WebLogic Operator初试
- 为什么是WebLogic
- Server不同的角色
- AdminServer和Managed Server之间的通讯
- NodeManager负责AdminServer和Managed Server的启停
- ManagedServer连上去的认证
- 状态的保存
- 域内容的共享
目前Oracle官方出的WebLogic Operator处于Techinical Preview版本阶段,按照官方说法,他提供了创建域,自动的启动,集群扩展,以及和Prometheus集成,web应用的负载均衡器(使用Traefik1.4.5版本),同时提供了ELK的集成功能。
(It provides a mechanism to create domains, automates domain startup, allows scaling WebLogic clusters up and down either manually (on-demand) or through integration with the WebLogic Diagnostics Framework or Prometheus, manages load balancing for web applications deployed in WebLogic clusters, and provides integration with ElasticSearch, logstash and Kibana.)
WebLogic Operator使用标准的WebLogic Server的镜像,可以从store/oracle下载获取,当然也可以自己构建,鉴于墙的原因,我就是自己构建的。
- 架构
- 前序条件
Kubernetes 1.7.5+, 1.8.0+
- kubectl version
Flannel networking v0.9.1-amd64
Docker 17.03.1.ce
- docker version
- 构建Operator
- git clone https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator.git
- mvn clean install
- docker login
- docker build -t weblogic-kubernetes-operator:some-tag --no-cache=true .
- # Copyright , , Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- # using JRE with support for container heap management
- #FROM store/oracle/serverjre:
- FROM linux7-jre:8u151
- RUN mkdir /operator
- RUN mkdir /operator/lib
- ENV PATH=$PATH:/operator
- COPY src/scripts/* /operator/
- COPY operator/target/weblogic-kubernetes-operator-0.2.jar /operator/weblogic-kubernetes-operator.jar
- COPY operator/target/lib/*.jar /operator/lib/
- HEALTHCHECK --interval=1m --timeout=10s \
- CMD /operator/livenessProbe.sh
- WORKDIR /operator/
- CMD ["/operator/operator.sh"]
- [root@k8s-master src]# tree main
- main
- ├── java
- │ └── oracle
- │ └── kubernetes
- │ └── operator
- │ ├── authentication
- │ │ ├── Authenticator.java
- │ │ ├── Helpers.java
- │ │ └── package-info.java
- │ ├── builders
- │ │ ├── CallParamsImpl.java
- │ │ ├── CallParams.java
- │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ ├── UncheckedApiException.java
- │ │ ├── WatchBuilder.java
- │ │ ├── WatchI.java
- │ │ └── WatchImpl.java
- │ ├── ConfigMapWatcher.java
- │ ├── DomainStatusUpdater.java
- │ ├── DomainWatcher.java
- │ ├── EventWatcher.java
- │ ├── helpers
- │ │ ├── AnnotationHelper.java
- │ │ ├── AuthenticationProxy.java
- │ │ ├── AuthorizationProxy.java
- │ │ ├── CallBuilderFactory.java
- │ │ ├── CallBuilder.java
- │ │ ├── ClientPool.java
- │ │ ├── ConfigMapConsumer.java
- │ │ ├── ConfigMapHelper.java
- │ │ ├── CRDHelper.java
- │ │ ├── DomainPresenceInfo.java
- │ │ ├── HealthCheckHelper.java
- │ │ ├── IngressHelper.java
- │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ ├── PodHelper.java
- │ │ ├── Pool.java
- │ │ ├── ResponseStep.java
- │ │ ├── RollingHelper.java
- │ │ ├── SecretHelper.java
- │ │ ├── ServerKubernetesObjectsFactory.java
- │ │ ├── ServerKubernetesObjects.java
- │ │ └── ServiceHelper.java
- │ ├── http
- │ │ ├── HttpClient.java
- │ │ ├── HTTPException.java
- │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ └── Result.java
- │ ├── IngressWatcher.java
- │ ├── KubernetesConstants.java
- │ ├── LabelConstants.java
- │ ├── logging
- │ │ ├── LoggingFacade.java
- │ │ ├── LoggingFactory.java
- │ │ ├── LoggingFormatter.java
- │ │ ├── MessageKeys.java
- │ │ └── package-info.java
- │ ├── Main.java
- │ ├── OperatorLiveness.java
- │ ├── package-info.java
- │ ├── PodWatcher.java
- │ ├── ProcessingConstants.java
- │ ├── rest
- │ │ ├── AuthenticationFilter.java
- │ │ ├── backend
- │ │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ │ ├── RestBackend.java
- │ │ │ └── VersionUtils.java
- │ │ ├── BaseDebugLoggingFilter.java
- │ │ ├── ErrorFilter.java
- │ │ ├── ExceptionMapper.java
- │ │ ├── FilterPriorities.java
- │ │ ├── model
- │ │ │ ├── BaseModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── ClusterModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── CollectionModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── DomainModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── ErrorModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── ItemModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── LinkContainerModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── LinkModel.java
