Karto_slam算法是一个Graph based SLAM算法。包括前端和后端。关于代码要分成两块内容来看。

一类是OpenKarto项目,是最初的开源代码,包括算法的核心内容: https://github.com/skasperski/OpenKarto.git  之后作者应该将该项目商业化了:https://www.kartorobotics.com/


“When I worked at SRI, we developed a 2D SLAM mapping system that was among the best. Karto is an industrial-strength version of that system, and I’m glad to see that its core components are available open-source. We are working with Karto’s developers to make it the standard mapping technology for Willow Garage’s ROS robot software and PR2 robot.”


(1)包括两个项目:https://github.com/ros-perception/open_karto.git 和 https://github.com/ros-perception/slam_karto.git 采用SPA方法进行优化



kt_bool OpenMapper::Process(Object* pObject)
if (pObject == NULL)
return false;
} kt_bool isObjectProcessed = Module::Process(pObject); if (IsLaserRangeFinder(pObject))
LaserRangeFinder* pLaserRangeFinder = dynamic_cast<LaserRangeFinder*>(pObject); if (m_Initialized == false)
// initialize mapper with range threshold from sensor
} // register sensor
m_pMapperSensorManager->RegisterSensor(pLaserRangeFinder->GetIdentifier()); return true;
} LocalizedObject* pLocalizedObject = dynamic_cast<LocalizedObject*>(pObject);
if (pLocalizedObject != NULL)
LocalizedLaserScan* pScan = dynamic_cast<LocalizedLaserScan*>(pObject);
if (pScan != NULL)
karto::LaserRangeFinder* pLaserRangeFinder = pScan->GetLaserRangeFinder(); // validate scan
if (pLaserRangeFinder == NULL)
return false;
} // validate scan. Throws exception if scan is invalid.
pLaserRangeFinder->Validate(pScan); if (m_Initialized == false)
// initialize mapper with range threshold from sensor
} // ensures sensor has been registered with mapper--does nothing if the sensor has already been registered
m_pMapperSensorManager->RegisterSensor(pLocalizedObject->GetSensorIdentifier()); // get last scan
LocalizedLaserScan* pLastScan = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetLastScan(pLocalizedObject->GetSensorIdentifier()); // update scans corrected pose based on last correction
if (pLastScan != NULL)
Transform lastTransform(pLastScan->GetOdometricPose(), pLastScan->GetCorrectedPose());
} // check custom data if object is not a scan or if scan has not moved enough (i.e.,
// scan is outside minimum boundary or if heading is larger then minimum heading)
if (pScan == NULL || (!HasMovedEnough(pScan, pLastScan) && !pScan->IsGpsReadingValid()))
if (pLocalizedObject->HasCustomItem() == true)
m_pMapperSensorManager->AddLocalizedObject(pLocalizedObject); //添加到图中 add to graph
return true;
return false;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////
// object is a scan Matrix3 covariance;
covariance.SetToIdentity(); // correct scan (if not first scan)
if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue() && pLastScan != NULL)
Pose2 bestPose;
m_pSequentialScanMatcher->MatchScan(pScan, m_pMapperSensorManager->GetRunningScans(pScan->GetSensorIdentifier()), bestPose, covariance);
} ScanMatched(pScan); // add scan to buffer and assign id
m_pMapperSensorManager->AddLocalizedObject(pLocalizedObject); if (m_pUseScanMatching->GetValue())
// add to graph
m_pGraph->AddEdges(pScan, covariance); m_pMapperSensorManager->AddRunningScan(pScan); List<Identifier> sensorNames = m_pMapperSensorManager->GetSensorNames();
karto_const_forEach(List<Identifier>, &sensorNames)
m_pGraph->TryCloseLoop(pScan, *iter);
} m_pMapperSensorManager->SetLastScan(pScan);
isObjectProcessed = true;
} // if object is LocalizedObject return isObjectProcessed;



kt_double ScanMatcher::MatchScan(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, const LocalizedLaserScanList& rBaseScans, Pose2& rMean, Matrix3& rCovariance, kt_bool doPenalize, kt_bool doRefineMatch)



 class ScanSolver : public Referenced
* Vector of id-pose pairs
typedef List<Pair<kt_int32s, Pose2> > IdPoseVector; /**
* Default constructor
} protected:
//@cond EXCLUDE
* Destructor
virtual ~ScanSolver()
//@endcond public:
* Solve!
virtual void Compute() = ; /**
* Gets corrected poses after optimization
* @return optimized poses
virtual const IdPoseVector& GetCorrections() const = ; /**
* Adds a node to the solver
virtual void AddNode(Vertex<LocalizedObjectPtr>* /*pVertex*/)
} /**
* Removes a node from the solver
virtual void RemoveNode(kt_int32s /*id*/)
} /**
* Adds a constraint to the solver
virtual void AddConstraint(Edge<LocalizedObjectPtr>* /*pEdge*/)
} /**
* Removes a constraint from the solver
virtual void RemoveConstraint(kt_int32s /*sourceId*/, kt_int32s /*targetId*/)
} /**
* Resets the solver
virtual void Clear() {};
}; // ScanSolver



