Cache-Aside Pattern解析
- 如果缓存中的数据被更新了,能尽可能快的同步到数据源中
- 如果数据源的数据被修改了,缓存的数据被更新或者删除
- 读穿透:程序尝试从缓存中读取数据,如果缓存中没有相应的数据,则会继续从数据源中读取并将其加入到缓存中
- 写穿透:如果尝试更新缓存中的数据,则后台的数据源也会被自动的更新
通过实现Cache-Aside Pattern来模拟读穿透:
- 确保更新的数据存入到数据源中
- 将缓存中的数据标记为无效
适合使用Cache-Aside Pattern的场景:
- 缓存没有提供读穿透和写穿透功能
- 按需加载的数据不可预测
可能不适合使用Cache-Aside Pattern的场景:
- 缓存的对象是静态的(在程序启动的时候就在缓存中添加一个静态对象并长期有效)
- Web应用缓存Session状态,在这种情况下,应该避免客户端和服务器的sticky session
通过Azure Cache,我们可以创建分布式的缓存集群,这样一个应用的多个实例都可以访问。
GetMyEntityAsync 实现了读穿透模式:
private DataCache cache;
... public async Task<MyEntity> GetMyEntityAsync(int id)
// Define a unique key for this method and its parameters.
var key = string.Format("StoreWithCache_GetAsync_{0}", id);
var expiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes();
bool cacheException = false; try
// Try to get the entity from the cache.
var cacheItem = cache.GetCacheItem(key);
if (cacheItem != null)
return cacheItem.Value as MyEntity;
catch (DataCacheException)
// If there is a cache related issue, raise an exception
// and avoid using the cache for the rest of the call.
cacheException = true;
} // If there is a cache miss, get the entity from the original store and cache it.
// Code has been omitted because it is data store dependent.
var entity = ...; if (!cacheException)
// Avoid caching a null value.
if (entity != null)
// Put the item in the cache with a custom expiration time that
// depends on how critical it might be to have stale data.
cache.Put(key, entity, timeout: expiration);
catch (DataCacheException)
// If there is a cache related issue, ignore it
// and just return the entity.
} return entity;
UpdateEntityAsync 实现了写穿透模式:
public async Task UpdateEntityAsync(MyEntity entity)
// Update the object in the original data store
await; // Get the correct key for the cached object.
var key = this.GetAsyncCacheKey(entity.Id); // Then, invalidate the current cache object
} private string GetAsyncCacheKey(int objectId)
return string.Format("StoreWithCache_GetAsync_{0}", objectId);
如果想使用Azure Cache的API,可以参考Using Microsoft Azure Cache
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