- │ │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ │ ├── ScaleClusterParamsModel.java
- │ │ │ └── VersionModel.java
- │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ ├── RequestDebugLoggingFilter.java
- │ │ ├── resource
- │ │ │ ├── BaseResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── ClusterResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── ClustersResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── DomainResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── DomainsResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ │ ├── ScaleClusterResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── SwaggerResource.java
- │ │ │ ├── VersionResource.java
- │ │ │ └── VersionsResource.java
- │ │ ├── ResponseDebugLoggingFilter.java
- │ │ ├── RestBackendImpl.java
- │ │ ├── RestConfigImpl.java
- │ │ ├── RestConfig.java
- │ │ └── RestServer.java
- │ ├── ServerStatusReader.java
- │ ├── ServiceWatcher.java
- │ ├── StartupControlConstants.java
- │ ├── TuningParametersImpl.java
- │ ├── TuningParameters.java
- │ ├── utils
- │ │ └── ConcurrentWeakHashMap.java
- │ ├── watcher
- │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ └── WatchListener.java
- │ ├── Watcher.java
- │ ├── WebLogicConstants.java
- │ ├── wlsconfig
- │ │ ├── NetworkAccessPoint.java
- │ │ ├── package-info.java
- │ │ ├── WlsClusterConfig.java
- │ │ ├── WlsDomainConfig.java
- │ │ ├── WlsRetriever.java
- │ │ └── WlsServerConfig.java
- │ └── work
- │ ├── ComponentEx.java
- │ ├── Component.java
- │ ├── ComponentRegistry.java
- │ ├── Container.java
- │ ├── ContainerResolver.java
- │ ├── Engine.java
- │ ├── FiberGate.java
- │ ├── Fiber.java
- │ ├── NextAction.java
- │ ├── package-info.java
- │ ├── Packet.java
- │ ├── Step.java
- │ └── ThreadLocalContainerResolver.java
- ├── javadoc
- │ └── overview.html
- └── resources
- └── Operator.properties
- directories, files
- 安装指导
- git clone https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator.git
修改create-weblogic-operator-input.yaml文件,主要是 targetNamespaces,
同时修改了镜像 weblogicOperatorImage: weblogic-kubernetes-operator:developer
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# cat create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml
- # Copyright , Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl.
- # The name of the service account that the operator will use to
- # make requests to the Kubernetes API server.
- # The name must be lowercase
- serviceAccount: weblogic-operator
- # The Kubernetes namespace that the operator will be deployed in.
- # It is recommended that a namespace be created for the operator rather
- # than using the default namespace.
- # The name must be lowercase
- namespace: weblogic-operator
- # A comma-separated list of target namespaces the operator manages
- # The names must be lowercase
- targetNamespaces: domain1
- # The docker image containing the operator code.
- #weblogicOperatorImage: container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/weblogic-kubernetes-operator:latest
- weblogicOperatorImage: weblogic-kubernetes-operator:developer
- # The image pull policy for the operator docker image.
- weblogicOperatorImagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- # Name of the Kubernetes secret to access the registry containing the operator Docker image
- # The presence of the secret will be validated when this parameter is enabled.
- #weblogicOperatorImagePullSecretName:
- # Options for externally exposing the operator REST https interface
- # (i.e. outside of the Kubernetes cluster). Valid values are:
- #
- # "NONE"
- # The REST interface is not exposed outside the Kubernetes cluster.
- #
- # The REST interface is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster on the
- # port specified by the 'externalRestHttpsPort' property.
