Oracle Created Database Users: Password, Usage and Files References (文档 ID 160861.1)
- This document is no longer actively maintained, for info on specific (new) users in recent product editions, please check the relevant product/feature documentation.
- Purpose
- ~~~~~~~
- The following table lists the default usernames and passwords you may encounter
- in your database as a result of installing various additional
- --> products/components
- --> options
- --> new features of the version
- It provides references to
- --> which option or product should be installed to have it
- --> what script created it
- --> what it is used for
- --> suggestion to secure the account
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Database Administrators who need to export full databases, manage users and
- security.
- List Of Users Created at Database Creation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- By default, are automatically created during database creation :
- SCOTT by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql
- OUTLN by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq
- Optionally:
- DBSNMP if Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent is installed
- MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository
- SYSMAN is part of the DB Control Repository and Grid
- see Note:270516.1 for details
- TRACESVR if Enterprise Manager is installed
- AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ -- if Oracle Servlet Engine (OSE) is installed
- MDSYS if Oracle Spatial option is installed
- MDDATA if Oracle Spatial option is installed
- ORDSYS if interMedia Audio option is installed
- ORDPLUGINS if interMedia Audio option is installed
- SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA if interMedia option is installed
- CTXSYS if Oracle Text option is installed
- WKSYS if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed
- WKUSER (9i)/WK_TEST (10g) if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed
- REPADMIN if Replication Option is installed
- LBACSYS if Oracle Label Security option is installed
- DVF if Oracle Database Vault option is installed
- DVSYS if Oracle Database Vault option is installed
- ODM if Oracle Data Mining option is installed
- ODM_MTR idem
- DMSYS (10g) if Oracle Data Mining 10g option is installed
- DMSYS in 10g version to replace ODM and ODM_MTR schemas
- OLAPSYS if OLAP option is installed
- WMSYS if Oracle Workspace Manager script owmctab.plb is
- executed.
- ANONYMOUS if catqm.sql catalog script for SQL XML management
- XDB is executed
- EXFSYS is the Expression Filter Feature repository
- DIP for provisioning event processing
- TSMSYS Transparent Session Migration
- Oracle9i Sample Schemas if you need to test through a complete sample
- system of information (see note 207560.1)
- Note
- ~~~~
- If you have already the 9i sample schemas (hr, oe, pm, etc.) and you don't need
- them, you can removed them safely and without damage to the database.
- a. The SCOTT user is created by default to provide sample user tables. You can
- alter the password. To create the default tables, run the script
- $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql. To drop the objects, run
- $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demodrop.sql connected as SCOTT.
- b. The OUTLN (OUTLiNes) user is automatically created during installation of
- Oracle8i and Oracle9i. OULTN is the schema of Stored Outlines.
- The package OUTLN_PKG is used to manage stored outlines and categories.
- OUTLN is the owner of tables OL$, OL$HINTS (Oracle8i) as well as OL$NODES
- (Oracle9i) used to store hints for stored outlines.
- You can change the password for the OUTLN schema just as for the SYS and SYSTEM
- schemas.
- b. The DBSNMP user can be dropped by running the catnsnmp.sql script. If you
- need to re-create it, run the catsnmp.sql script. Ensure that there are no
- jobs running or scheduled in Oracle Enterprise Manager before you run the
- script.
- MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository, it is created by running
- the script $OH/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager, the password is
- autogenerated (it does not have a fixed or default value).
- SYSMAN belongs to the same feature ( see Note:270516.1 for details):
- it is the schema of the Grid OMS repository of the 10G Enterprise Manager Grid.
- c. The TRACESVR user is created by $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin/otrcsvr.sql during
- the installation of OEM.
- If you change TRACESVR user's password, you will not be able to do OTrace
- collections. This user is only used with 7.x Databases where stored procedures
- are used by OTrace to start and stop data collections. The TRACESVR/stored
- procedure mechanism is no longer used to control OTrace collections starting
- with Oracle 8.x Databases. Therefore in this case you can change the password
- (or drop that user).
- OSE$HTTP$ADMIN) are used internally by Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA Tools
- and created with randomly-generated passwords 'INVALID_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD'.
- -> jisorb.sql creates user AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED.
- -> jisbgn.sql creates user AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$
- -> jishausr.sql creates user OSE$HTTP$ADMIN
- These 3 scripts are launched by init_jis.sql script to install the Oracle
- Servlet Engine (OSE)
- Changing their passwords would prevent the ORB from working.
- This is supposed to change in a future version so that you can change their
- password.
- to support Oracle Intermedia.
