
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
#import urllib
import urllib2 from xlwt import Workbook def getdata(keywords, line):
date = ''
if keywords in line: # 本行包含keywords
start = line.find('>',)
end = line.find('</', start)
data = line[start+1:end]
return data
return False def FetchDataByUrllib(checkUrl):
# add_sheet新增sheet,默认不能overwrite数据,必须显示指定可更改。
sheet=book.add_sheet('mySheet', cell_overwrite_ok=True) try:
checkFile = urllib2.urlopen(checkUrl)
except Exception, e: print e
return type = sys.getfilesystemencoding() i = 1
for line in checkFile:
# 根据网页编码格式来解码
line = line.decode("UTF-8").encode(type)
#line = line.decode("GBK").encode(type) # 逐行全部写入excel文件。
#i+=1 # 查找所需的特定数据,写入Excel文件。
targetStr = getdata('体育', line) # 包含'体育'的行
if targetStr != False:
i+=1 book.save('simple.xls')
print 'finish!' print '开始...' myUrl = 'http://www.sina.com.cn' FetchDataByUrllib(myUrl)



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