- # A self-signed certificate and private key are generated for the REST interface.
- # The certificate's subject alternative names are specified by the 'externalSans'
- # property.
- #
- # The REST interface is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster on the
- # port specified by the 'externalRestHttpsPort' property.
- # The customer supplied certificate and private key are used for the REST
- # interface. They are specified by the 'externalOperatorCert' and
- # 'eternalOperatorKey' properties.
- externalRestOption: NONE
- # The node port that should be allocated for the external operator REST https interface.
- # This parameter is required if 'externalRestOption' is not 'NONE'.
- # Otherwise, it is ignored.
- externalRestHttpsPort:
- # The subject alternative names to put into the generated self-signed certificate
- # for the external WebLogic Operator REST https interface, for example:
- # DNS:myhost,DNS:localhost,IP:
- # This parameter is required if 'externalRestOption' is 'SELF_SIGNED_CERT'.
- # Otherwise, it is ignored.
- externalSans:
- # The customer supplied certificate to use for the external operator REST
- # https interface. The value must be a string containing a base64 encoded PEM certificate.
- # This parameter is required if 'externalRestOption' is 'CUSTOM_CERT'.
- # Otherwise, it is ignored.
- externalOperatorCert:
- # The customer supplied private key to use for the external operator REST
- # https interface. The value must be a string containing a base64 encoded PEM key.
- # This parameter is required if 'externalRestOption' is 'CUSTOM_CERT'.
- # Otherwise, it is ignored.
- externalOperatorKey:
- # Controls whether or not the operator will start a Java remote debug server on the
- # provided port and suspend execution until a remote debugger has attached.
- # The 'internalDebugHttpPort' property controls the port number inside the Kubernetes
- # cluster and the 'externalDebugHttpPort' property controls the port number outside
- # the Kubernetes cluster.
- remoteDebugNodePortEnabled: false
- # The port number inside the Kubernetes cluster for the operator's Java
- # remote debug server.
- # This parameter is required if 'remoteDebugNodePortEnabled' is true.
- # Otherwise, it is ignored.
- internalDebugHttpPort:
- # The node port that should be allocated for the Kubernetes cluster for the operator's
- # Java remote debug server.
- # This parameter is required if 'remoteDebugNodePortEnabled' is true.
- # Otherwise, it is ignored.
- externalDebugHttpPort:
- # The level of Java logging that should be enabled in the operator.
- # Valid values are: "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "CONFIG", "FINE", "FINER", and "FINEST".
- javaLoggingLevel: INFO
- # Controls whether or not ELK integration is enabled.
- elkIntegrationEnabled: false
- ./create-weblogic-operator.sh \
- -i create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml \
- -o weblogic-operator-output-directory/
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# ./create-weblogic-operator.sh \
- > -i create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml \
- > -o weblogic-operator-output-directory/
- Input parameters being used
- export serviceAccount="weblogic-operator"
- export namespace="weblogic-operator"
- export targetNamespaces="domain1"
- export weblogicOperatorImage="weblogic-kubernetes-operator:developer"
- export weblogicOperatorImagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent"
- export externalRestOption="NONE"
- export externalRestHttpsPort=""
- export remoteDebugNodePortEnabled="false"
- export internalDebugHttpPort=""
- export externalDebugHttpPort=""
- export javaLoggingLevel="INFO"
- export elkIntegrationEnabled="true"
- The WebLogic Operator REST interface will not be externally exposed
- /root/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/internal
- Generating a self-signed certificate for the operator's internal https port with the subject alternative names DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc,DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc.weblogic-operator,DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc.weblogic-operator.svc,DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc.weblogic-operator.svc.cluster.local
- Generating weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator.yaml
- Running the weblogic operator security customization script
- ...
- Generating YAML script weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml to create WebLogic Operator security configuration...
- Create the WebLogic Operator Security configuration using kubectl as follows: kubectl create -f weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml
- Ensure you start the API server with the --authorization-mode=RBAC option.
