
  听说Pylearn2是个蛮适合搞深度学习的库,它建立在Theano之上,支持GPU(估计得以后工作才玩这个,现在木有这个硬件条件)运算,由DL大牛Bengio小组弄出来的,再加上Pylearn2里面已经集成了一部分常见的DL算法,本着很想读读这些算法的源码和细节这一想法,打算学习下Pylearn2的使用. 网上这方面的中文资料简直是太少了,虽然本博文没什么实质内容,但也写贴出来,说不定可以帮到一些初学者。

  从Bengio的一篇paper: Pylearn2: a machine learning research library可以看出,Pylearn2主要是针对机器学习开发者而设计的(说明使用该库的人需要有一定的机器学习背景知识),利用Pylearn2可以灵活设计自己的机器学习模型和算法,可扩展性较强(具体怎么弄??)。而根据Pylearn2库的特征(官网)上的介绍可知,在pylearn2里,有一些常见的数据模块、模型模块、训练算法模块。数据模块中有常见的MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, NORB等。DL模型模块包含:RBM系列,AutoEncoder系列,LCC, maxout等。训练算法模块主要是SGD系列。



  1. 在此之前还需安装Theano(python下进行符号运算的库,类似Numpy,但在多维矩阵处理上功能更强),安装Theano的方法请参考:Installing Theano(Bleeding-edge install instruction),里面有Ubuntu下安装的链接,按照里面的步骤一步步进行下去就行(期间遇到的各种问题多google吧!)。需要提一下的是,安装成功后,我们需要将Theano升级到开发版本Bleeding-edge下,因为后面的Pylearn2用到了开发版Theano的新特征。具体的升级方法参考网页中的Bleeding-edge install instructions小节。

  2. Pylearn2的安装可以参考博文pylearn2安装及测试(lucktroy的csdn博客)。主要有3步:

  a. 在想安装Pylearn2的目录下打开vim,输入命令:

  git clone git://github.com/lisa-lab/pylearn2.git

  b. 配置Pylearn2所用数据目录的环境变量(做一些标准实验时,可将数据放入该目录),即在vim里输入命令行:vim ~/.bashrc ,然后在打开的.bashrc文件最后一行加入语句:export PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH=YourPath/data 保存后退出。其中的YourPath为你想放入数据的目录全称。接着在vim里执行source ~/.vimrc命令

  c. 进入pylearn2目录(刚用git下载后会有该文件的),执行命令:python setup.py build.


  安装完Pylearn2后就想弄个sample爽一把,选的是GRBM算法例子,可参考官网的Quick-start example教程。这个例子中主要有3个步骤(如果实验过程中出现一些问题,可以参考下本博文的附录,看能否提供一些帮助):


  在YourPath/pylearn2/scripts/tutorials/grbm_smd/ 目录下执行下列命令:python make_dataset.py



  使用的命令(还是在原来的目录下)为:python ../../ train.py cifar_grbm_smd.yaml

  其中的cifar_grbm_smd.yaml文件是该实验的配置文件,需要配置数据,模型,算法3个模块的一些参数,yaml文件是我们与pylearn2打交道的文件,如果是使用常见的深度学习模型和常见的优化算法来做实验的话,则只需把配置好这个.yaml文件就可以了。这可以简化不少工作。下面来看看这个cifar_grbm_smd.yaml的代码及一些注释,关于yaml语法的简单介绍可参考:YAML for Pylearn2. 另外,如果想了解GRBM,则可参考网友博文:DeepLearning(深度学习)原理与实现(四),写得很不错。

