If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.


Human beings are social animals. And only in social activities, we become more and more conscious of ourselves. That may lead to two different consequences.

The one is that we have to hide our authentic feelings so as to fit into the world more easily.

The other one is that we may feel tiresome just because we can't release our true feelings.

So, it is natural that we may outpour our real feelings and emotions when we are alone.

Cherish that moment and try to make a deep conversation with your inner self.

That can help you relieve your stress and anxieties, which in turn can be helpful in your social activities.

Friendship is a sheltering tree.


Rely on parents at home, go out on a friend.

The more friends you have, the more ways you can choose.

Remember friendship is a mutual relationship, and most often you must take the initiative to develop it.

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