- Checking to see if the namespace weblogic-operator already exists
- The namespace weblogic-operator already exists
- Checking the target namespace domain1
- Checking to see if the namespace domain1 already exists
- The namespace domain1 already exists
- Checking to see if the service account weblogic-operator already exists
- The service account weblogic-operator already exists
- Applying the generated file weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml
- namespace "weblogic-operator" configured
- serviceaccount "weblogic-operator" configured
- clusterrole "weblogic-operator-cluster-role" configured
- clusterrole "weblogic-operator-cluster-role-nonresource" configured
- clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding" configured
- clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding-nonresource" configured
- clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding-discovery" configured
- clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding-auth-delegator" configured
- clusterrole "weblogic-operator-namespace-role" configured
- rolebinding "weblogic-operator-rolebinding" configured
- Checking the cluster role weblogic-operator-namespace-role was created
- Checking role binding weblogic-operator-rolebinding was created for each target namespace
- Checking role binding weblogic-operator-rolebinding for namespace domain1
- Checking the cluster role weblogic-operator-cluster-role was created
- Checking the cluster role bindings weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding were created
- Deploy ELK...
- deployment "elasticsearch" configured
- service "elasticsearch" configured
- deployment "kibana" configured
- service "kibana" configured
- Applying the file weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator.yaml
- configmap "weblogic-operator-cm" configured
- secret "weblogic-operator-secrets" configured
- deployment "weblogic-operator" created
- service "internal-weblogic-operator-svc" created
- Waiting for operator deployment to be ready...
- status is , iteration of
- Checking the operator labels
- Checking the operator pods
- Checking the operator Pod status
- The Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator is deployed, the following namespaces are being managed: domain1
- The following files were generated:
- weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml
- weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator.yaml
- weblogic-operator-output-directory//weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml
- Completed
- [root@k8s-master weblogic-operator]# kubectl get namespaces
- default Active 168d
- domain1 Active 17h
- kube-public Active 168d
- kube-system Active 168d
- monitoring Active 112d
- weblogic-operator Active 17h
- [root@k8s-master weblogic-operator]# kubectl get all -n weblogic-operator
- po/weblogic-operator--dvqv6 / Running 17h
- svc/internal-weblogic-operator-svc <none> /TCP 17h
- deploy/weblogic-operator 17h
- rs/weblogic-operator- 17h
- [root@k8s-master weblogic-operator]# kubectl logs weblogic-operator--dvqv6 -n weblogic-operator
- Launching Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator...
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:01.857+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.TuningParametersImpl","method":"update","timeInMillis":,"message":"Reloading tuning parameters from Operator's config map","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:03.431+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.Main","method":"main","timeInMillis":,"message":"Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator, version: 0.2, implementation: master.3934b2c, build time: 2018-04-18T17:05:04+0800","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:03.481+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.Main","method":"startLivenessThread","timeInMillis":,"message":"Starting Operator Liveness Thread","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:03.601+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.Main","method":"begin","timeInMillis":,"message":"Operator namespace is: weblogic-operator","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:03.675+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.Main","method":"begin","timeInMillis":,"message":"Operator target namespaces are: domain1","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:03.680+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.Main","method":"begin","timeInMillis":,"message":"Operator service account is: weblogic-operator","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:13.180+0000","thread":,"level":"WARNING","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.HealthCheckHelper","method":"logHealthCheckEvent","timeInMillis":,"message":"Access denied for service account system:serviceaccount:weblogic-operator:weblogic-operator for operation get on resource networkpolicies","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T00:54:13.198+0000","thread":,"level":"WARNING","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.HealthCheckHelper","method":"logHealthCheckEvent","timeInMillis":,"message":"Access denied for service account system:serviceaccount:weblogic-operator:weblogic-operator for operation list on resource networkpolicies","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T06:25:48.416+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.ClientPool","method":"getApiClient","timeInMillis":,"message":"The Kuberenetes Master URL is set to","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T06:29:53.941+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.ClientPool","method":"getApiClient","timeInMillis":,"message":"The Kuberenetes Master URL is set to","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T06:42:51.519+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.ClientPool","method":"getApiClient","timeInMillis":,"message":"The Kuberenetes Master URL is set to","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T06:47:45.681+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.ClientPool","method":"getApiClient","timeInMillis":,"message":"The Kuberenetes Master URL is set to","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- {"timestamp":"05-15-2018T06:52:35.717+0000","thread":,"level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.ClientPool","method":"getApiClient","timeInMillis":,"message":"The Kuberenetes Master URL is set to","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
- [root@k8s-master weblogic-operator]# kubectl get crd
- domains.weblogic.oracle CustomResourceDefinition.v1beta1.apiextensions.k8s.io
- 创建WebLogic Domain
- kubectl -n domain1 create secret generic domain1-weblogic-credentials --from-literal=username=weblogic --from-literal=password=welcome1
- mkdir -m -p /weblogic/domain1PersistentVolume
- docker login
- docker pull store/oracle/weblogic:
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# cat create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml
- # Copyright , Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl.