# pylearn2 tutorial example: cifar_grbm_smd.yaml by Ian Goodfellow
# Read the README file before reading this file
# This is an example of yaml file, which is the main way that an experimenter
# interacts with pylearn2.
# A yaml file is very similar to a python dictionary, with a bit of extra
# syntax. # The !obj tag allows us to create a specific class of object. The text after
# the : indicates what class should be loaded. This is followed by a pair of
# braces containing the arguments to that class's __init__ method.
# Here, we allocate a Train object, which represents the main loop of the
# training script. The train script will run this loop repeatedly. Each time
# through the loop, the model is trained on data from a training dataset, then
# saved to file. !obj:pylearn2.train.Train {
# The !pkl tag is used to create an object from a pkl file. Here we retrieve
# the dataset made by make_dataset.py and use it as our training dataset.
dataset: !pkl: "cifar10_preprocessed_train.pkl", # Next we make the model to be trained. It is a Binary Gaussian RBM
model: !obj:pylearn2.models.rbm.GaussianBinaryRBM { # The RBM needs 192 visible units (its inputs are 8x8 patches with 3
# color channels)
nvis : 192, # We'll use 400 hidden units for this RBM. That's a small number but we
# want this example script to train quickly.
nhid : 400, # The elements of the weight matrices of the RBM will be drawn
# independently from U(-0.05, 0.05)
irange : 0.05, # There are many ways to parameterize a GRBM. Here we use a
# parameterization that makes the correspondence to denoising
# autoencoders more clear.
energy_function_class : !obj:pylearn2.energy_functions.rbm_energy.grbm_type_1 {}, # Some learning algorithms are capable of estimating the standard
# deviation of the visible units of a GRBM successfully, others are not
# and just fix the standard deviation to 1. We're going to show off
# and learn the standard deviation.
learn_sigma : True, # Learning works better if we provide a smart initialization for the
# parameters. Here we start sigma at .4 , which is about the same
# standard deviation as the training data. We start the biases on the
# hidden units at -2, which will make them have fairly sparse
# activations.
init_sigma : .4,
init_bias_hid : -2., # Some GRBM training algorithms can't handle the visible units being
# noisy and just use their mean for all computations. We will show off
# and not use that hack here.
mean_vis : False, # One hack we will make is we will scale back the gradient steps on the
# sigma parameter. This way we don't need to worry about sigma getting
# too small prematurely (if it gets too small too fast the learning
# signal gets weak).
sigma_lr_scale : 1e-3 }, # Next we need to specify the training algorithm that will be used to train
# the model. Here we use stochastic gradient descent. algorithm: !obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.sgd.SGD {
# The learning rate determines how big of steps the learning algorithm
# takes. Here we use fairly big steps initially because we have a
# learning rate adjustment scheme that will scale them down if
# necessary.
learning_rate : 1e-1, # Each gradient step will be based on this many examples
batch_size : 5, # We'll monitor our progress by looking at the first 20 batches of the
# training dataset. This is an estimate of the training error. To be
# really exhaustive, we could use the entire training set instead,
# or to avoid overfitting, we could use held out data instead.
monitoring_batches : 20, monitoring_dataset : !pkl: "cifar10_preprocessed_train.pkl", # Here we specify the objective function that stochastic gradient
# descent should minimize. In this case we use denoising score
# matching, which makes this RBM behave as a denoising autoencoder.
# See
# Pascal Vincent. "A Connection Between Score Matching and Denoising
# Auutoencoders." Neural Computation, 2011
# for details. cost : !obj:pylearn2.costs.ebm_estimation.SMD { # Denoising score matching uses a corruption process to transform
# the raw data. Here we use additive gaussian noise. corruptor : !obj:pylearn2.corruption.GaussianCorruptor {
stdev : 0.4
}, # We'll use the monitoring dataset to figure out when to stop training.
# In this case, we stop if there is less than a 1% decrease in the
# training error in the last epoch. You'll notice that the learned
# features are a bit noisy. If you'd like nice smooth features you can
# make this criterion stricter so that the model will train for longer.
# (setting N to 10 should make the weights prettier, but will make it
# run a lot longer) termination_criterion : !obj:pylearn2.termination_criteria.MonitorBased {
prop_decrease : 0.01,
N : 1,
}, # Let's throw a learning rate adjuster into the training algorithm.
# To do this we'll use an "extension," which is basically an event
# handler that can be registered with the Train object.
# This particular one is triggered on each epoch.
# It will shrink the learning rate if the objective goes up and increase
# the learning rate if the objective decreases too slowly. This makes
# our learning rate hyperparameter less important to get right.
# This is not a very mathematically principled approach, but it works
# well in practice.
extensions : [!obj:pylearn2.training_algorithms.sgd.MonitorBasedLRAdjuster {}],
#Finally, request that the model be saved after each epoch
save_freq : 1



