1. This document is no longer actively maintained, for info on specific (new) users in recent product editions, please check the relevant product/feature documentation.
  3. Purpose
  4. ~~~~~~~
  5. The following table lists the default usernames and passwords you may encounter
  6. in your database as a result of installing various additional
  7. --> products/components
  8. --> options
  9. --> new features of the version
  11. It provides references to
  12. --> which option or product should be installed to have it
  13. --> what script created it
  14. --> what it is used for
  15. --> suggestion to secure the account
  18. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. Database Administrators who need to export full databases, manage users and
  20. security.
  22. List Of Users Created at Database Creation
  23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. By default, are automatically created during database creation :
  26. SCOTT by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql
  27. OUTLN by script $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq
  29. Optionally:
  31. DBSNMP if Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent is installed
  32. MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository
  33. SYSMAN is part of the DB Control Repository and Grid
  34. see Note:270516.1 for details
  35. TRACESVR if Enterprise Manager is installed
  37. AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ -- if Oracle Servlet Engine (OSE) is installed
  39. MDSYS if Oracle Spatial option is installed
  40. MDDATA if Oracle Spatial option is installed
  41. ORDSYS if interMedia Audio option is installed
  42. ORDPLUGINS if interMedia Audio option is installed
  43. SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA if interMedia option is installed
  44. CTXSYS if Oracle Text option is installed
  45. WKSYS if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed
  46. WKUSER (9i)/WK_TEST (10g) if Oracle Ultra Search option is installed
  47. REPADMIN if Replication Option is installed
  48. LBACSYS if Oracle Label Security option is installed
  49. DVF if Oracle Database Vault option is installed
  50. DVSYS if Oracle Database Vault option is installed
  51. ODM if Oracle Data Mining option is installed
  52. ODM_MTR idem
  53. DMSYS (10g) if Oracle Data Mining 10g option is installed
  54. DMSYS in 10g version to replace ODM and ODM_MTR schemas
  55. OLAPSYS if OLAP option is installed
  56. WMSYS if Oracle Workspace Manager script owmctab.plb is
  57. executed.
  58. ANONYMOUS if catqm.sql catalog script for SQL XML management
  59. XDB is executed
  60. EXFSYS is the Expression Filter Feature repository
  61. DIP for provisioning event processing
  62. TSMSYS Transparent Session Migration
  64. Oracle9i Sample Schemas if you need to test through a complete sample
  65. system of information (see note 207560.1)
  67. Note
  68. ~~~~
  69. If you have already the 9i sample schemas (hr, oe, pm, etc.) and you don't need
  70. them, you can removed them safely and without damage to the database.
  72. a. The SCOTT user is created by default to provide sample user tables. You can
  73. alter the password. To create the default tables, run the script
  74. $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql. To drop the objects, run
  75. $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demodrop.sql connected as SCOTT.
  77. b. The OUTLN (OUTLiNes) user is automatically created during installation of
  78. Oracle8i and Oracle9i. OULTN is the schema of Stored Outlines.
  79. The package OUTLN_PKG is used to manage stored outlines and categories.
  80. OUTLN is the owner of tables OL$, OL$HINTS (Oracle8i) as well as OL$NODES
  81. (Oracle9i) used to store hints for stored outlines.
  82. You can change the password for the OUTLN schema just as for the SYS and SYSTEM
  83. schemas.
  85. b. The DBSNMP user can be dropped by running the catnsnmp.sql script. If you
  86. need to re-create it, run the catsnmp.sql script. Ensure that there are no
  87. jobs running or scheduled in Oracle Enterprise Manager before you run the
  88. script.
  90. MGMT_VIEW is part of the DB Control Repository, it is created by running
  91. the script $OH/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager, the password is
  92. autogenerated (it does not have a fixed or default value).
  94. SYSMAN belongs to the same feature ( see Note:270516.1 for details):
  95. it is the schema of the Grid OMS repository of the 10G Enterprise Manager Grid.