* Graph for graph SLAM algorithm
class KARTO_EXPORT MapperGraph : public Graph<LocalizedObjectPtr>
* Graph for graph SLAM
* @param pOpenMapper mapper
* @param rangeThreshold range threshold
MapperGraph(OpenMapper* pOpenMapper, kt_double rangeThreshold); /**
* Destructor
virtual ~MapperGraph(); public:
* Adds a vertex representing the given object to the graph
* @param pObject object
void AddVertex(LocalizedObject* pObject); /**
* Creates an edge between the source object and the target object if it
* does not already exist; otherwise return the existing edge
* @param pSourceObject source object
* @param pTargetObject target object
* @param rIsNewEdge set to true if the edge is new
* @return edge between source and target vertices
Edge<LocalizedObjectPtr>* AddEdge(LocalizedObject* pSourceObject, LocalizedObject* pTargetObject, kt_bool& rIsNewEdge); /**
* Links object to last scan
* @param pObject object
void AddEdges(LocalizedObject* pObject); /**
* Links scan to last scan and nearby chains of scans
* @param pScan scan
* @param rCovariance match uncertainty
void AddEdges(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, const Matrix3& rCovariance); /**
* Tries to close a loop using the given scan with the scans from the given sensor
* @param pScan scan
* @param rSensorName name of sensor
* @return true if a loop was closed
kt_bool TryCloseLoop(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, const Identifier& rSensorName); /**
* Finds "nearby" (no further than given distance away) scans through graph links
* @param pScan scan
* @param maxDistance maximum distance
* @return "nearby" scans that have a path of links to given scan
LocalizedLaserScanList FindNearLinkedScans(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, kt_double maxDistance); /**
* Finds scans that overlap the given scan (based on bounding boxes)
* @param pScan scan
* @return overlapping scans
LocalizedLaserScanList FindOverlappingScans(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan); /**
* Gets the graph's scan matcher
* @return scan matcher
inline ScanMatcher* GetLoopScanMatcher() const
return m_pLoopScanMatcher;
} /**
* Links the chain of scans to the given scan by finding the closest scan in the chain to the given scan
* @param rChain chain
* @param pScan scan
* @param rMean mean
* @param rCovariance match uncertainty
void LinkChainToScan(const LocalizedLaserScanList& rChain, LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, const Pose2& rMean, const Matrix3& rCovariance); private:
* Gets the vertex associated with the given scan
* @param pScan scan
* @return vertex of scan
inline Vertex<LocalizedObjectPtr>* GetVertex(LocalizedObject* pObject)
return m_Vertices[pObject->GetUniqueId()];
} /**
* Finds the closest scan in the vector to the given pose
* @param rScans scan
* @param rPose pose
LocalizedLaserScan* GetClosestScanToPose(const LocalizedLaserScanList& rScans, const Pose2& rPose) const; /**
* Adds an edge between the two objects and labels the edge with the given mean and covariance
* @param pFromObject from object
* @param pToObject to object
* @param rMean mean
* @param rCovariance match uncertainty
void LinkObjects(LocalizedObject* pFromObject, LocalizedObject* pToObject, const Pose2& rMean, const Matrix3& rCovariance); /**
* Finds nearby chains of scans and link them to scan if response is high enough
* @param pScan scan
* @param rMeans means
* @param rCovariances match uncertainties
void LinkNearChains(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, Pose2List& rMeans, List<Matrix3>& rCovariances); /**
* Finds chains of scans that are close to given scan
* @param pScan scan
* @return chains of scans
List<LocalizedLaserScanList> FindNearChains(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan); /**
* Compute mean of poses weighted by covariances
* @param rMeans list of poses
* @param rCovariances uncertainties
* @return weighted mean
Pose2 ComputeWeightedMean(const Pose2List& rMeans, const List<Matrix3>& rCovariances) const; /**
* Tries to find a chain of scan from the given sensor starting at the
* given scan index that could possibly close a loop with the given scan
* @param pScan scan
* @param rSensorName name of sensor
* @param rStartScanIndex start index
* @return chain that can possibly close a loop with given scan
LocalizedLaserScanList FindPossibleLoopClosure(LocalizedLaserScan* pScan, const Identifier& rSensorName, kt_int32u& rStartScanIndex); /**
* Optimizes scan poses
void CorrectPoses(); private:
* Mapper of this graph
OpenMapper* m_pOpenMapper; /**
* Scan matcher for loop closures
ScanMatcher* m_pLoopScanMatcher; /**
* Traversal algorithm to find near linked scans
GraphTraversal<LocalizedObjectPtr>* m_pTraversal;
}; // MapperGraph





typedef enum
GridStates_Unknown = 0,
GridStates_Occupied = 100,
GridStates_Free = 255
} GridStates;




  Lookup Table





  可以采用SPA(Sparse Pose Adjustment)方法或者稀疏Cholesky decomposition


  [1]Konecny, J., et al. (2016). "Novel Point-to-Point Scan Matching Algorithm Based on Cross-Correlation." Mobile Information Systems 2016: 1-11.

  [2]Harmon, R. S., et al. (2010). "Comparison of indoor robot localization techniques in the absence of GPS." 7664: 76641Z.

  [3]Konolige, K., et al. (2010). "Efficient Sparse Pose Adjustment for 2D mapping." 22-29.

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