#!/usr/bin/env python
Script implementing the logic for training pylearn2 models. This is intended to be a "driver" for most training experiments. A user
specifies an object hierarchy in a configuration file using a dictionary-like
syntax and this script takes care of the rest. For example configuration files that are consumable by this script, see pylearn2/scripts/train_example
__authors__ = "Ian Goodfellow"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2010-2012, Universite de Montreal"
__credits__ = ["Ian Goodfellow", "David Warde-Farley"]
__license__ = "3-clause BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Ian Goodfellow"
__email__ = "goodfeli@iro"
# Standard library imports
import argparse
import gc
import logging
import os # Third-party imports
import numpy as np # Local imports
from pylearn2.utils import serial
from pylearn2.utils.logger import (
CustomStreamHandler, CustomFormatter, restore_defaults
) class FeatureDump(object):
def __init__(self, encoder, dataset, path, batch_size=None, topo=False):
self.encoder = encoder
self.dataset = dataset
self.path = path
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.topo = topo def main_loop(self):
if self.batch_size is None:
if self.topo:
data = self.dataset.get_topological_view()
data = self.dataset.get_design_matrix()
output = self.encoder.perform(data)
myiterator = self.dataset.iterator(mode='sequential',
chunks = []
for data in myiterator:
output = np.concatenate(chunks)
np.save(self.path, output) def make_argument_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Launch an experiment from a YAML configuration file.",
) #parser是用来接收参数的
parser.add_argument('--level-name', '-L',
help='Display the log level (e.g. DEBUG, INFO) '
'for each logged message')
parser.add_argument('--timestamp', '-T',
help='Display human-readable timestamps for '
'each logged message')
parser.add_argument('--verbose-logging', '-V',
help='Display timestamp, log level and source '
'logger for every logged message '
'(implies -T).')
parser.add_argument('--debug', '-D',
help='Display any DEBUG-level log messages, '
'suppressed by default.')
parser.add_argument('config', action='store', #按照格式输入参数,比如这里的输入的参数会保存在config中
help='A YAML configuration file specifying the '
'training procedure')
return parser if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = make_argument_parser()
args = parser.parse_args() #读取传入进来的参数,这里是直接在命令行读取该文件,参数放入args.config中
train_obj = serial.load_train_file(args.config) #serial.load_train_file()函数最后返回的是:
          # return yaml_parse.load_path(args.config) 也就是说调用的是ymal_parse.load_path()函数。返回的是一个train类的对象。
          # 其中的ymal_parse是pylearn2.config中的函数。
return yaml_parse.load_path(config_file_path)
iter(train_obj) #iter()是个迭代器函数
iterable = True
except TypeError as e:
iterable = False # Undo our custom logging setup.
# Set up the root logger with a custom handler that logs stdout for INFO
# and DEBUG and stderr for WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
root_logger = logging.getLogger() #logging主要是python中用于处理日志的模块,这里是返回一个logger实例,由于没有指定name,所以是root logger
if args.verbose_logging:
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s "
handler = CustomStreamHandler(formatter=formatter)
if args.timestamp:
prefix = '%(asctime)s '
prefix = '' #这里为空
formatter = CustomFormatter(prefix=prefix, only_from='pylearn2')
handler = CustomStreamHandler(formatter=formatter)
root_logger.addHandler(handler) #给root_lgger添加handler来帮助处理日志
# Set the root logger level.
if args.debug:
root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) #给root_logger设置级别,为INFO级别,因为每个日志消息都会关联一个级别 if iterable: #enumerate()为对一个list或者array既要遍历索引又要遍历元素时使用
for number, subobj in enumerate(iter(train_obj)):#train_obj里面装的是ymal文件内容,类似字典
# Publish a variable indicating the training phase.
phase_variable = 'PYLEARN2_TRAIN_PHASE'
phase_value = 'phase%d' % (number + 1)
os.environ[phase_variable] = phase_value
os.putenv(phase_variable, phase_value) # Execute this training phase.
subobj.main_loop() # Clean up, in case there's a lot of memory used that's
# necessary for the next phase.
del subobj
train_obj.main_loop() #因为train_obj中已经包含了数据,模型,算法,所以调用main_loop()后表示采用对应算法用对应数据在对应的模型上训练

  其中最核心的就是main_loop()函数了,在调用main_loop()后,程序会自动用algorithm对象使用model对象在data上来训练参数了。至于具体该函数是怎样将data, model, algorithm联系起来的呢?我们可以试着去读一下源码:

  首先是由train_obj.main_loop()函数将data, model, algorithm联系起来的。从名字train_obj可以看出它是一个某个类的对象,猜测应该是Pylearn2下的Train类对象,因为在库Pylearn2的子目录下有个model为train.py,该文件有个Train类,并且这个Train类有一个方法:main_loop()。看来一切符合猜测,那么是否真是的呢?