- # Port number for admin server
- adminPort:
- # Name of the Admin Server
- adminServerName: admin-server
- # Name of the WebLogic domain to create
- domainName: base_domain
- # Unique id identifying a domain.
- # This id must be lowercase and unique across all domains in a Kubernetes cluster.
- domainUID: domain1
- # Determines which WebLogic Servers the Operator will start up
- # Legal values are "NONE", "ALL", "ADMIN", "SPECIFIED", or "AUTO"
- startupControl: AUTO
- # Cluster name
- clusterName: cluster-
- # Number of managed servers to generate for the domain
- configuredManagedServerCount:
- # Number of managed servers to initially start for the domain
- initialManagedServerReplicas:
- # Base string used to generate managed server names
- managedServerNameBase: managed-server
- # Port number for each managed server
- managedServerPort:
- # Persistent volume type for the domain's storage.
- # The value must be 'HOST_PATH' or 'NFS'.
- # If using 'NFS', weblogicDomainStorageNFSServer must be specified.
- weblogicDomainStorageType: HOST_PATH
- # The server name or ip address of the NFS server to use for the domain's storage.
- # The following line must be uncomment and customized if weblogicDomainStorateType is NFS:
- #weblogicDomainStorageNFSServer: nfsServer
- # Physical path of the domain's persistent storage.
- # The following line must be uncomment and customized:
- weblogicDomainStoragePath: /weblogic/domain1PersistentVolume
- # Reclaim policy of the domain's persistent storage
- # The valid values are: 'Retain', 'Delete', and 'Recycle'
- weblogicDomainStorageReclaimPolicy: Retain
- # Total storage allocated to the domain's persistent storage.
- weblogicDomainStorageSize: 10Gi
- # Boolean indicating if production mode is enabled for the domain
- productionModeEnabled: true
- # Name of the Kubernetes secret for the Admin Server's username and password
- # The name must be lowercase
- weblogicCredentialsSecretName: domain1-weblogic-credentials
- # Name of the Kubernetes secret to access the Docker Store to pull the WebLogic Server Docker image
- # The presence of the secret will be validated when this parameter is enabled.
- #weblogicImagePullSecretName:
- # Port for the T3Channel of the NetworkAccessPoint
- t3ChannelPort:
- # Public address for T3Channel of the NetworkAccessPoint. This value should be set to the
- # kubernetes server address, which you can get by running "kubectl cluster-info". If this
- # value is not set to that address, WLST will not be able to connect from outside the
- # kubernetes cluster.
