(){
Person person = new Person();
person.setCar( carFactoryBean().getObject());
return person;

上面的示例可以看到,返回的bean 对象并不是 FactoryBean ,而是经过“封装”过后的对象,这正是FactoryBean 的作用。

FactoryBean 和其他Spring Bean 一样也是享有同样的 lifecycle hooks 和 services(like AOP) ,所以当你想要在设置属性之前,让spring container 返回一个回调给你也是行的,只要继承 InitializingBean 接口。详细地见下面引用,来自第二篇推荐文章 :

Spring FactoryBeans have all the other characteristics of any other Spring bean, including the lifecycle hooks and services (like AOP) that all beans in the Spring container enjoy.

So, if you’d like a chance to perform construction logic after the properties on the FactoryBeanhave been set, but before the getObject() method has been called, then you can tell the Spring container give your FactoryBean a callback. One way to do this is to implement the InitializingBean interface. This will be called no matter what. A far more POJO-centric alternative is to annotate a method with @PostConstruct. This method will be called, in this case, after both the code>make and the year properties have been set. You might use this callback to do sanity checks before the object construction’s finished, but after the configuration by the container has finished.

public void setup() throws Throwable {
// these methods throw an exception that
// will arrest construction if the assertions aren't met
Assert.notNull(this.make, "the 'make' must not be null") ;
Assert.isTrue(this.year > 0, "the 'year' must be a valid value");


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