  首先来看看train_obj从哪里来的(因为main_loop()是由train_obj来调用的)。由上面的程序可知:train_obj = serial.load_train_file(args.config), 需要跟踪serial, 找到serial.load_train_file()的源代码,最后一句为:return yaml_parse.load_path(args.config). 继续跟踪发现load_path()函数里面调用了load()函数,而里面最调用的是yaml.load()函数,由源码中的注释可知它是将.yaml配置文件转换成一个graph, 而这个graph应该就是一个Train对象...


    def main_loop(self):
Repeatedly runs an epoch of the training algorithm, runs any
epoch-level callbacks, and saves the model.
if self.algorithm is None:
self.model.monitor = Monitor.get_monitor(self.model)
while True:
rval = self.model.train_all(dataset=self.dataset)
if rval is not None:
raise ValueError("Model.train_all should not return anything. Use Model.continue_learning to control whether learning continues.")
if self.save_freq > 0 and self.model.monitor.epochs_seen % self.save_freq == 0:
continue_learning = self.model.continue_learning()
assert continue_learning in [True, False, 0, 1]
if not continue_learning:
self.algorithm.setup(model=self.model, dataset=self.dataset) #这一句将data,model, dataset联系起来了
self.setup_extensions() #和.yaml文件中的extensions项联系起来了
if not hasattr(self.model, 'monitor'):
# TODO: is this really necessary? I just put this error here
# to prevent an AttributeError later, but I think we could
# rewrite to avoid the AttributeError
raise RuntimeError("The algorithm is responsible for setting"
" up the Monitor, but failed to.")
if len(self.model.monitor._datasets)>0:
# This monitoring channel keeps track of a shared variable,
# which does not need inputs nor data.
data_specs=(NullSpace(), ''),
while True: #循环中,直到满足终止条件
with log_timing(log, None, final_msg='Time this epoch:',
rval = self.algorithm.train(dataset=self.dataset) #算法训练的核心函数
if rval is not None:
raise ValueError("TrainingAlgorithm.train should not return anything. Use TrainingAlgorithm.continue_learning to control whether learning continues.")
if self.save_freq > 0 and self.model.monitor._epochs_seen % self.save_freq == 0:
continue_learning = self.algorithm.continue_learning(self.model) #终止条件测试
assert continue_learning in [True, False, 0, 1]
if not continue_learning:
break self.model.monitor.training_succeeded = True if self.save_freq > 0:


  这部分就是看结果显示了,执行命令:python ../../show_weights.py cifar_grbm_smd.pkl 比如我这里执行后的结果显示如下:




  当使用Pylearn2中已有的一些DL模型,采用其中已有的一些优化算法来做实验时,我们只需要配置好实验的.yaml文件即可,调参过程就是不断更改.ymal中的配置。但是如果需要采用自己新提出来的DL模型,或者采用自己新提出的目标函数及优化方法,则还需要自己写出对应的类,具体这部分该怎么做(比如说怎样去实现这个类,接口怎样设计,.ymal文件需要更改哪些地方等),本人暂时没任何经验。希望懂这些的可以大家可贡献贡献下想法,交流交流下。网上有个教程是把Pylearn2当做通常的python库来用,实现了一个异或网络,很不错,见:Neural network example using Pylearn2.

  另外,分析Pylearn2的源码可知,每个algorithm中,必须有下面4个函数:__init(), setup(), train(),  continue_training(), 作用分别为构造函数, 根据model建立网络的结构,模型参数的训练,模型训练终止处理。model模块中,应该也有一些统一的函数。




  如果执行 python make_dataset.py后出现错误:

 raise IOError("permission error creating %s" % filepath) IOError: permission error creating cifar10_preprocessed_train.pkl


  sudo python make_dataset.py


  pylearn2.datasets.exc.NoDataPathError: You need to define your PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH environment variable. If you are using a computer at LISA, this should be set to /data/lisa/data.