- The default password for the ORDSYS and SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA users during
- automatic installation is 'ORDSYS', and for ORDPLUGINS is 'ORDPLUGINS'.
- The schema MDDATA is used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router
- data Geocoding is the process of converting tables of address data into
- standardized address, location, and possibly other data.
- f. WKSYS is a privileged Oracle user who owns the Ultra Search data dictionary
- and internal objects. Ultra Search uses the WKSYS user for storing Ultra
- Search packages and metadata. WKUSER (9i)/WK_TEST (10g) is a test user.
- g. REPADMIN user: it is usual to have a separate user for the replication
- administrator to protect master groups from being managed by snapshot
- administrators.
- This user configures the replicated environment and performs administration
- of all replicated schemas / groups.
- h. LBACSYS user: the Oracle Label Security administrator username.
- i. DVSYS schema stores the database objects needed to process Oracle data for
- Oracle Database Vault. This schema contains the roles, views, accounts,
- functions, and other database objects that Oracle Database Vault uses.
- j. The DVF schema contains public functions to retrieve (at run time) the
- factor values set in the Oracle Database Vault access control configuration.
- k. ODM user: who performs data mining operations.
- In 10g, a user can be created with a chosen name.
- l. ODM_MTR user: the account associated with the data repository for data
- mining sample programs.
- In 10g, DMSYS is the schema for the data repository.
- m. OLAPSYS user: identity used to create OLAP metadata structures.
- n. WMSYS user: used to store all the metadata information for Oracle Workspace
- Manager.
- o. ANONYMOUS user: allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB.
- p. XDB user: Used for storing Oracle XML DB data and metadata.
- q. EXFSYS is the Expression Filter Feature repository (see Note:258618.1):
- the user is created with the script exfsys.sql that asks for a password.
- r. DIP is created in rdbms/admin/catdip.sql (password is DIP): for provisioning
- event processing
- s. TSMSYS is created in rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql for Transparent Session Migration
- t. The Oracle9i Sample Schemas provides installed schemas meant to be used for
- demonstration purposes only:
- -> HR: Human Resources schema
- The Human Resources division tracks information on the company's
- employees and facilities.
- -> OE: Order Entry schema requires "Oracle Spatial" option.
- The Order Entry division tracks product inventories and sales of the
- company�s products through various channels.
- -> PM: Product Media schema requires "Oracle JVM" and "Oracle Intermedia"
- options.
- The Product Media division maintains descriptions and detailed
- information on each product sold by the company.
- -> SH: Sales History schema requires "Oracle OLAP" set up.
- The Sales History division tracks business statistics to facilitate
- business decisions.
- -> QS: Queued Shipping schema
- The Shipping division manages the shipping of products to customer.
- The sample company has decided to test the use of messaging to
- manage its proposed B2B applications.
- -> QS_ES (Eastern Shipping)
- -> QS_WS (Western Shipping)
- -> QS_OS (Overseas Shipping)
- -> QS_CB (Customer Billing)
- -> QS_CS (Customer Service)
- -> QS_ADM (Administration)
- -> QS_CBADM (Customer Billing Administration)
- If any of the user accounts is locked and expired upon installation and needs to
- be activated, unlock and assign a new meaningful password to that user account:
- Passwords and Referenced Files List
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Username | Description | Default Password | Created or Referenced |Comments
- | | | in $ORACLE_HOME/ files |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- | | | |
- CTXSYS | Intermedia Text schema | CTXSYS |./ctx/admin/dr0csys.sql |change
- | | |./bin/ctxsrv -user ctxsys/* |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- DBSNMP | Intelligent Agent user | DBSNMP |./rdbms/admin/catsnmp.sql |change
- | | |./bin/dbsnmp |
- | | |./network/admin/snmp_rw.ora |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- MGMT_VIEW | DB Control Repository | autogenerated |./sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager|
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- SYSMAN | DB Control Repository | asked | |See Note 259379.1
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- MDSYS | Spatial Data Option user| MDSYS |./md/admin/mdinst.sql |change
- | | |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |
- MDDATA | Spatial Data Option user| MDDATA |./md/admin/catmd.sql |lock
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- WKSYS | Ultra Search option user| WKSYS (admin) |./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|change
- WKUSER (9i) | Ultra Search option user| WKUSER (end-user)|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|
- WK_TEST (10g)| | WK_TEST (same) |./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- ODM | Oracle Data Mining | ODM |./dm/admin/dmcrt.sql |change
- ODM_MTR | Oracle Data Mining | MTRPW |./dm/admin/dmcrt.sql |change
- DMSYS (10g) | Oracle Data Mining | DMSYS |./dm/admin/odmcrtm.sql |change
- any name | Oracle Data Mining | any pasword |./dm/admin/odmcrt.sql |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- ORDPLUGINS | InterMedia Audio option | ORDPLUGINS |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |change