- t3PublicAddress: kubernetes
- # Boolean to indicate if the channel should be exposed as a service
- exposeAdminT3Channel: false
- # NodePort to expose for the admin server
- adminNodePort:
- # Boolean to indicate if the adminNodePort will be exposed
- exposeAdminNodePort: false
- # Name of the domain namespace
- namespace: domain1
- # Load balancer to deploy. Supported values are:TRAEFIK, NONE
- #loadBalancer: TRAEFIK
- loadBalancer: NONE
- # Load balancer web port
- loadBalancerWebPort:
- # Load balancer dashboard port
- loadBalancerDashboardPort:
- #Java Option for Weblogic Server
- javaOptions: -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
- ./create-weblogic-domain.sh -i create-weblogic-domain-input.yaml -o weblogic-domain-output/
会先运行一个job pod(domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-j4bsp),进行域的建立等工作,然后再通过NodeManager将AdminServer和Managed Server一个一个启动起来。
- [root@node1 /]# tree weblogic -L
- weblogic
- └── domain1PersistentVolume
- ├── applications
- ├── domain
- │ └── base_domain
- │ ├── autodeploy
- │ ├── backup_config
- │ ├── bin
- │ ├── config
- │ ├── console-ext
- │ ├── edit.lok
- │ ├── fileRealm.properties
- │ ├── init-info
- │ ├── lib
- │ ├── nodemanager
- │ ├── orchestration
- │ ├── resources
- │ ├── security
- │ ├── servers
- │ ├── startManagedWebLogic_readme.txt
- │ └── startWebLogic.sh
- ├── logs
- │ ├── admin-server.log
- │ ├── base_domain.log
- │ ├── nodemanager-admin-server.log
- │ ├── nodemanager-admin-server.log.lck
- │ ├── nodemanager-managed-server1.log
- │ ├── nodemanager-managed-server1.log.lck
- │ ├── nodemanager-managed-server2.log
- │ └── nodemanager-managed-server2.log.lck
- └── stores
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# ./create-weblogic-domain.sh -i create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml -o weblogic-domain-output/
- Input parameters being used
- export adminPort=""
- export adminServerName="admin-server"
- export domainName="base_domain"
- export domainUID="domain1"
- export startupControl="AUTO"
- export clusterName="cluster-1"
- export configuredManagedServerCount=""
- export initialManagedServerReplicas=""
- export managedServerNameBase="managed-server"
- export managedServerPort=""
- export weblogicDomainStorageType="HOST_PATH"
- export weblogicDomainStoragePath="/weblogic/domain1PersistentVolume"
- export weblogicDomainStorageReclaimPolicy="Retain"
- export weblogicDomainStorageSize="10Gi"
- export productionModeEnabled="true"
- export weblogicCredentialsSecretName="domain1-weblogic-credentials"
- export t3ChannelPort=""
- export t3PublicAddress="kubernetes"
- export exposeAdminT3Channel="false"
- export adminNodePort=""
- export exposeAdminNodePort="false"
- export namespace="domain1"
- export loadBalancer="NONE"
- export loadBalancerWebPort=""
- export loadBalancerDashboardPort=""
- export javaOptions="-Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false"
- Generating weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-pv.yaml
- Generating weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-pvc.yaml
- Generating weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/create-weblogic-domain-job.yaml
- Generating weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/domain-custom-resource.yaml
- Generating weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-traefik-cluster-1.yaml
- Generating weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-traefik-security-cluster-1.yaml
- Checking to see if the secret domain1-weblogic-credentials exists in namespace domain1
- Checking if the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv exists
- The persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv does not exist
- Creating the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv
- persistentvolume "domain1-weblogic-domain-pv" created
- Checking if the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv is Available
- Checking if the persistent volume claim domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc in namespace domain1 exists
- No resources found.
- The persistent volume claim domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc does not exist in namespace domain1
- Creating the persistent volume claim domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc
- persistentvolumeclaim "domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc" created
- Checking if the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv is Bound
- Checking if object type job with name domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job exists
- No resources found.
- Creating the domain by creating the job weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/create-weblogic-domain-job.yaml
- configmap "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-cm" created
- job "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job" created
- Waiting for the job to complete...
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Running
- status on iteration of
- pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job- status is Completed
- Creating the domain custom resource using weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/domain-custom-resource.yaml
- domain "domain1" created
- Checking the domain custom resource was created
- Domain base_domain was created and will be started by the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator
- The following files were generated:
- weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml
- weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-pv.yaml
- weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-pvc.yaml
- weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/create-weblogic-domain-job.yaml
- weblogic-domain-output//weblogic-domains/domain1/domain-custom-resource.yaml
- Completed
[root@k8s-master kubernetes]# kubectl get pod -n domain1
[root@k8s-master kubernetes]# kubectl get pods -n domain1 -w
domain1-admin-server 0/1 Running 0 44s
domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-j4bsp 0/1 Completed 0 4m
domain1-admin-server 1/1 Running 0 6m
domain1-managed-server1 0/1 Pending 0 0s
domain1-managed-server1 0/1 Pending 0 0s
domain1-managed-server1 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s
domain1-managed-server1 0/1 Running 0 2s
domain1-managed-server1 1/1 Running 0 9m
从这个日志来看,实例的启动有一定的顺序,先AdminServer后Managed Server
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# kubectl get svc -n domain1
- domain1-admin-server <none> /TCP 21m
- domain1-cluster-cluster- <none> /TCP 13m
- domain1-managed-server1 <none> /TCP 13m
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# kubectl describe svc domain1-cluster-cluster- -n domain1
- Name: domain1-cluster-cluster-
- Namespace: domain1
- Labels: weblogic.clusterName=cluster-
- weblogic.createdByOperator=true
- weblogic.domainName=base_domain
- weblogic.domainUID=domain1
- Annotations: weblogic.oracle/operator-formatVersion=
- Selector: weblogic.clusterName=cluster-,weblogic.createdByOperator=true,weblogic.domainUID=domain1
- Type: ClusterIP
- IP:
- Port: <unset> /TCP
- Endpoints:
- Session Affinity: None
- Events: <none>
describe 一下,发现这个服务直接指向了守管服务器的地址。
- [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl describe domain domain1 -n domain1
- Name: domain1
- Namespace: domain1
- Labels: weblogic.domainName=base_domain
- weblogic.domainUID=domain1
- Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"weblogic.oracle/v1","kind":"Domain","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"weblogic.domainName":"base_domain","weblogic.domainUID":"dom...
