August 11th, 2019. Week 33rd, Sunday
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.
From Corrie Ten Boom.
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow, and there are some ways which can helps us decrease our worrying thoughts and handle them efficiently when such negative thoughts pop up.
While we can't stop all worry, we can surely limit the frequency and severity of it, furthermore, we can make good use of our worry and anxiety, we can do something about them, just take actions if we can take them in control.
In short, if we can do our best in things we should do and we can do, our worry and anxiety would be eliminated gradually and naturally.
The only way out is through.
When I knew the results of my performance evaluation in the first quarter, I was so upset and felt deeply depressed.
I did know my achievements were not consistent with what had been desired, but I considered it was not as fair as we thought.
The results depended on many variables, and it seems that I didn't do well in many of them.
Now that it can't be changed, the best way to get a different results in the year end would be to make some extra efforts to improve my weakness and develop my strength.
There is no need to get lost in the past; there is no need to guess what is on other's mind.
Please focus on the current moment and try to make some small steps.
The only way out is through, we can do well if we focus on things we are doing.
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