
using boost.date_time to get time in millisecond microsecond level


format flags

second millisecond microsecond nanosecond

Format Flags

  • %f

    Fractional seconds are always used, even when their value is zero


  • %F *

    Fractional seconds are used only when their value is not zero.



to string

The Boost.Date_Time library provides the following ptime to std::string conversions within the boost::posix_time namespace:

  • std::string to_simple_string(ptime) returns a string in the form of YYYY-mmm-DD HH:MM:SS.fffffffff format where mmm is the three character month name.
  • std::string to_iso_string(ptime) returns a string in the form of YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS,fffffffff where T is the date-time separator.
  • std::string to_iso_extended_string(ptime) returns a string in the form of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS,fffffffff where T is the date-time separator.


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace boost::gregorian; /*
second millisecond microsecond nanosecond Format Flags
Fractional seconds are always used, even when their value is zero
"13:15:16.000000" %F *
Fractional seconds are used only when their value is not zero.
*/ std::string ptime_2_str_name(boost::posix_time::ptime now)
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5018188/how-to-format-a-datetime-to-string-using-boost
// for multiple use std::stringstream ss;
//static std::locale loc(std::cout.getloc(), new time_facet("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f"));
static std::locale loc(ss.getloc(), new time_facet("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f"));
ss << now;
return ss.str(); // 20180118_111501_208797
} std::string str_name_2_iso_format(std::string str_name)
20180118_111501_208797 ===> 20180118T111501.208797===>from_iso_string===>ptime
//std::cout << "time length: " << str_ptime.length() << endl; //22
size_t first_pos = str_name.find_first_of('_');
size_t second_pos = str_name.find_last_of('_');
str_name[first_pos] = 'T';
str_name[second_pos] = '.';
return str_name;
} ptime from_name_string(std::string str_ptime)
std::string str_iso_ptime = str_name_2_iso_format(str_ptime);
return from_iso_string(str_iso_ptime);
} int main()
ptime p1(date(2001, 1, 1), hours(1));
ptime p2 = time_from_string("2002-2-2 02:00:00.999888"); // fraction part: 6 bits
ptime p3 = from_iso_string("20030303T031233.777666"); // fraction part: 6 bits
ptime p4 = second_clock::local_time(); // in second
ptime p5 = microsec_clock::universal_time(); // UTC World time in millisecond,microsecond
ptime p6 = microsec_clock::local_time(); // UTC local time in millisecond,microsecond cout << p1 << endl
<< p2 << endl
<< p3 << endl
<< p4 << endl
<< p5 << endl
<< p6 << endl << endl; /*
* date()
* time_of_day()
date d = p1.date();
time_duration td = p1.time_of_day();
cout << d << ", " << td << endl << endl; cout << to_simple_string(p2) << endl //YYYY-mmm-DD HH:MM:SS.ffffff
<< to_iso_string(p2) << endl //YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS,ffffff
<< to_iso_extended_string(p2) << endl; //YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS,ffffff cout << "User defined format time:" << endl;
std::string str_name = ptime_2_str_name(p6);
ptime p7 = from_name_string(str_name);
cout <<" p6: "<< ptime_2_str_name(p6) << endl;
cout <<"p7 from String2Ptime(p6): "<< ptime_2_str_name(p7) << endl; return 0;


# Specify the minimum version for CMake
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # Project's name
project(date_time) # Set the output folder where your program will be created
set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) #find_package(Boost 1.5.8 REQUIRED COMPONENTS date_time system filesystem iostreams)
find_package(Boost 1.5.8 REQUIRED COMPONENTS date_time)
link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}) # The following folder will be included
include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") add_executable(date_time ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/date_time.cpp)
target_link_libraries(date_time ${Boost_LIBRARIES})

run and output

compile program and run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make cd bin


2001-Jan-01 01:00:00
2002-Feb-02 02:00:00.999888
2003-Mar-03 03:12:33.777666
2018-Jan-18 15:20:47
2018-Jan-18 07:20:47.815415
2018-Jan-18 15:20:47.815419 2001-Jan-01, 01:00:00 2002-Feb-02 02:00:00.999888
User defined format time:
p6: 20180118_152047_815419
p7 from String2Ptime(p6): 20180118_152047_815419



  • 20180118: created.


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