  97. c. The TRACESVR user is created by $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin/otrcsvr.sql during
  98. the installation of OEM.
  99. If you change TRACESVR user's password, you will not be able to do OTrace
  100. collections. This user is only used with 7.x Databases where stored procedures
  101. are used by OTrace to start and stop data collections. The TRACESVR/stored
  102. procedure mechanism is no longer used to control OTrace collections starting
  103. with Oracle 8.x Databases. Therefore in this case you can change the password
  104. (or drop that user).
  107. OSE$HTTP$ADMIN) are used internally by Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA Tools
  108. and created with randomly-generated passwords 'INVALID_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD'.
  110. -> jisorb.sql creates user AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED.
  111. -> jisbgn.sql creates user AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$
  112. -> jishausr.sql creates user OSE$HTTP$ADMIN
  113. These 3 scripts are launched by init_jis.sql script to install the Oracle
  114. Servlet Engine (OSE)
  116. Changing their passwords would prevent the ORB from working.
  117. This is supposed to change in a future version so that you can change their
  118. password.
  121. to support Oracle Intermedia.
  122. The default password for the ORDSYS and SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA users during
  123. automatic installation is 'ORDSYS', and for ORDPLUGINS is 'ORDPLUGINS'.
  124. The schema MDDATA is used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router
  125. data Geocoding is the process of converting tables of address data into
  126. standardized address, location, and possibly other data.
  128. f. WKSYS is a privileged Oracle user who owns the Ultra Search data dictionary
  129. and internal objects. Ultra Search uses the WKSYS user for storing Ultra
  130. Search packages and metadata. WKUSER (9i)/WK_TEST (10g) is a test user.
  132. g. REPADMIN user: it is usual to have a separate user for the replication
  133. administrator to protect master groups from being managed by snapshot
  134. administrators.
  135. This user configures the replicated environment and performs administration
  136. of all replicated schemas / groups.
  138. h. LBACSYS user: the Oracle Label Security administrator username.
  140. i. DVSYS schema stores the database objects needed to process Oracle data for
  141. Oracle Database Vault. This schema contains the roles, views, accounts,
  142. functions, and other database objects that Oracle Database Vault uses.
  144. j. The DVF schema contains public functions to retrieve (at run time) the
  145. factor values set in the Oracle Database Vault access control configuration.
  147. k. ODM user: who performs data mining operations.
  148. In 10g, a user can be created with a chosen name.
  150. l. ODM_MTR user: the account associated with the data repository for data
  151. mining sample programs.
  152. In 10g, DMSYS is the schema for the data repository.
  154. m. OLAPSYS user: identity used to create OLAP metadata structures.
  156. n. WMSYS user: used to store all the metadata information for Oracle Workspace
  157. Manager.
  159. o. ANONYMOUS user: allows HTTP access to Oracle XML DB.
  161. p. XDB user: Used for storing Oracle XML DB data and metadata.
  163. q. EXFSYS is the Expression Filter Feature repository (see Note:258618.1):
  164. the user is created with the script exfsys.sql that asks for a password.
  166. r. DIP is created in rdbms/admin/catdip.sql (password is DIP): for provisioning
  167. event processing
  169. s. TSMSYS is created in rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql for Transparent Session Migration
  171. t. The Oracle9i Sample Schemas provides installed schemas meant to be used for
  172. demonstration purposes only:
  173. -> HR: Human Resources schema
  174. The Human Resources division tracks information on the company's
  175. employees and facilities.
  176. -> OE: Order Entry schema requires "Oracle Spatial" option.
  177. The Order Entry division tracks product inventories and sales of the
  178. company�s products through various channels.
  179. -> PM: Product Media schema requires "Oracle JVM" and "Oracle Intermedia"
  180. options.
  181. The Product Media division maintains descriptions and detailed
  182. information on each product sold by the company.
  183. -> SH: Sales History schema requires "Oracle OLAP" set up.