- ORDSYS | InterMedia Audio option | ORDSYS |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |change
- SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA |InterMedia option | SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA | ./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |lock
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- OUTLN | Stored Outlines | OUTLN |./rdbms/admin/c0703040.sql |lock
- | | |./rdbms/admin/c0800050.sql |
- | | |./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- PERFSTAT | STATSPACK Repository | PERFSTAT |./rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql |change
- | | |(./rdbms/admin/spcusr.sql) |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- RMAN | RMAN catalog Owner | RMAN | manually |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- SCOTT | Demo user | TIGER |./rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql |*drop
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- WKPROXY | Ultraseach user | change_on_install|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|change
- WKSYS | Ultraseach user | change_on_install|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0install.sql| ""
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- WMSYS | Oracle Workspace Manager| wmsys |./rdbms/admin/owmctab.plb |lock
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- XDB | SQL XML management | change_on_install|./rdbms/admin/catqm.sql |lock
- ANONYMOUS | SQL XML management | values anonymous |./rdbms/admin/catqm.sql |lock
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- TRACESVR | Oracle Trace user | trace |./rdbms/admin/otrcsvr.sql |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- OAS_PUBLIC | Web Toolkit/Content | manager | See Note:99088.1 |change
- WEBSYS | Web Toolkit/Content | manager | See Note:99088.1 |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- REPADMIN | Replication user | managed by DBA |created manually by CREATE USER|
- | | |./ldap/admin/oidrsrms.sql |change
- | | |./ldap/admin/oidrsms.sql |
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED| OSE | random value |./javavm/install/jisorb.sql |lock
- AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ | OSE | random value |./javavm/install/jisbgn.sql |lock
- OSE$HTTP$ADMIN | OSE | random value |./javavm/install/jishausr.sql |lock
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- LBACSYS | Label Security | LBACSYS |./rdbms/admin/catlbacs.sql |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- DVSYS | Database Vault | DVSYS |./rdbms/admin/catmacs.sql |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- DVF | Database Vault | DVF |./rdbms/admin/catmacs.sql |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- SYS | Administrative | change_on_install|./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq |change
- SYSTEM | Administrative | manager |./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq |change
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+---------
- EXFSYS | Expression Filter Feature repository |asked|./rdbms/admin/exfsys.sql |locked
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- DIP | Provision event processing| DIP |./rdbms/admin/catdip.sql |locked
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- TSMSYS | Transparent Session Migration| TSMSYS |./rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql |locked
- ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
- * User SCOTT is for test purposes: drop it if of no use.
- Related Documents:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Note:227010.1 Script to check for Default Passwords being used for common
- usernames.
- Note:131752.1 Security Check List: Steps to Make Your Database Secure
- from Attacks
- Note:1071358.6 What is the OUTLN User?
- Note:98572.1 Script to create user OUTLN
- Note.206870.1 Security risk with catsnmp.sql launched by catproc.sql
- Note:120093.1 Initial steps required to a create Snapshot Replication
- environment v8.1
- Note:117434.1 Initial steps required to a create Multi Master Replication
- environment v8.1
- Note:99088.1 Manually create the Web Toolkit/Content Services
- Note:207560.1 Can the 9i Sample Schemas Be Safely Removed?
- Note:217135.1 Usernames which cannot be exported
- Note:270516.1 How To Change The SYSMAN Password Used For Grid Control
- Note:258618.1 How To Install and Uninstall Expression Filter Feature or
- EXFSYS schema
- Note:234712.1 Managing Schemas of the 9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2.x) Metadata
- Repository
- Note:329600.1 How To Completely Remove Intermedia, ORDSYS, ORDPLUGIN And
- MDSYS Schemas
- Note:263428.1 How to De-install Oracle Workspace Manager
- Note:232648.1 Ultra Search Frequently Asked Questions
- Note:472937.1 Information On Installed Database Components and Schemas
- Oracle9i Database Concepts
- Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide
- Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference
- Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide
- Oracle Ultra Search Online Documentation
- Oracle Label Security Administrator's Guide
- Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference
- Oracle9i Data Mining Administrator's Guide
- Oracle9i Data Mining Concepts
- Oracle9i OLAP User's Guide
- Oracle Text Reference
- Oracle� Database Vault Administrator's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2)
- Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle Database Vault
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