  说明PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH环境变量没有设置,但是前面却是设置了啊!为什么呢?有可能是你设置环境变量时用的是root权限,而执行该命令只是普通用户。如果切换到root下再执行 root#:python make_dataset.py成功!生成了cifar10_preprocessed_train.pkl

  但是后面执行:../../train.py cifar_grbm_smd.yaml出现错误:ImportError: Could not import pylearn2.models but could import pylearn2. Original exception: No module named compat.python2x


  python make_dataset

  则成功生成了cifar10_preprocessed_train.pkl 可恶的是后续的../../train.py cifar_grbm_smd.yaml还是会出现刚刚的错误。



  如果在显示权值阶段,当执行下面命令后:sudo python ../../show_weights.py cifar_grbm_smd.pkl.可能会出现下面提示:

  You need to choose an image viewer program that pylearn2 should use. Then tell pylearn2 to usethat image viewer program by defining your PYLEARN2_VIEWER_COMMAND environment variable.You need to choose PYLEARN_VIEWER_COMMAND such that running ${PYLEARN2_VIEWER_COMMAND} image.png

in a command prompt on your machine will do the following:

-open an image viewer in a new process.

-not return until you have closed the image.

Acceptable commands include:


eog --new-instance

This is assuming that you have gwenview or a version of eog that supports --new-instance



  这说明pylearn2中没有指定图片显示的软件。首先安装gwenview软件:sudo apt-get Install gwenview.

  然后设置一下PYLEARN2_VIEWER_COMMAND环境变量。vim ~/.bashrc 在最后一行加入gwenview的安装目录,比如我按照默认的安装目录加入的为:

  export PYLEARN2_VIEWER_COMMAND=/usr/bin/gwenview

  保存好后执行source ~/.bashrc


Pylearn2: a machine learning research library


Installing Theano(Bleeding-edge install instruction)


Quick-start example


YAML for Pylearn2


Neural network example using Pylearn2.

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    对wp兴趣很大,可真正学习时,目的性就很不明确了,其实这有两大问题阻碍着,一是自身的基础还不够扎实,二是学习资料不好找,前者只能慢慢积累,而后者却是可以改变的,现在我的主阵营是channel 9上的w ...

  3. 多线程NSInvocationOperation(NSOperationQueue)的基本用法

        #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () @end @implementation ViewContr ...

  4. Main()

    P25 “每一个c#可执行文件都必须有一个入口——Main()方法” 我一直对这个Main()方法有一些疑问. 那就是这里头的参数. 在JAVA里,main(String args[])中的参数是绝对 ...

  5. Ubuntu之root权限的获取

    方案一: Ubuntu的root密码在没有设置之前是随机的,即在每一次开机的时候他的密码都不同,但是由于在安装Ubuntu的时候需要建立一个账户,而这个招呼又属于admin组,因此它可以对root进行 ...

  6. Python小爬虫练习

    # coding: utf-8 __author__ = 'zhangcx' from urllib3 import PoolManager import codecs import json cla ...

  7. Blend 2015 教程 (一) 基础

    微软公司在Visual Studio 2015产品套件中作出了许多革命性的变更,包括.NET开源,.NET服务器端部分跨平台,推出向个人和小团队免费的社区版,移动应用开发部分跨平台支持,商店应用支持C ...

  8. OAuth 2.0 授权原理

    出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/neutra/archive/2012/07/26/2609300.html 最近在做第三方接入的,初步定下使用OAuth2协议,花了些时间对OAu ...

  9. 再谈扩展方法,从string.IsNullOrEmpty()说起

    string.IsNullOrEmpty()这个方法算得上是.net中使用频率最高的方法之一.此方法是string的一个静态方法,类似的静态方法在string这个类中还有很多.那么这样的方法作为静态方 ...

  10. Java IO5:字符流

    字符流 字节流提供了处理任何类型输入/输出操作的功能(因为对于计算机而言,一切都是0和1,只需把数据以字节形式表示就够了),但它们不可以直接操作Unicode字符,因为上一篇文章写了,一个Unicod ...