  184. The Sales History division tracks business statistics to facilitate
  185. business decisions.
  186. -> QS: Queued Shipping schema
  187. The Shipping division manages the shipping of products to customer.
  188. The sample company has decided to test the use of messaging to
  189. manage its proposed B2B applications.
  190. -> QS_ES (Eastern Shipping)
  191. -> QS_WS (Western Shipping)
  192. -> QS_OS (Overseas Shipping)
  193. -> QS_CB (Customer Billing)
  194. -> QS_CS (Customer Service)
  195. -> QS_ADM (Administration)
  196. -> QS_CBADM (Customer Billing Administration)
  198. If any of the user accounts is locked and expired upon installation and needs to
  199. be activated, unlock and assign a new meaningful password to that user account:
  201. SQL> ALTER USER "schema_name" IDENTIFIED BY "newpass" ACCOUNT UNLOCK;
  203. Passwords and Referenced Files List
  204. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  206. Username | Description | Default Password | Created or Referenced |Comments
  207. | | | in $ORACLE_HOME/ files |
  208. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  209. | | | |
  210. CTXSYS | Intermedia Text schema | CTXSYS |./ctx/admin/dr0csys.sql |change
  211. | | |./bin/ctxsrv -user ctxsys/* |
  212. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  213. DBSNMP | Intelligent Agent user | DBSNMP |./rdbms/admin/catsnmp.sql |change
  214. | | |./bin/dbsnmp |
  215. | | |./network/admin/snmp_rw.ora |
  216. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  217. MGMT_VIEW | DB Control Repository | autogenerated |./sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager|
  218. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  219. SYSMAN | DB Control Repository | asked | |See Note 259379.1
  220. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  221. MDSYS | Spatial Data Option user| MDSYS |./md/admin/mdinst.sql |change
  222. | | |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |
  223. MDDATA | Spatial Data Option user| MDDATA |./md/admin/catmd.sql |lock
  224. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  225. WKSYS | Ultra Search option user| WKSYS (admin) |./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|change
  226. WKUSER (9i) | Ultra Search option user| WKUSER (end-user)|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|
  227. WK_TEST (10g)| | WK_TEST (same) |./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|
  228. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  229. ODM | Oracle Data Mining | ODM |./dm/admin/dmcrt.sql |change
  230. ODM_MTR | Oracle Data Mining | MTRPW |./dm/admin/dmcrt.sql |change
  231. DMSYS (10g) | Oracle Data Mining | DMSYS |./dm/admin/odmcrtm.sql |change
  232. any name | Oracle Data Mining | any pasword |./dm/admin/odmcrt.sql |
  233. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  234. ORDPLUGINS | InterMedia Audio option | ORDPLUGINS |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |change
  235. ORDSYS | InterMedia Audio option | ORDSYS |./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |change
  236. SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA |InterMedia option | SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA | ./ord/admin/ordisysc.sql |lock
  237. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  238. OUTLN | Stored Outlines | OUTLN |./rdbms/admin/c0703040.sql |lock
  239. | | |./rdbms/admin/c0800050.sql |
  240. | | |./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq |
  241. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  242. PERFSTAT | STATSPACK Repository | PERFSTAT |./rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql |change
  243. | | |(./rdbms/admin/spcusr.sql) |
  244. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  245. RMAN | RMAN catalog Owner | RMAN | manually |change
  246. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  247. SCOTT | Demo user | TIGER |./rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql |*drop
  248. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  249. WKPROXY | Ultraseach user | change_on_install|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0csys.sql|change
  250. WKSYS | Ultraseach user | change_on_install|./ultrasearch/admin/wk0install.sql| ""
  251. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  252. WMSYS | Oracle Workspace Manager| wmsys |./rdbms/admin/owmctab.plb |lock
  253. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  254. XDB | SQL XML management | change_on_install|./rdbms/admin/catqm.sql |lock