- API Version: weblogic.oracle/v1
- Kind: Domain
- Metadata:
- Cluster Name:
- Creation Timestamp: --16T01::36Z
- Generation:
- Resource Version:
- Self Link: /apis/weblogic.oracle/v1/namespaces/domain1/domains/domain1
- UID: 8551c004-58a5-11e8-98e4-080027e2ae0a
- Spec:
- Admin Secret:
- Name: domain1-weblogic-credentials
- As Name: admin-server
- As Port:
- Cluster Startup:
- Cluster Name: cluster-
- Desired State: RUNNING
- Env:
- Value: -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
- Value: -Xms64m -Xmx256m
- Replicas:
- Domain Name: base_domain
- Domain UID: domain1
- Export T Channels:
- Image: store/oracle/weblogic:
- Image Pull Policy: IfNotPresent
- Replicas:
- Server Startup:
- Desired State: RUNNING
- Env:
- Value: -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
- Value: -Xms64m -Xmx256m
- Server Name: admin-server
- Startup Control: AUTO
- Status:
- Conditions:
- Last Transition Time: --16T01::.928Z
- Reason: ServersReady
- Status: True
- Type: Available
- Servers:
- Health:
- Activation Time: --16T01::.214Z
- Overall Health: ok
- Subsystems:
- Node Name: node1
- Server Name: admin-server
- State: RUNNING
- Cluster Name: cluster-
- Health:
- Activation Time: --16T01::.561Z
- Overall Health: ok
- Subsystems:
- Node Name: node1
- Server Name: managed-server1
- State: RUNNING
- Start Time: --16T01::.502Z
- Events: <none>
- 扩展Scale实例
kubectl edit domain domain1 -n domain1
- spec:
- adminSecret:
- name: domain1-weblogic-credentials
- asName: admin-server
- asPort:
- clusterStartup:
- - clusterName: cluster-
- desiredState: RUNNING
- env:
- - name: JAVA_OPTIONS
- value: -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
- - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
- value: '-Xms64m -Xmx256m '
- replicas:
- domainName: base_domain
- domainUID: domain1
- exportT3Channels: []
- [root@k8s-master kubernetes]# kubectl get pods -n domain1 -w
- domain1-admin-server / Running 25m
- domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-99qjv / Completed 30m
- domain1-managed-server1 / Running 17m
- domain1-managed-server2 / Running 27s
- 删除weblogic domain
删除所有的域,删除一个域的命令是 -d domainname
- ./delete-weblogic-domain-resources.sh -d all
- @@ Warning! WebLogic Server pods remaining but wait time exceeds half of max wait seconds. About to directly delete all remaining resources, including the leftover pods.
- pod "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-phm1n" deleted
- job "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job" deleted
- persistentvolumeclaim "domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc" deleted
- configmap "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-cm" deleted
- persistentvolume "domain1-weblogic-domain-pv" deleted
- @@ resources remaining after seconds, including WebLogic Server pods. Max wait is seconds.
- 删除WebLogic Operator
- kubectl delete deploy weblogic-operator -n weblogic-operator
- kubectl delete service external-weblogic-operator-svc -n weblogic-operator
- kubectl delete service internal-weblogic-operator-svc -n weblogic-operator
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