  255. ANONYMOUS | SQL XML management | values anonymous |./rdbms/admin/catqm.sql |lock
  256. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  257. TRACESVR | Oracle Trace user | trace |./rdbms/admin/otrcsvr.sql |change
  258. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  259. OAS_PUBLIC | Web Toolkit/Content | manager | See Note:99088.1 |change
  260. WEBSYS | Web Toolkit/Content | manager | See Note:99088.1 |change
  261. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  262. REPADMIN | Replication user | managed by DBA |created manually by CREATE USER|
  263. | | |./ldap/admin/oidrsrms.sql |change
  264. | | |./ldap/admin/oidrsms.sql |
  265. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  266. AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED| OSE | random value |./javavm/install/jisorb.sql |lock
  267. AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$ | OSE | random value |./javavm/install/jisbgn.sql |lock
  268. OSE$HTTP$ADMIN | OSE | random value |./javavm/install/jishausr.sql |lock
  269. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  270. LBACSYS | Label Security | LBACSYS |./rdbms/admin/catlbacs.sql |change
  271. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  272. DVSYS | Database Vault | DVSYS |./rdbms/admin/catmacs.sql |change
  273. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  274. DVF | Database Vault | DVF |./rdbms/admin/catmacs.sql |change
  275. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  276. SYS | Administrative | change_on_install|./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq |change
  277. SYSTEM | Administrative | manager |./rdbms/admin/sql.bsq |change
  278. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+---------
  279. EXFSYS | Expression Filter Feature repository |asked|./rdbms/admin/exfsys.sql |locked
  280. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  281. DIP | Provision event processing| DIP |./rdbms/admin/catdip.sql |locked
  282. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  283. TSMSYS | Transparent Session Migration| TSMSYS |./rdbms/admin/cattsm.sql |locked
  284. ------------+-------------------------+------------------+-------------------------------+--------
  286. * User SCOTT is for test purposes: drop it if of no use.
  288. Related Documents:
  289. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  290. Note:227010.1 Script to check for Default Passwords being used for common
  291. usernames.
  292. Note:131752.1 Security Check List: Steps to Make Your Database Secure
  293. from Attacks
  294. Note:1071358.6 What is the OUTLN User?
  295. Note:98572.1 Script to create user OUTLN
  296. Note:1060420.6 ORACLE_8 NEW ROLE SNMPAGENT
  297. Note.206870.1 Security risk with catsnmp.sql launched by catproc.sql
  299. Note:120093.1 Initial steps required to a create Snapshot Replication
  300. environment v8.1
  301. Note:117434.1 Initial steps required to a create Multi Master Replication
  302. environment v8.1
  303. Note:99088.1 Manually create the Web Toolkit/Content Services
  304. Note:207560.1 Can the 9i Sample Schemas Be Safely Removed?
  305. Note:217135.1 Usernames which cannot be exported
  306. Note:270516.1 How To Change The SYSMAN Password Used For Grid Control
  307. Note:258618.1 How To Install and Uninstall Expression Filter Feature or
  308. EXFSYS schema
  309. Note:234712.1 Managing Schemas of the 9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2.x) Metadata
  310. Repository
  311. Note:329600.1 How To Completely Remove Intermedia, ORDSYS, ORDPLUGIN And
  312. MDSYS Schemas
  313. Note:263428.1 How to De-install Oracle Workspace Manager
  314. Note:232648.1 Ultra Search Frequently Asked Questions
  315. Note:472937.1 Information On Installed Database Components and Schemas
  317. Oracle9i Database Concepts
  318. Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide
  319. Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference
  320. Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide
  321. Oracle Ultra Search Online Documentation
  322. Oracle Label Security Administrator's Guide
  323. Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference
  324. Oracle9i Data Mining Administrator's Guide
  325. Oracle9i Data Mining Concepts
  326. Oracle9i OLAP User's Guide
  327. Oracle Text Reference
  328. Oracle� Database Vault Administrator's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2)
  329. Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle Database Vault

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